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  1. Let’s see if I understand this: I want to support the Museum, so I buy tickets for the drawing. I win and contribute the speakers to the Museum so they can sell them to further support the Museum. Yup, sounds like a money grab to me… Get real people, you didn’t win but supported the Museum. BTW, I didn’t win either. And I still support the museum.
  2. Rats! Exactly what I wanted! https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/650148405-klipsch-shorthorns/
  3. https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/650147806-gorgeous-klipsch-lascalas-clones-with-removable-bass-bins-master-carpenter-build/?utm_source=featured_ad&utm_medium=web&utm_content=front&utm_campaign=front-featured-ad-click&utm_term=650147806 Not mine for sure...
  4. Say it ain’t so; someone finally stepped up the the plate! The Pacific Creek is now sold! Thanks to all.
  5. A new in the box, unused quad of new edition Gold Lion KT-66s. Never even opened the boxes... Two are matched, but the information on the boxes places all of them similarly. $175 shipped to you in the lower 48. Please email any questions. Thanks. Mike
  6. Its baffling to me why I still own this. Even though I’m selling this integrated, I have yet to come across a more cost effective entry into a 300B SET... While local pick-up is recommended with this tipping the scales at 68 pounds, I’m will to ship if you want to pay the cartage. Thanks for looking. Mike
  7. M I’ll take ‘em. Heck, I’ll even give you $500 in cash for them....
  8. No affiliation https://tmraudio.com/speakers/floorstanding-speakers/klipsch-belle-vintage-floorstanding-speakers-teak-pair/ At the Music Room in CO. They have free shipping this weekend 9/20.
  9. Since my LSIIs were into the room corners, I had soft rubber traps surrounding the rear & side walls going 4’ in each direction. The interlocking 2’ x2’ panels by about 1/4” thick were meant for ‘exercise room’ flooring. They cut down reverberations nicely. Even though the panels were mostly hidden and edges finished, I suspect zero WAF…
  10. Additional space from each other and (the most difficult of all) more clear space between the speakers & your listening spot. Using the old (but certainly not the only) triangular “sweet spot” estimator, if your speaker are 6’ apart, your "sweet spot" for accurate listening will be in the neighborhood of 6’ from the speakers. With my LSIIs 12’ apart, my “spot” was just over 10’ from the speakers. I think the most important thing is moving forward while the WAF is positive. Worry about exacting placement later... 🙂
  11. I agree with Shaky you don't have enough room for a Heritage on the original 6” wall plus nearly anything will protrude into the doorway. I might agree a Heresy could work where the stand mounts are now until you find a larger space in the main area for them. Fortes and larger nee more space, IMHO. But if you want Klipsh sound NOW, consider PR600Ms on 22” stands. I set up a small area for a friend with them and they sound far better than I expected.
  12. Not disagreeing with anyone, but my listening room is 12x14. My LSIIs were against the short wall with the speaker centers just under 10’ apart with nothing between me & the speakers. My measured sweet spot at ear level in single center chair was just over 9’ back and I missed nothing in the music. I utilized this setup with two different pair of LSIIs with the same result. I love the way they physically dominate the room and the music. Two different pair of Heresy IIIs in that setup matched the LSIIs presence with less “oomph." I could NOT duplicate the sound or emotion with either Forte IVs or Cornwall IIIs in this (or another room). Again not disagreeing with anyone, taming room acoustics, front end electronics and your ears each play a role in how speakers perform.
  13. Great seller who understates the condition of his equipment. Highly recommend. Mike
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