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    Fairfax, VA
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    Music, movies, cooking, art, writing, etc.
  • My System
    Odyssey Audio Kismet mono amps, Odyssey Audio Tempest pre amp, Thorens TD-126 mk II turntable, Schiit Audio DAC

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  1. Selling THREE Klipsch Heresy HIP speakers for $700. Located in Fairfax, VA. These were purchased from a small college that was renovating its auditorium. One pair has consecutive serial numbers; the third speaker was also part of a consecutive serial pair ordered at the same time by the college. I used these in our 5.1 HT system along with Cornwall mains, but we no longer have the space in our new home. K-77 horn tweeter K-55 midrange driver on K-700 horn K-42-E woofer with seriously heavy magnet These HIP speakers were custom-ordered ordered with Klipsch's 7-ply Baltic Birch cabinets and fitted with heavy-duty grill cloth. The cabinets were stained by the college (poorly), and have plenty of nicks and scratches but are fully intact.
  2. How much are you asking for the Yamaha A-500 integrated amp?
  3. Many thanks. That might explain why there isn't a label or other identifier.
  4. Sorry to ask, but I can't get any info on the model of these speakers listed for sale online. If you know what they are, are they any good? What's a reasonable asking price? Checking out for a friend who's looking for small-ish monitors for desktop audio, and who might pair with a sub. Thanks!
  5. Hmm. I know the first version of the CF-1 and CF-2 had to be redone because the speakers and the cabinets were not well matched. I'd stay well away and look for a pair of Cornwalls for a little more or save some money and buy Forté I instead.
  6. It can often be a wide range. I've seen La Scala's go for $800-$1700/pair and Khorns for $2250-$3500. On the right day, there are bargains.
  7. Looks like a nice CBR pair in good condition: https://philadelphia.craigslist.org/ele/d/klipsch-cornwalls-price-drop/6626245020.html No affiliation.
  8. Two 1950s Khorns with different specs being sold together for $3000. Is it me or is that price pretty high? https://baltimore.craigslist.org/ele/d/vintage-klipschorn-speakers/6656096730.html No affiliation, just thought it was a curious ad and wanted to share.
  9. Looks like it's in great cosmetic shape!
  10. The price is now $250 and looks like 5-way binding posts were added. Might be a great deal, depending on how they sound...
  11. Looks like a serious bargain if you're in driving distance: https://indianapolis.craigslist.org/ele/6120555750.html No affiliation, just living vicariously.
  12. LOL. What would it cost to put proper mid-range horns in that puppy?
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