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Dave A

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Everything posted by Dave A

  1. What steps will you take to demaster these? I have found some that behave funny and don't know what to do. Ran them through Audacity with clip fix and then nomalize but still they sound distorted.
  2. Most all wealthy people have experienced business failures. Where they end up is what really counts and not only is Trump a successful billionaire he also beat the pants off tons of frothing at the mouth opponents to become President. So pray tell by what standard is he a failure? No one on these forums is even remotely close to accomplishing a tiny fraction of what Trump has. Apparently many who have not succeeded like he has can tell him how and why he is a failure. About placing in college. Henry Ford quit school at 15 and it was not until he was hugely successful and much later in life that he attended further schooling. Bill Gates is a Harvard drop out with no degree except an honorary one given him many years later..
  3. Psychology Today says I am crazy so I don't know. Which one of my personas were you talking to anyway?
  4. Well here is the fallacy in that comment. Those Trump things did exist for better or worse and he had a hand in doing them and they were real business ventures. Went to a CAD design convention a while back in Chicago and there at the end of the street was TRUMP in big gold letters on a building of his. It was heart warming. Potemkin Village as you know was an artificial construct meant to mislead people and not something done with private capital meant to actually be a profit maker. Not everything Trump has done worked but the aggregate of what he has done is quite successful and that is the correct metric to judge by. How does that relate to something he did not do in another country?
  5. There was an interview with an Italian Doctor in the middle of all this. He said most of the elderly that died who also had other serious complications would have checked out because of those other complications very soon. This is why Pneumonia is such a killer of these people too. I would list those deaths as for instance heart failure from known coronary problems complicated with Wuhan virus resulting in death. To list Wuhan virus as the sole means of death is not quite honest.
  6. It is a peculiar mindset. I am right, I know I am right and I will condescendingly look down on others who I "know" will not give my opinions consideration while I completely ignore what THEY have to say. Potemkin Villages are their domain.
  7. He is my guy too and I wanted someone besides another career criminal politician in there. He is doing what he promised and that has a lot of SJW's really upset.
  8. Sometimes CNNLOL is amusing. Poor Tapper had to sit there and take it and even he was having a hard time keeping incredulity off his face. It is the Tapper Pelosi clip you are looking for. https://twitter.com/i/status/1254398302495420421 I wonder what Psychology Today would have to say about this. About that article. I did read it and the blatant bias and liberal slant is hysterical. Now if I was writing a psyops article for the flip side rather than start it off with red necks in the picture I would put 300 pound rainbow haired half shaved headed shrieking harridans or antifa types beating up old people. See how that works?
  9. OK did you try disproving what he said? I don't like what I read either but that is because I have no way to disprove what he said. Remember this bunch of snakes is a group that "never lets a crisis go to waste"
  10. Another. https://the-satoshi-times.com/2020/04/26/john-mcafee-nyc-death-rate-200-times-higher-than-the-worlds-10-largest-cities/?utm_source=whatfinger Now last time I looked DeBlasio was another DNC approved avowed socialist running the joint with a corrupt wife who has yet to be made accountable for the 1B$ just missing. https://www.redstate.com/slee/2019/03/05/bill-de-blasios-wife-case-missing-850-million-taxpayer-money/ And while on the same search page right below this one for major laughs there is this.... https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/bill-de-blasio-proud-marriage-lesbian-article-1.1217297 If you were a writer of fiction and wanted to present a dysfunctional group of grasping villains for your story all you would have to do is borrow the daily news from the woke and you would be 90% there.
  11. Precisely and how are we to know the death rate is higher when known liars are saying "no, believe us this time"!
  12. It's a mystery to me why so many snakes are allowed to remain. The more this goes on the more we can see how bad this deep state thing really is. Fauci is another career govt official who has been there way to long. Drain the swamp. https://newspunch.com/wikileaks-dr-fauci-sent-series-love-letters-hillary-clinton/
  13. Bob sells gaskets for the driver to horn connection and get some. Your old ones are hard as a rock by now.
  14. https://vidmax.com/video/195135-er-physician-drops-multiple-covid-19-bombshells-calls-out-fauci-in-public?utm_source=whatfinger Deliberately lie about the numbers to make things seem worse.
  15. That's nice Dean but on the same web site a year earlier we have "The overall burden of influenza for the 2017-2018 season was an estimated 45 million influenza illnesses, 21 million influenza-associated medical visits, 810,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 61,000 influenza-associated deaths (Table: Estimated Influenza Disease Burden, by Season — United States, 2010-11 through 2017-18 Influenza Seasons)." If you care to look you can find outraged people whose loved ones have died of things like heart attacks but they are being listed as Wuhan virus deaths. Question, if you have severe diabetes, congestive heart problems and are overweight and you are in a nursing home for these things in New York and the following happens. The RH is forced to take a Wuhan virus patient in because they are not allowed to refuse them. Now they also do not have any way to treat these patients with severe quarantine measures either because they used to send those people to hospitals who were equipped to do this. Now this person dies from Wuhan virus because any little thing could tip them over and for these people Wuhan is not a tiny thing. So Dave is putting on his question what you read hat and asking just how bogus are the numbers being collected when this person did not die from Wuhan but died from Cuomo inflicting a fatal disease upon him. 25% of the deaths in the hardest hit state in the USA are old folk places. They have another kook like Cuomo running Washington where there are also lots of old folk deaths and I wonder why. Death rate for Pneumonia is higher than Wuhan so there is that too.
  16. You got a real deal if they had original drivers on the mids. That was the one year you were pretty well guaranteed soldered lug drivers. I would much rather have those than any of the other versions and if you wish they make great Super heresy's. Have a pristine set from 1981 right now I will probably do that with. Heresy's around here are $500 and quickly up and mostly the MDF versions.
  17. forgot to include link. https://www.breitbart.com/health/2020/04/26/andrew-cuomo-under-fire-for-directive-requiring-nursing-homes-to-accept-coronavirus-patients/# Straight from Cuomo's State Govt who then whines about not having enough to take care of his people. A deliberate and callous and calculating choice made I think to cause further mayhem or at the very least incredibly stupid. https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2020/03/doh_covid19-_nhadmissionsreadmissions_-032520.pdf It says in part for those of you who wont look it up..... "No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission." Now this is the same Cuomo who a week ago or so was talking about g CNN anchor Fredo Cuomo, his Wuhan Virus infected brother, and stating he hoped Fredo had the sense to stay away from his elderly mother. So his mother should be protected but not ours. Who knows by the way if Fredo really is infected considering he gets paid to lie all the time.
  18. CDC has all kinds of flu info for those who really WANT to know.
  19. The choices on what to prepare for and with how much money are a problem. We know things will happen and there is a record of things happening but if it happens once every 100 or 200 years what then. The very worst earthquake hazard zone is not out west according to the Geological Survey people but the New Madrid fault. Preparation all up and down the fault line is pitiful and they only recently put restraining cables on bridge overpasses. Without looking into it I doubt highly that seismic refits and earthquake proof construction is mandated in most if not all this area. We know below sea level New Orleans will be drowned but do we make the city move or do those who live there be personally liable for damages to their own property and lives.
  20. Well here is another. Of course you wont read this on CNNLOL but read the whole thing including the link to the official NY document. Bonus is that the reporting does not take one sentence out and distort stuff but rather reports and documents. I think it is a deliberate choice to expose the elderly and run the numbers up because as Rahm Emanuel says never let a crisis go to waste. There is plenty of space for Wuhan infected elderly in hospitals in any area of this country so why would they force nursing homes to take Wuhan infected patients unless they are either incredibly stupid, which is possible I suppose, or have malice aforethought which is my choice. The people who freak out about Trumps "bleach" comment he did not say are why we have "Caution Hot" labels on hot coffee. They also apparently can become Governors of various states.
  21. A slippery path that started under Nixon and I remember well Doug Fraser being appointed ambassador to communist China. Patriot Act Bush, flood the country with illegals who won't assimilate and will suck up taxpayer money Obama, and most favored nation trading status for China Clinton are all cut from the same cloth and I knew when Bush passed the Patriot Act it was a betrayal. I don't reserve my contempt for any particular party although one is clearly far worse. I reserve it for the actions taken and you would love to see the scathing letters I have written to that corrupt idiot Bob Corker and that morally bankrupt clown Lamar Alexander. Sadly RINO's are like pro wrestlers. Act like they hate democrats and then ride off in the big Limo together after the match. I see all the Wuhan flu nonsense and I see political attacks and not people who want to be united as America because they want to tear down America. Just mindless never ending hate for one man who beat them all and the constitution that limits their grasping for total control.
  22. Chris I have a question. When I am working on speakers like La Scalas would the beveling of the slot the woofer is mounted to make a material difference? Would it have improved the S-MWM for instance?
  23. True that and notice that Einstein had that hair thing going on too. https://www.quora.com/Was-Einstein-considered-crazy-in-his-day?share=1
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