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About JMeader

  • Birthday 05/18/1949

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  • Location
    Reno, NV
  • Interests
    My Wife, Food & Wine, and Listening to my system
  • My System
    Exact Flac Files on Win10 PC
    USB to Denafrips Pontus 2 12th -1
    XLR to Schit Frey S Pre-amp
    Decware Torii Jr V2
    1987 La Scala's with all new Crites Drivers and A4500 Crossover

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  1. I am moving to a setup where my listening room is small for my La Scala's Say 10x12 or 10x11 with 8 foot ceilings, so looking for ideas to make things as good as I can This is not about professional solutions, but real life trail and tribulations and hopefully some successes Idea #1 what about using a rolled up carpet pad as a base trap https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZQH9MR9/ref=twister_B0B5LX422N?_encoding=UTF8&th=1 would need to come up with a DIY solution for keeping it from sagging in a corner and for hiding it from view. But it is dense, relatively inexpensive COULD WORK. Most commercial solutions are much more expensive and a lot do not due much, this should at least meet the "not due much" level who knows Second for diffusion, what about this https://www.etsy.com/listing/1368102214/parametric-interior-wall-art-05-digital?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=parametric+cnc+files&ref=sr_gallery-1-37&dd=1&content_source=9f8cfd3596c9499044d6d2169219060ad411df51%3A1368102214&organic_search_click=1&dd_referrer= it is only a digital file but in the hands of a CNC machine cable of handling a 4x8 Sheet of plywood it become an attractive wall hanging that COULD also diffuse sound If these wild ideas worked where would you place them on the wall behind the speakers, or the behind your listening position What about the first point of reflection, or the ceiling, there has to be something else other than expensive commercial solutions. If a DIY project could hit 85% I think I could live with that Your thoughts, ideas, comments are what I am looking for and hopefully some GOOD IDEAS Thanks
  2. @gigantic, noticed the base traps. Did you notice a big difference when you installed them. What type of material is used and how tall are they Thanks I have a couple of Amazon acoustic panels 2x4 2inch thick not much to them but the did help in over all listening enjoyment
  3. Blindman Yes, for us it is time choose a senior independent living facility ( mid 70's ), versus waiting to move to what is available. FYI in Washington State the better places have a 3-5 year waiting list plus it is not cheap. I will be using a second bedroom for my new listening room. This place ( Heron's Key )was built with "A Lot Of Sound deadening in all walls, ceiling, and floors" so neighbors should not be an issue. Anyway I tend to play at less than high levels. I have seen many photos on this site where the La Scala's are 2-3 feet apart so it Should/Could work. I personally believe La Scala's can definitely fill a Large Room. For me My Decware amp will not be taxed. If for some reason this does not work, I would do the probably buy this https://www.css-audio.com/online-store/CSS-Criton-1TD-X-Kit-Pair-p221163830 As this facility has a great Wood shop with many very experienced craftsman to help with a DIY build
  4. Just got a floor plan with measurements and it looks like its 11" X 11" with a slight opening on the left side. Ha anyone done any sound treatment in small rooms
  5. Moving from 3,500 sf to 1,300 sf in a Senior community. Love my La Scala's wondering how they perform in a much small space. Ideas and suggestions are what I am looking for Thanks
  6. I have La Scala's, at first I drove them with a 400 watt crown amp would put a smile on your face and the Klipsch sound came thru. I now have a Decware Torii Jr V2 16 watts and it sounds great also. Is there a difference, Yes is one bad and the other good No, just different. Everyone's room is different, every system configuration is different, and generally sources are different. The goal is system synergy and my personal opinion is the better the source material the better all your other components will sound no matter what it is. Remember, your room impacts your sound by at least 50%. So no other component has that level of impact. Another personal opinion, there are a lot of good system combinations which can sound very good say 85-90%, the next 5% is very expensive, the last 5% if it is obtainable is massively expensive. Happiness comes when you sit down and enjoy your music, even better when there is someone to share it with, and even better with your favorite beverage. Enjoy The Music
  7. The HiFi scene in Reno still in development. Given that there are couple of upscale HiFi stores which might have an interest. You also might check out HiFi on Facebook If I did not already have mine I would be a Buyer Good Luck
  8. veneering inside the dog house was tedious, time consuming and painfully slow, use heavy steel weights where we could not clamp. left glue to dry over night so many days to veneer both boxes
  9. clean up process begins - I rounded the tweeter and squaker openings for theoretically better dispersion ( not fact based just my opinion ) front point part of dog house was a mess and required a lot of wood putty and sanding
  10. This what they looked like the day I got them and was testing them. Actually they sounded great but had definitely had a tough life. Two different tweeters, one damaged woofer , woofer screws were loose, wiring was marginal and the exterior was rough, and squaker gasket was dried out and cracked. The key was both speaker boxes were solid so great for a update project. For test I used a Crown amp I ordered all new drivers from Crites as well as new A4500 cross overs, and the project began
  11. My were 1987 bar room speakers and were a real mess. The photo above is with new veneer on, the process is slow and takes a skilled person to do it cleanly. It took 3, 4x8 sheets of veneer to get all the grain going in the right directions. The V shaped area of the dog house is the real problem getting enough weight on the veneer during the drying process is the issue. Also dealing with the front leading edges can be tricky with grain flow and direction. Also finding and applying the right stain takes some time and experimentation all part of the wood working expertise I hired. we used scrap pieces of veneer for testing. Would I do it again yes, but I would also seriously consider building a pair as time and cost would likely be similar. If you build I would have the squaker mounted from the front versus your current setup and I would do the same for the tweeter. Why better signal dispersion with possibly a wider sound stage. See current La Scalla design. At a minimum get a new washer for you Squaker as it will be dried out by now, also open up the dog house from the bottom and check your driver, one of mine had a tear in the paper part of the driver. Before sealing up run a bead of glue in all the inside edges to make sure the space is air tight. Good Luck going forward
  12. That is good news as the Bosch dishwashers do a great job, we had the one with the silverware tray on top and it was a few years back
  13. Also some models require the use of Salt to soften water
  14. Great Brand, but there is an issue. Please take one of your plates and wine glasses and put them in the dish washer. Why, European dishes and glasses are smaller than US and it can be an issue for everyday use
  15. while you are in the woofer doghouse run a bead of glue along all seams and replace gasket material on the bottom piece of plywood, this insures a air tight seal of the doghouse
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