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  1. Yeah the la scala's are incredible speakers. To this day they are one of my favorite speakers I have owned from Klipsch. Sounds to me like you actually like them better than the K-horns?
  2. What do you mean stupidly selling your la scala's, did you sell them now you regret it?
  3. Yes you are very right about that and truthfully I really don't want to sell these I would rather wait until my wife and I get a house and use them but financially I could use the money right now. I guess if they sell they sell if they dont I will enjoy them.
  4. Lol my fault I completely forgot to put that in there.. Original post has been updated. I am asking 12k now please tell me guys if you think that's a a fair price. I know everyone on here is honest and I've met nothing but good people on here. I know them being a mismatched pair that will limit my interest like I mentioned but that does not affect how they sound or look. The only time that may affect them is if the buyer wanted to sell them down the line.
  5. Yeah they are definitely gorgeous, my wife says they look more like furniture than a speaker.
  6. I am considering selling my Klipschorn 70th anniversary speakers bought a couple years ago and have literally been sitting in storage for years. I would guess they have less than 10 hours of play time on them if I had to be honest. I bought them then immediately after ended up buying jubilees and storing these. They are 99% mint the only issue is when moving them I used a little hand truck and the lip of the truck got caught on the black baseboard at the front and kind of chipped it. Other than that they are 100% mint and look brand new. They are works of art and sound incredible. To be honest I doubt they are even fully broken in. There is one issue though that I have ran into trying to sell them in the past. They somehow got mixed up at the store I bought them from (onecall.com) and they sent me a mismatched serial number pair. Now they are only one number off but many people that were interested in buying had a big problem with that. Obviously that doesn't affect how they sound but I suppose it will affect resale value down the line if the buyer decided to sell them. I also do not have the boxes anymore as they were huge and I had to get rid of them. I am in the CT area and definitely do not want to ship these so local pick up or someone willing to travel would definitely be ideal. Asking 12,000 OBO Unfortunately the site has an extremely small size limit on photos so if anyone is interested I can send them through email or text.
  7. I know this is a very old thread but I am resurrecting it! I was very fortunate to be able to sell everything I had except for the K-horns! I sold everything to @tidmack it was a great experience and I hope he can chime in and tell me how he is enjoying his jubilee's and all the equipment he bought. I am now considering possibly letting go of the K-horns as well. Just kind of putting a feeler out to see if I have any interest. They are located in CT and I reallly don't want to go through the trouble of shipping them so I would like someone local or willing to travel @tidmack saw them so he can attest to the pristine shape they are in.
  8. I know the price is getting higher and higher every year. They are already significantly more than what I paid when I bought them new a couple years ago.
  9. Yes that is them! Thank you so much for that. I have been out of state as I stated I moved to Rhode island and havent been able to get any pictures. I never even thought to look at my old thread. Sorry to those of you that I haven't responded to. Truthfully parting with these things is harder than I thought. I am having doubts as to whether or not I should sell them or just store them until I can use them again.
  10. Long story short I recently moved in with my girlfriend and am thinking of downsizing. The place we got can't accomodate all the audio equipment I have. I am in the CT area I have a pair of Klipsch Jubilee's purchased from Cory Harrison mint condition with Xillica XP 2040 As well as Klipschorn 70th anniversary speakers. Those I actually have barely used. Bought them and didn't really like the way they sounded in my listening room so bought the Jubilees. The problem with the Khorns is the serial numbers don't match. The store I bought them from got confused and sent the wrong pair but they are only off by 1 number. I also have JTR orbital Shifters x2 and Emotiva XPA-7 amp and XMC-1 processor Prices are Jubilees 5k Khorns 8k JTR 2k each Emotiva XMC-1 $800 Emotiva XPA-7 Gen 3 1k Shipping on speakers would not be available buyer would need to be able to transport them but i will help move them out of the house. Pictures upon request.
  11. Check out the KI-396 SMA I am running it between two Jubilees and it's fantastic. It's got the same K-691 driver the Jubilee's use and it blends flawlessly. Don't forget to contact @MetropolisLakeOutfitters he's a great Klipsch dealer. http://www.klipsch.com/pro/permanent-installation
  12. Ya I know plus it's very risky moving them without damaging them.
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