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Everything posted by Youthman

  1. Thanks. That makes sense. I just wanted to make sure that I have everything hooked up properly and the best method for their setup. I just remembered that I will need to hook up the analog RCA for them to hear CD's.
  2. I would not think that it is your receiver if only one speaker has the scratching sound. Sounds like a speaker issue and just needs to be replaced. If it is under warranty, should be an easy fix.
  3. My dad called to tell me that they bought a Toshiba HD DVD player today and a new TV for their bedroom. He moved his current DVD player to the bedroom and has that connected fine. He wants to connect his HD-A2KU to his Sony Wega KDFE42A10 HDTV. His receiver is an older Onkyo TX-DS656 that does not have HDMI. I'm thinking of hooking the audio up via Toslink (fiber optic) and the video up via HDMI. I'm new to HD and HDMI but am learning so I have a few questions regarding the hookup. 1. Since his receiver is only Dolby Digital, if he has a HD movie, will it play as DD or will he have to select some pro-logic or stereo sound in order to get sound? 2. Will this cable from Monoprice.com work with this setup? Too bad he cannot take advantage of the 1.3 to send the uncompressed audio to his receiver. 3. Is it correct that since the Onkyo does not have a DTS decoder and the Toshiba does not have Multi-Channel Outputs, the Receiver will not be able to process DTS? Any other recommended options for hooking this up to acheive the best possible sound and video with their current equipment? Below shows the rear of the Toshiba.
  4. Very nice setup. I'm working on a similar setup myself. Any brand speaker (including Klipsch) can fail or even blow (busted). Can you better describe the "funky sound" you are hearing? Is it popping, scratching, hissing etc? When do you hear this sound? Is it constant, intermittent, during movies etc. This might help in the troubleshooting.
  5. You have a great setup. We are excited with you and hope that you will post pics once you get everything setup. I'm glad to hear that you liked the RS over the RB. I really enjoyed my Bipole/Dipole Polks when I had them. I'm still undecided whether I will go with RB or RS.
  6. I'll talk to the builder about splaying the walls. I have heard of that before. Wouldn't that make the back side of the house "crooked" or at an angle since the walls will not be parallel to the rest of the house? I mentioned to the builder I wanted to do staggered studs but that's all that we talked about so far so any ideas or documentation on isolation is more than welcome. I know my wife does not want to hear the theater room when she is trying to sleep. I told her that probably would not be possible. []
  7. Wow, that/s messed up. Hate to hear that Mud. Used stuff is not the problem...it's the seller that wasn't being truthful if it was not disclosed in their auction. Many of us prefer to do business with forum members whenever possible. It does not guarantee against being dupped, but it helps lower the risk of it if you purchase from someone that is active and has a good rep here in the forums.
  8. I'm just going by what most HT's look like. They are usually rectangular in shape. I'm open for suggestions.
  9. Thanks for the input Mas. I had contacted a local A/V Specialist and I sent him our floorplan and when he plugged the dimensions of the HT into his software, he said those dimensions would work out great. LOL. What's up with that? Why wouldn't they know about the dimensions being multiples of each other. I value your opinion so if it were you, what dimentions would you setup the room to be? I agree with the back row. I told him I was looking at 6 seats. He thought I could fit a few more than that but I would hate to have the rear seats that far back. As stated, the furniture is likely to change. Haven't decided whether to have 6 theater chairs or maybe some form of sectional so that it can serve as a sitting area, meeting room or theater room. I thought about the rack extending into another room. It cannot extend into the bathroom so that only leaves extending into the top left bedroom. Would have to move the closet to the top wall in order to make that happen. Thx for the suggestion.
  10. Here is the room layout (subject to change).
  11. We met again with the builder to go over the floor plan for our custom house that we will begin building in May. I need your help. Take a look at the attached floorplan. The top left is where the HT will be. I REALLY want to have rear access to the A/V rack but am unsure where to place it. I know that I do not want it in the front of the room due to the lights being distracting. That leaves the side or back wall. Would it be best to add a partial wall in the back of the room with a curtain leading into a narrow hallway type area to have rear access? I would prefer to have the A/V rack flush mounted. What about the dimensions 15' wide x 25' long x 10' high. Any problems there? Not sure if I will have theater chairs or a sectional type furniture so the layout of furniture might change. I value all of the wisdom from this forum. What would you do if it were your room to design? Speakers will be RF-83's, RC-64, RB-61's. Not set on receiver, amps, projector, screen yet. Working on one piece at a time. Stevens Main Floor Plan 4th Revision.pdf
  12. What happened with the KV-2 that you bought? I know at one time you were trying to decide between the KV-2 and a KV-3.
  13. I just came from Wal-mart. While there, I stopped by the electronics section. The Sony Blu Ray player was around $400.00. The Toshiba HD player was sitting beside it with a $150.00 price tag. Farewell HD. I'm just glad the war is over.
  14. This year, during the Parade of Homes, I visited a new custom built home with a dedicated theater room. It had all ceiling speakers. To be honest, there is something so not right about having sound come down from the front stage area. It doesn't seem natural sounding. I want the sound coming at me, not down on me. Just my 2 cents.
  15. He is referring to the wide dispersion RS-52's and the RS-62's for rear surrounds instead of the direct firing RB-51's and RB-61's. The RS series has two tweeters and two woofers as opposed to 1 tweeter and one woofer in the RB series. I was considering the RS series myself for the RF-83's but many here in the forums recommend direct firing rears (like the RB-61's) as opposed to the wide dispersion rears (RS-62's). The wide dispersion is somewhat similar to a dipole/bipole in the sound that it produces. They can be placed on the side walls or rear walls. Here is what Klipsch says about the wide dispersion: Klipsch Wide Dispersion Surround Technology™ (WDST) provides crystal-clear sonic detail even in listening areas with less than ideal configurations. The Tractrix Horns deliver a 90-degree wide by 60-degree high dispersion pattern. By aligning two horns at 90-degrees with respect to each other, WDST smoothly covers a 180-degree horizontal arc. In other words, the surround sound is pointed at you no matter where you are seated. To me, it is merely preference. Some people like to hear a more direct firing sound (directional) while others prefer to be enveloped by non-directional sound. Always the best thing is to try and hear both for yourself to see what your ear likes better because what you like is better than someone else's opinion. I would highly recommend the RC-62 over the RC-52. If money is not really that big of a factor between the 52 and the 62, I would always push for the larger center. As stated, the majority of information in a movie soundtrack comes through that center so you want it to be the best that you can afford.
  16. Another soul rescued from the pit of sellers regret.
  17. Thx for the comments on your 2700. Great idea to have a 2 channel amp for the mains. I was considering a 3 channel amp for up front and use the receiver to power the rest.
  18. On a side note, how do you like the Yamaha 2700? I will be getting the RF-83's and at one time was considering getting the 2700. Now I'm beginning to lean towards an HK with an external amp. Still deciding but wanted to get thoughts from an owner of the 2700.
  19. BLASPHEMY!!! With that kind of thinking, you only have three options: 1. Audio Counseling 2. Torture by being confined in a small dark room listening to a BOSE system. 3. Mail the RF-7's to me. As a friend of the forum, I will help you out by paying the shipping on them. In all seriousness, please reconsider what you are thinking. Trading RF-7's for inwalls? Who needs a "clean" HT room. I thought that was the purpose of having a dedicated theater room is so that the WAF is no longer a factor. That's what we are doing. My wife said when we build our house in May, she wants me to have a dedicated HT so that she will not have to see any speakers in the living room. Works for me. I'm not listening....Blah...Blah...Blah..... If you REALLY love your "children" you will not give them up for adoption.
  20. Have you looked at using a TV Mount? Some have used them with the RC-64 and RC-7 so it might work out nicely for the RC-35.
  21. Since no one has answered this I thought I would. On the back of your 347, you will notice at the bottom left, it says Pre-Out. The Pre-Outs allow you to send a signal to an external amp for any of the 7.1 channels. FL/FR is Front Left and Right, SL/SR is Surround Left and Right, SB would be Surround Back and so forth. On the back of an external amp, you have inputs. Let's say you bought an Acurus 200 x 3 amp, you would simply connect RCA from the Pre-Outs to the Amp, then speaker wire from the Amp to your three speakers. Some amps have RCA inputs, others have XLR and 1/4" inputs. I just tried an external amp for the first time and loved it. You can see my experience with a QSC 2 channel amp here. What a difference an external amp makes.
  22. Guess it depends on what would break your bank. The Acurus 200 x 3 is one of the least expensive options that I have seen that is said to match well with Klipsch. They have been going for around $400 on Ebay. How many channels do you need?
  23. I just received the Blue Man Group DVD. Sounds really good.
  24. Youthman

    Amp Vote

    Be sure to let us know if you decide to sell the amp. I'm sure someone would be glad to take good care of it for you.
  25. I have a chance to upgrade from my HK AVR 55 to the AVR 330. They are asking $90 for the 330. It has preouts and is 7.1 as opposed to my 5.1 and it offers DTS. I think I could sell mine for $75 - $100. What do you think?
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