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Everything posted by mangofirst

  1. I prefer Steve Martin doing this:
  2. Oh the duality! Oh my, Fendi. Googled and found. *le sigh*
  3. Sean Connery on SNL Jeopardy! Also, I've never seen this album cover. Thanks!
  4. Dynamite stuff: however, the half-life of a thread that actually discusses even tube amplifiers is fairly short, Can't say what this subject will do. It's amazing what does pass for good conversation in some threads. The half-body panel is one that I remember from a science book from my early youth on "The Mind", and the subject of the page it was on was "schizophrenia". I've also seen that panel in many other contexts, but mostly having to do with mental or societal dysfunction. Jung was wrong about his pyramid of needs, but certainly more correct about everything else than Freud was. Freud had real hangups. Campbell was blamed by one of my ministers for "doing violence" to the particular theology of the church that I was attending (and a denomination that grew up in). It was cool because it gave me a good reason stay away from his sermons. Campbell is a favorite, for sure...and not just for that. Transformations of Myth, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, The Power of Myth--all excellent, IMHO, but in small dosages at a time. "Follow your bliss." I know that I do...every day. Life is too short to follow someone else's. Chris The Power of Myth is the only Campbell I have read. It was actually purchased by my former school to be taught to 10th graders. After reading it I was quite shocked because we live in the Bible belt. The first year I tried getting through the whole thing with them which, while it did lead to some great conversations about the hero archetype, rites of passage (and the modern lack thereof), etc., was exhausting. The next year I got some Kindles donated (by asking my friends on Facebook) and had them search for different key words. Then we started the conversations from there. It was much better on their wee brains to chunk it up.
  5. I always relate "Louie, Louie" to "Wooly Bully" and "Hang on Sloopy" but don't ask me why.
  6. Jung can't be that far removed from this forum; I've noticed quite a bit of argument here based at least in part on some of his theories as well as Joseph Campbell's.
  7. So I found this un-cited quote by Jung...still searching for a source. The master of the monstrous... the discoverer of the unconscious. -- Carl Gustav Jung, on Hieronymus Bosch
  8. I know, right!? I think the most surprising thing to me is the content of the entire thing versus the time period in which it was painted. Also, I'm more intrigued by the whole thing because so little is known about Bosch personally.
  9. How about: What most surprises you about the painting? I'm a broad who enjoys a good, broad question. Leaves the possible answers wiiiide open.
  10. Rather doesn't even begin to measure how interesting. I am floored by this painting every time I look at it! See something new each time. I really need to do a more in depth study of the Renaissance.
  11. Okay. It just didn't show up right when I went to preview it. I thought I could just type in the HTML codes here and it would work. Some do, like bold and italics...easy things. But I tried to define a link and it puked it up. Oh well, problem worked around.
  12. Someone posted a picture and mentioned that Rodney sculpts with water. When I was looking at the satellite imagery, it hit me that he truly does! He's the man for sure.
  13. Okay, last one. A real topographical map this time. **Disclaimer: this map is not representative of the topographical changes Rodney has personally made to the land **
  14. a pick would not help. more like a rail road spike...... are you the chick that was singing karaoke? Yeppers that's me :-) This is certainly an excellent idea. I would love to see younger kids involved with Klipsch. This may the perfect opportunity to bring new life to the plant in your area! help me figure out how to incorporate Klipsch into an English unit and it will happen. I've been brainstorming general ways to get them engaged in different careers. Maybe I could schedule a certain guest speaker for the classroom? *cough* Chief Bonehead *cough* You just moved up on the coolness meter. English is my favorite subject; but, don’t judge me based on my posts -- one doesn’t have to try hard around here. Now, please tell me that you teach your students to speak in a British accent.I am wary of every single post I make here with a resident writer like Mallette around. And one of my kids tried to use a British accent when he performed his monologue today...smhbefore you get whooping cough, all you have to do is ask. yesterday i had an acoustic class from henderson come to the lab and talk about speakers. so pick dates and i will see if i will be in town. that all you have to do chickie.Awesome and will do xoxo Hey hey. Watch the tongue!! Anything to sweeten the guest speaker deal
  15. Didn't know whether to post this here or in the pictures thread. I picked here, so if I'm wrong...Kevin mentioned posting a map image to show y'all the distance to Rodney's neighbor who heard "Thriller" at 5am. He's busy drilling people's teeth, so here ya go. I'll post a topo version shortly.
  16. okay so the title got my attention...now I'm just confused.
  17. Myself and a couple buddies wiped out my last bottle of OT's hot sauce.... it was the "Green Thai". We spent a couple days at the lake, and on Saturday I broke out the scotch. Started at around 7am, and by the afternoon we needed some of OT's sauce to add just the right amount of lake ambience. 2 cigars, a bottle of Macallan's fine oak, and a lunch break with a bottle of OT's Green Thai on some sardines and smoked oysters on saltines.....we were living the high life. Shortly after the snack, we polished off the last bit of a good bottle of scotch, and there was no doubt what we were going to do next. Sounds like good times. And that looks just like a place in Arkansas near Lake DeGray. Is that an old quarry?
  18. Sorry. I was being lazy.
  19. Is the firecracker the Orange one?
  20. I've really got to read some more Faulkner. As I Lay Dying was just not the best place to start.
  21. Also, can anyone tell me how to get smilies to work when posting from an iPad? If I try to use the iEmojis it gives me an error message, and I don't have the option even though I'm using the "full version" instead of mobile. :-(
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