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The Dude

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The Dude last won the day on February 6 2016

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About The Dude

  • Birthday 05/24/1982

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  • Interests
    Audio duh.
  • My System
    TV room, where we spend a lot of our time
    Sony Bravia KDL-40V3000
    Marantz SR5015
    Nvidia Shield for streaming Plex, Netflix, Sling, etc. No more cable.

    2 Channel rig in the study
    H.H. Scott 299
    Marantz tape deck (under construction)
    Dual 1019
    Klipsch Heresies

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Klipsch Ultra Fanatic

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Community Answers

  1. The Dude


    I agree, thank you to all who keep this alive. Hopefully we get a real notice if it is ever to go down permanently.
  2. And, depending on years, they could have the same tweeter and mid driver (note that i said mid driver, not horn). With that in mind, I think if you are willing to tri amp, you will get that Cornwall center pretty close, probably a lot better than the JBL.
  3. I've been wrapped up in a car audio project for the last month. Unfortunately it has delayed me to the point where I may have to revisit this later this year. Hopefully all of your projects are taking shape.
  4. The Dude

    What I Got Today!

    If you haven't held one in your hands, Id suggest you find one locally to see how you like it. I made the mistake of ordering one off line later to find that its a fairly larger body that I was used to. Still a beautiful sound, just kind of big to hold onto. I'm 6' 200 lbs for scale.
  5. Welcome, I would say your best bet would be to reach out to Klipsch tech/parts to see if you can procure a set from the 70th or 75th anniversary models. Good luck on your venture.
  6. That is the second pair I see being sold for half the MSRP within a year. Probably an anomaly as both sellers claim they are moving into a smaller house (I would think you would know that you are planning to downside a year prior, but i could be wrong). Just a topic I find interesting.
  7. Those are down the road from me. Im available this weekend if anyone wants me to go look.
  8. Uehling is northwest of Omaha, way north of lincoln. Still worth the drive if anyone is interested.
  9. Awesome! Welcome back, congratulations, and good luck. Hopefully we get pictures of the progress and finished product.
  10. Sorry you have to sell; those are some serious amps. 200 watts in 8 ohms all channels driven, operating in PP class AB them puppies are using every bit of that heat sink. That 1095 is almost taller than the Integra. GLWS.
  11. •Powerful AB+B class circuitry yields maximum efficiency with minimum crossover “notch” distortion. I believe this why they sound so good. For a more HT friendly application, the HCA line from Parasound are pretty close to sound (at least to my ears), with added 12 volt trigger.
  12. Weighing in at 88 lbs, I purposely ran a 30 amp service to my audio closet for one of these. I'm sure there are probably modern day amps that are more efficient with less power requirements. But how cool would it be to tell people you have a dedicated 30 amp circuit for your power amp?
  13. Me personally, if I had the funds for the new AL6s, id find away to get the amps, even if the amps were lower cost/wattage (there are 6 channel amps from Parasound that can be had for less than $1000). But I get the idea of not breaking the bank to just make something happen. That being said, I'd opt to get the the AL5s, save for the amps and upgrade kit.
  14. Never met him in person, but I always appreciated his advise and wisdom when it came to this hobby. He guided me to my first set of Klipshorn Bass Bins. His creation were always intriguing. He is missed greatly.
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