I am running my K402MEHs cabinetless (I went back to cabinetless to see if I could get the nice spacious mid and bass and it is def more to my liking...especially since I have a sealed f20 horn sub for each channel) and up until recently with Icepower 50asx2btl and 125asx2btl monos. I decided to try out a pair of the Fosi v3 monoblocks (pair of 10amp power bricks) since they are the rave of the internet for a budget mono amp.
I got my first pair in about a month ago and disconnected the Icepower 50asx2btl monos and in with the Fosi V3 (10amp powerbricks), and initially listened and noticed, no horn hiss, more clarity from 500hz up (crossed over at 500hz). They do run hot...so I purchased some heatsinks off of Aliexpress and now they are almost cool to the touch. Since they sounded so good and reviewers say they are excellent on the bottom end too... I decided to order another pair, but this time get the 5amp power bricks (I figured the woofers need the 10amp powerbricks more than the Celextion axi2050 compression drivers). When the new pair arrived, I swapped the inputs and outputs so the new amps with the 5amp powerbricks were on the compression drivers and the woofers were on the 1st pair of v3 monoblocks with 10amp power supplies.
Initial impressions are exactly what I expected...same tonality top to bottom (with the icepowers the tonality on the bottom did not match the Fosi v3 top end and was severely lacking in tonality and clarity), now I have excellent clarity from 80hz to 20khz. In addition it made for a better match for my f20 horn subs!
I had wondered if the hype was true, and figured 10 year old class D amps compared to the new ones...might be what I needed, and it definitely was.