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Everything posted by USNRET

  1. Arsenic was removed from PT lumber years ago. On the other hand I just compared prices cedar vs. pine vs pressure treated HOLY crappola!
  2. U be right it was that @Edgar guy
  3. My HS sophomore daughter is required to be online for at least 5 minutes to be counted present for the class. Classes are scheduled to be 4 hrs/day 4 days/week so the teachers can prepare which is BS. Dad requires attendance for the entire class period and at the computer not the phone. My college freshman son's philosophy professor did a drop mic and quit, yes left A&M, in the middle of a virtual lecture this week.
  4. I used that line on an unfaithful girlfriend in the 70s.
  5. I suggest you do the math to see how many years it takes to make a difference. Mine was somewhere in the neighbor of 10 years or so if I waited until 70 so at 80 I would realize the benefit of waiting.
  6. I turn SS full retirement age (66) in May. I retired from the military after 23 yrs in '96. I will have 20 yrs at my present company in May as well but I was vested for their pension in 2005; slipped in before that was done away with. I have always wanted to do something like minor HT setup along the lines of hey, you don't get 5.1 surround using those L/R RCA cables and set simple gains with an old RatShack SPL meter. I can't remember how many co-workers I have encountered over the years that just were clueless about those things. Too old and slow witted to get into high end calibrations but the folks that get big box systems (BestB) probably don't know that need it or not willing to pay anything for it.
  7. The judge closed our beaches. Glad everyone is abiding by the mandate (one week after closure). You are allowed to exercise and walk your dog.

    Food Porn

    Allows me to carry on about my day and remain aware. So when you need to install a screw and you have a hammer and a screwdriver but you chose the hammer..why? I have the stuff why not use it?
  9. Ordered the Almanac and have been viewing some self watering SIP sub-irrigated raised planter videos.
  10. USNRET

    Food Porn

    Pork chops on the rectec
  11. USNRET

    Food Porn

    A bit o' brisket
  12. I have a brown thumb, that I know. Can you grow veggies in a raised wooden planter? Seems they are for sale. Plans for DIY? I have an acre of yard (maybe 1/2 or more in the back) but it is all sand and dogs / gophers / varmints. Segregate plants? Again I be stuupid. Reading the great googlie mooglie searches.
  13. I prefer that the entire world believes this that way no one moves here.
  14. I have a couple of ABnB condos ready for you here. Perhaps the owner (wife) would make a deal
  15. Ah, old Winchester. Met him first when he drove down to Atlanta to purchase some stuff from me. Next meet was at Cigar Bum's house when Richard came down from Tn. Good times but oh so long ago.
  16. Where is the IT specialist when needed>>>>breeding a goat?
  17. as does ALL of Houston; on par with, but not quite as bad, as Atlanta. I loath I-35 and go the back roads from down here to DFW / NE Tx.
  18. Yea, that horn thing as your avatar didn't point to that. My son was leaning that way, something pizzed him off and he became an Aggie. He had bought a pair of UT houseshoes at one point and left them here in his closet when he moved to College Station. As Dad I felt compelled to mail them to him hoping he would open his mail box while folks were around 🙂
  19. Wondered 'bout you; somehow figured more Austin to Dallas area. Why? I don't know. And BTW Katy is Houston to us not there.
  20. ~13 miles or so to the nearest beer across Red River. Now it's 8 miles to the nearest town to voted to go wet.
  21. I know it will drift and that's OK but I would really like to know general locations.......
  22. Sigh, frigging Coasty Cali dude. But that does not count as in you can read a frigging map in order to find Tx but can you navigate to find my crib for a beverage.
  23. You as well my friend. Still doing the work thing every day but due to med out folks I'm covering 4 day weekends way early to way late.
  24. Just curious without being too specific...we used to have a map years ago Born in Longview but left at an early age of months, raised on ranch land north of Paris and then Clarksville for Jr and Sr High Current: Corpus Christi Seems that most Texans stay in or return to Tx. What say you? I am ready for incoming comments as in BS.
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