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Posts posted by derrickdj1

  1. Your speakers are just fine and no need to do anything other than use them as intended.  Work on placement, which will affect the sound to a greater degree than breaking in speakers.

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  2. More important than a review, how does the sub sound in your room?  Does it integrate well with the HT, is the bass even in the  room?  These are just a few things to consider.  The room is 50% of the sound in a small HT.  Don't get caught up in the ported vs sealed subs.  If setup properly, that sub should serve you well.

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  3. Welcome to the forum.  It sounds like this system is mainly for movies or are you into 2 ch stereo?  This info will help with amp suggestions.  I use the Marantz NR 1200 for TV/2 Ch stereo.  I added an external amps not for more power but, with more of a focus on 2 ch. I use a low watt tube amp that is more than adequate for my speakers. The speakers are only 91.5 db sensitivity.  Most Klipsch's are more efficient and just don't need a whole lot of power.

  4. The answer you are looking for depends on the speakers.  Your speakers are rear ported, start the count from there.  Wow, this is not practical in many rooms.  I would bet, the majority of us make compromises in speaker placement. Some speakers are front ported to help with rear wall placement.  I have a pair of speaker that are front and bottom ported.  The bottom port does not behave well less than 20 in. from the wall. Front baffle center is over 2 ft. from the side wall.


    Proper setup may take months with tweaking.  Don't get hung up on getting things perfect off the bat. A bit  of experimentation and learning the room will help tune things in.  50% of what we here is the room.  That's why it may take a to bit of time dial into fidelity.  Getting loud is easy, fidelity...........

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