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    Sansui 5000x, Decware UFO2, Rega P3, Schitt Mani 2, Topping DAC with CCA, Heresy IV's

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  1. I bought a used Decware UFO 2.1 on the used market while I wait for a UFO 25th anniversary, and the CSP325 anniversary preamp. Love this sound through my Heresy IV's. Perfect for my listening space without a sub. I have debated whether I should swap the UFO for the Sarah 300b, but Steve's design allows for him as you said, apparently even more so with the 300b. Not something I would want to wrestle with given the Klipsch efficient and sensitivity. I can hear a faint hum with the Heresy's, but not from my listening spot so good by me.
  2. These are close. Now I wish I had the space and the cash... 😞
  3. Damnit.... Why can't guys like this live in NY?
  4. All this post has taught me is that I need to find new friends 😂 Those look amazing!
  5. I'm obsessed lately with Casualties of Cool with Devin Townsend. Such an interesting album with amazing textures.
  6. I am on the wait-list for a UFO25 and the CSP325 preamp. I am on page 11 so I have plenty of time to wait. In the interim, I found a used UFO2.1 and purchased from a Decware forum member without too much trouble if I'm being honest. I have it hooked up to Heresy IV's and just like ned says on his reply before, I haven't found the upper end yet. It's a great amp, I love the sound, and can't wait for the 25th anniversary upgrade when my number comes up. A lot of people spend time complaining about Decware on various boards across the internet. There are a lot of choices out there. If it bothers you that much, don't buy one. Plain and simple. (This isn't a response to call anyone out on here.... Just putting in my 2 cents)
  7. I'll put in my vote for vintage and Sansui. My Sansui 5000x and Heresy IV's is a fantastic match imo
  8. Estes


    No words. To each their own.....
  9. I don't have La Scala's (yet 😬), but I have Heresy IV's with a Decware UFO2.1 with One 5U4GB-WC, Two 6P15P-WC, and one ECC88-WC These are the Wathen Cryotone tubes. Magical together. The clarity and placement is simply stellar.
  10. I grabbed mine used. Had Steve and the team recertify the lifetime warranty in my name, and quality check with a brand new set of tubes. The original owner also threw in a complete set of Cryotone tubes and a Decware power cord. It was a great deal. I have a UFO25 and a CSP325 on order. I'm on the 12th page of the list so I've got a while to wait. This UFO2.1 is really nice. They don't come up that often, but you have to pounce when they do.
  11. One of these days I hope to have the space to have a pair of these in my room. Been saying that for a while now, but a man can hope. Beautiful speakers, and GLWS, whatever price you settle on
  12. I have a UFO2.1 with level 2 anniversary mods and Heresy IV's. Obviously not as sensitive as La Scala's, but dead quiet for me. Small amount of transformer hum if I listen carefully right next to the amp, but nothing from the speaker. Even with my ear right up next to the speaker, I've got nothing.
  13. My Decware UFO2 with Anniversary mods
  14. As much as I appreciate the measurements, waves and graphs and science behind good engineering, I am much more subjective in my approach. Does this (placement/separation/transparency/sound stage) sound good to me? What's important for me to hear and feel may be very different from an engineer or reviewer or someone else on this forum. Fine by me! I just love talking and reading and learning about this, and hearing what others have to say.
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