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Everything posted by Dankimus

  1. AIFF's are great too, larger files but great. The DAC in my receiver plays those too.
  2. Just so happens I received a free 1TB external hardrive for free today from one of our customers. It's empty for now...
  3. Happy birthday Mallette! Hope you have a great evening!
  4. I have a couple so far, but man are they expensive. I would really like to start building my collection. The quality compared to mp3's, pandora, amazon prime, etc. is night and day better. Artists I am looking for initially are Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Slayer, Eagles, Joe Satriani, Willie Nelson, Jimi Hendrix, and well many others..... Any help would be appreciated.
  5. for sure. I sure would love to be able to jump on one of the good deals I've been finding lately. oh well, all in good time....
  6. I spent it on what I'm runnin' now. Trying to build it back up.
  7. incredible deals out there today! https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/ele/5156554779.html
  8. Geez, I need to start a Klipsch savings fund. https://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/ele/5156658005.html
  9. thanks for the suggestions everyone. I am really a high freq feind, the more ear-bleed inducing the better. Contrary to alot that I read people saying on the interwebs, I would welcome more horn in the mid to mid-high range. As some here have indicated, I can see that alot of my spl deficiency is from lack of bass in my setup, and getting my "free" sub online is going to help a bit. I've also been looking into building one of Bill Fitzmaurice's Tuba sub horn designs that I would put in the corner of the hearth out ouf the way.
  10. Wow! Now that's a near field explosion of sound coming from that system!
  11. Minermark, if you ever want some help working you clam, give me a call, 530-913-5785. What I have works decently for HT use, and will be better once the new amp plate I ordered today for my RW-10 arrives. I guess I am being a bit overzealous in my expectations for SPL's from my system. What really turned me on to Klipsch was an ex GF's system that consisted of a sony AVR with 75wpc running kf-26 towers a 12" sub, and ks-14's in an apartment livingroom that was about 8' X 12'. Needless to say it was enjoyably loud.
  12. I gotta get outta here right now. Gonna go play a round of disc golf down in Penn Valley. I'll check back later... have a good day y'all!
  13. Seriously though, I would run the stacks on my front deck on zone 2 if I had 'em.
  14. So you're local to me right Minermark? Do you still do any mining? I'm on the Bear and S. Fork of the Yuba above little town of Washington mostly.
  15. LOL minermark, yeah, that would work! OMGosh if I only had the funds.... Dang!
  16. hey minermark, could you provide a link to the EAW's i'm not finding it. BTW, I'm a sluicer. =)
  17. volume of the room is 30' front to back, 32' wide including the kitchen area, 8 1/2' high at the walls and 11' at the peak.
  18. I will eventually be building a tuba of some sort. I plan on placing it up in the corner of the hearth where it is out of the way. I would really like to hear some RF-7's diven hard and see how they do for me. La Scala's would be great the hear as well, I never have...
  19. I have a decent amount of volume to fill...
  20. It's just not cutting it. The fidelity is brilliant, but dammit, I want more DBs. After years of loud machinery, working in refineries, building racing engines, trauck pulling, etc, I must be partially deaf or sumthin'. The DBs just arent there for me.
  21. drudge, reason.com truthinmedia.com thelibertarianrepublic.com voicesofliberty.com infowars
  22. These things look good. San Jose, CA area. No affiliation. https://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/ele/5149652015.html
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