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Everything posted by Scrappydue

  1. R-28f is just Best Buy rebadged synergy line. Nothing really wrong with it. Just that a lot of people on this forum prefer the REAL reference line
  2. lol that's weird. They just got spec sheets all messed up looks like. I originally was was told the 396 was gonna have the same hf as the 325 and 904. Same b&c 3" titanium one.
  3. Yeah but half the wood, a grill, and a few metal inserts almost double the price of a kpt-325? Seems odd to me.
  4. I've heard a lot of good things about those speakers. Bill Hendrix text me about Those along time ago when they first came out. He said they were very nice speakers. I couldn't get over their price though. More than a 904. I know they use the same HF section. Must use a move expensive woofer and network possibly.
  5. Correct. The single time I heard la scalas I HATED THEM. They sounded like absolute crap to my ears. I'm thinking if was most likely room, and gear related. However it's all about what the owner likes. And my cinema sound great to my ears. Which I stated there. And also have heard from others that cinema stuff will trounce the heritage gear. Stated that right there also.
  6. Distortion ridden fuzzboxes lol!! You kill me sometimes Jason.
  7. I've never had them in my home. Never said i did. I've only heard la scalas once. Never even seen a khorn in person. Ever. HOWEVER take out your biased opinion of what YOU feel are the best speakers ever. LCR is still the BEST POSSIBLE SCENARIO in a home theater if space and everything is available for it.
  8. He always has something smart to say ever since he misread my comment about being one of the few that have full DIY theaters on this forum.
  9. Wanna take a drive down to Missouri? I'll sell you my cinema setup.
  10. Do you know how to have a conversation without getting all butt hurt and acting like a child? How old are you? I'm assuming quite a bit older than me, yet you always seem to have some childish crap to say. Kind of ridiculous.
  11. You asking if the cinema stuff is better for music? That's hard for me to say. Everyone has different hearing.
  12. About the only plus those models have over REAL reference is being front ported. Has about it. Not a fan of them at all. Whats your budget is usd??
  13. Quick search shows 450hz on new khorns. So can you 110% say with confidence that from 80hz-450 that khorns and la scalas sound EXACTLY the same? Cause I highly doubt they do.
  14. What does the mid horn cross at on the la scalas? What does it cross at on the khorn?
  15. Does a khorn sound identical to a la scala? If you set them side by side are they the exact same size? They are by definition the exact opposite of an LCR.
  16. Move your r-28f to surround duty and grab you a REAL set of reference towers. The RF-82ii to match with your center channel. Welcome to the forum
  17. exactly what I'm talking about. if we are talking music no sub different room, sure, get them khorns you always wanted. but for HT what you got is as good as it gets pretty much
  18. hey budman have you ever heard an LCR setup? if not maybe you can just do a quick google search of it and see why any big high end DEDICATED rooms get lcr speakers. like i said i dont care what you think you know, LCR is better for theater use. besides i dont need Khorns or la scalas. i have cinema series, and to my ears and MANY others who have heard them both, mine are superior. sorry
  19. Besides you posted one with a horizontal center. So Bose figured how to basically make the worst system ever invented even worse lol
  20. I'll hit on something that Not a single person has mentioned. LCR is king in home theater. Period. I don't care what anyone thinks they know. Three matching speakers across the front is the PERFECT front stage. PERFECT panning. PERFECT timbre. Need I say more? Get some khorns for 2 channel down the road. But stay on the LCR train. It's where it's at buddy.
  21. Yeah see the cherry in person and you will know why it's cheap looking. @willland maybe a pic of your cherry rsw-10d next to a rt-10d?
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