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  • Gender
  • Location
    Floral City, Florida
  • My System
    My collection so far:

    KSB 1.1's.
    One SW8 II.
    One pair of KSF 8.5's.
    Two 1979 Super Heresy!

    A pair of Epic CF3's V1.0.

    A sequential pair of R-14M's.
    A perfect pair of KP-2002's
    A super nice pair of KP-3002's.

    A matched serial pair of KP-101's.

    2 sequentially numbered pairs of KG4's.

    A pair of KPT-100 taken from a theater in Gainesville.

    A pair of KP-1000's, modified into 2-way garage speakers.
    A perfect pair of 1977 ‘Heresy E’ export model H-WO", laser emblems.

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  1. Amen, brother. Thus the clown winky old school emoticon in the title.
  2. https://jacksonville.craigslist.org/msg/d/jacksonville-beach-klipsch-la-scalas/7757794643.html z \
  3. Try the image hosting below. Easy, free, and unlimited.
  4. Should be free, for all of this information. *<;o) We can take negotiations to PM if you are serious...
  5. Pushbutton single mid drivers go for what, $150 each? Soldered for for $200-$250? $150 for a pair of mid horns? 1 pair of tweeters with horns, $100? Woofers don't sell very high, because everyone that have done Supers has a pair of them on a shelf somewhere... Crossovers $250 a pair? You can get nearly a grand (or more) out of the innards, unless I am sorely mistaken. I have no idea what a pair of grills would go for with the original badges. $100 each? Anyone else have any ideas on these part prices?
  6. Occasionally. Got a decent pair of "H" cases? @CWOReilly
  7. If anyone scraps them, I would love to have the cases. I have enough parts to do the Super Heresy build with Klipsch Pro components and crossovers. One of them is the European Export variety (most likely sold in the PX's in Germany). I have a matched pair (1977 Laser Badges!) of those running sound for the bedroom TV. They sound fantastic and are completely untouched.
  8. It's a bit too far for me to go, but someone here should grab them! They appear to be in fantastic shape, and the parts are worth more than the asking price. https://offerup.com/item/detail/36eb5334-95e4-31ca-84dd-041025fe9986?q=klipsch
  9. Oicu812


    Can you either adopt me, or leave me those in your will? Thank you in advance! 😁
  10. Oicu812


    I absolutely love that photo. I am ultra-jealous of the perfect La Scala pro splits. *drool*
  11. They are great for speaker testing. Geoff Castellucci (the bass) can go well below 20hz when he wants. And they are fun listening:
  12. Hey, the above was my thousandth post. Cool.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1206514230319830/?ref=product_details&referral_code=marketplace_general&referral_story_type=general&tracking={"qid"%3A"-2256006060769561632"%2C"mf_story_key"%3A"6895428530102250114"%2C"top_level_post_id"%3A"6895428530102250114"%2C"commerce_rank_obj"%3A"{\"target_id\"%3A6895428530102250114%2C\"target_type\"%3A6%2C\"primary_position\"%3A2%2C\"ranking_signature\"%3A3188572415766769403%2C\"commerce_channel\"%3A501%2C\"value\"%3A0.0013752611542251%2C\"upsell_type\"%3A111%2C\"candidate_retrieval_source_map\"%3A{\"8219091614773341\"%3A3016%2C\"7328661753908524\"%3A3099}%2C\"grouping_info\"%3Anull}"%2C"lightning_feed_qid"%3A"-2256006198152867200"%2C"lightning_feed_ranking_signature"%3A"3486332315557587504"%2C"ftmd_400706"%3A"111112l"}
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