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Everything posted by Bella

  1. My photographer friend asks what gear you are using to take your photos with. He's wondering if you are putting too much effort on the back end, and not the front end, of the process. Only, he says, because of your stated status (not professional). In other words, are you using a Rebel t5 with a kit lens, or do you own professional level gear to warrant professional level processing. It starts there, he says, not at post.
  2. another option is to just purchase a monitor that is 100% sRGB capable, and calibrated from the factory. That way you don't have to buy any calibration software, but you get a nice monitor? Here's an example of one: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?sku=877854&Q=&O=&m=Y&gclid=Cj0KEQiAtMSzBRDs7fvDosLZmpoBEiQADzG1vMPHLim3PPM--Uk4pG9omdZGWdXAsGUR391HUzqAtF4aAgbp8P8HAQ&is=REG&ap=y&A=details "The PA248Q comes pre-calibrated right out of the box to help you avoid the confusing setup steps many monitors require. With 100% sRGB color reproduction" There are more expensive 4k versions also, but this one is just fine for photographers at your level. Or so my professional photographer friend told me so, when I asked him in reference to this post. EDIT: my friend also pointed out that calibration of your monitor and/or your printer is exclusive to you. Meaning that while your setup will be in 'tune,' if you have prints done somewhere else, you are at their mercy for calibration. For us 'audiophiles,' that means that while you may have recorded the music from your meticulously set of chosen amp and speakers, it isn't going to sound the same on someone else's radio shack setup. In those instances, choose a reputable service for reproduction accuracy. You may also want to read here for more information on the subject: http://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/3374743 And here for some additional resources: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-online-tools-calibrate-monitor/
  3. Yo! Twelve hours of Star Wars, and then going to watch another 2 hours of Star Wars at the movies? I can't think of anything that is FUN that I want to do for 14 hours straight! Not even when you were 15?
  4. Hope you never lose your eyesight. Your point is well taken my friend, but most of us can tell and have sympathy for a person who is blind with a service animal, as opposed to the frauds/idiots who drag their cat through a mall, or try to bring a horse on an airplane. The guy who brought the horse on the plane was blind. He had a legitimate seeing eye horse. It happened happened about ten years ago when the rules were changed for service animals for travel by the Department of Transportation. . Fascinating. I would have never guessed that. Still, I'd be one angry passenger if I had that animal in first class with me. If I was unfortunate enough to need such an animal, I would want a black panther. Built in helper and ultimate protector all rolled into one. "What do you mean I can't take him on the roller coaster with me? He's not gonna like it when I tell him that, he's been looking forward to the ride all day!"
  5. You can definitely tell authentic service animals from the ones their owners claim to be. Very emotionally stable and friendly. And yes, as if they aren't even there. Contrast with Fido, who is jumping up and down trying to be the center of attention for 4 adults. But a horse. On a plane. In first class. Why didn't anyone take any cell phone footage?
  6. If I were you I'd try another provider. They can't all be like that?
  7. What horse crap operations are you speaking about?
  8. If he was convicted I hope he filed an appeal. It sounds like he certainly had grounds.
  9. Yes, I have heard of that. But service animals are well-trained and you can usually tell if they are legit or not.
  10. Excellent point! If I was so unlucky I would simply stop dining out. Most of the experience for me is the sights, sounds, and ambiance.
  11. I've heard of such animals in sit down restaurants and I don't mean fast food. If the day comes when an animal is allowed in the same room as myself as I eat, I'll promptly ask for the check and argue that I am not billed for anything I ordered but didn't consume up till the moment the animal was allowed in. And there will be no tip.
  12. It isn't just the airlines making these accommodations it's stores also. Service animals are becoming more and more 'necessary,' for whatever reason. And then of course, just like the article points out, it's being abused by the nefarious.
  13. I've owned animals before and I understand the attachment a person can develop with them. Losing them is like losing a family member. Some people cannot function without them. Some cases seem a bit extreme. I was particularly astonished by the person who brought a miniature horse on plane and inconvenienced the first class passengers. http://www.foxnews.com/travel/2015/12/07/people-are-faking-disabilities-to-fly-with-their-pets/?intcmp=hpbt4
  14. Continue to keep an open mind and don't limit your sources too aggressively or you'll essentially be putting blinders on.Seek balance & accuracy. Hmmmm? I don't know what you mean? I read and follow an extremely wide range of publications on philosophy, economics, writing, art, current events and science. I don't think I have any blinders on. Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk I think what he means is, have you included any material that you would normally find repugnant - views that are contrary to your beliefs. It's easy to see yourself as well-rounded and without blinders but if all you take in is what you agree with, then you have blinders on. I think all College's should offer a course (mandatory) that requires the student to assume the antithesis of what they believe for at least 6 months. All consumption must be from the opposite point of view from which they naturally view the world. And then write a paper on the experience and whether it helped them gain a wider understanding of the world in which we all must live and get along.
  15. Interesting question. I haven't heard anything, but if they do I will definitely be in the market.
  16. It isn't an objection, Carl banned gun rights discussion from this thread back at 81, he has never deviated from that. Why does it appear the Mods have overruled that to you? I think what happened there is Christy was just letting everybody know she is watching. It is kind of her MO, doesn't want to be overbearing. But if you want to push her buttons without confirming, by all means go ahead. I think you will see nobody else posted on that subject after she did,except YOU. Seems to me the conversation was moving in an adult-like manner until you decided to copy/paste/cry...convenient timing for a mod to jump in? I didn't see anywhere in the ToS that topics about Gun Rights were off limits when I created this account. Does it exist and I missed it? Perhaps someone could copy/paste it?
  17. lol...whatever. I see one lawyer complaining and all of a sudden a mod jumps in and lays down the law. What exactly is terrorism again?
  18. Seriously, if this thread gets locked one week and over 400 posts later because guns are being brought back into it when they are part of the larger debate across the country, well then why even have a general forum to begin with.
  19. It's just a forum, not a courtroom. It would appear the mods are going to allow guns into the conversation especially since it's part of the larger debate on terrorism, which fits into the title of this thread. I think your objection will be tacitly over ruled.
  20. I am. And I think abortion after 20-25 weeks is murder. You are what? Having a vasectomy? Hallelujah! My screen name is feminine, the box is checked 'female' on my profile but yeah, I meant I was having a vasectomy.
  21. It's comical. Those same people who forced those gun laws onto you probably would ban guns altogether. Except of course for the secret service or their privately hired body guards who have guns - they can keep theirs.
  22. The infamous straw man invented by......wait for it now......gun nuts. I prefer to call them supporters of the Right to Bear Arms and self defense. And please explain how it is a strawman? California has very strict gun laws already, yet look what just happened there. Do you suppose another law will keep it from happening again?
  23. I am. And I think abortion after 20-25 weeks is murder.
  24. Didn't this happen in California, where gun laws are already very strict? "If we just had ONE MORE gun law, these things wouldn't happen!"
  25. I don't think you have one accurate statement in that entire post. Do you have a soure for any of that, other than Ted Cruz' speach last night. He sent his thiughts and prayers by the way. As you seem so inclined to use language designed to characterize my posts as extreme and by extension, without merit, allow me my shot: Ahh. A product of the government comes to the rescue? Why am I not surprised? So that we are clear, let’s identify your bias in the debate in that you profit directly in the very heart of the machination to which many millions of Americans are enslaved: the judicial system, which is no longer nothing more than a money-making scheme designed to line the pockets of a very few ‘select’ individuals willing to cast aside all reason and logic in favor of ‘the law’ which is nothing more than what some legislator (who is probably already a lawyer themselves!) decides needs to be law (which almost always results in a burden to the people) and then beyond that, nothing more than what another lawyer in a black gown determines it really means. Which will usually result in a negative monetary impact upon the poor soul who haplessly became entrapped in this corrupt system, innocently looking for what his government schooling taught him to be ‘justice,’ but ends up poorer and likely in jail while his ‘council’ profits handsomely from what the system grotesquely turned into, as I’ve pointed out, a purely for profit industry. I assume you ARE a lawyer from the narcissist display of your avatar and screen name? You may as well have taken a picture of your law license and used it instead, but I suppose that would have been too egocentric? Never the less, I’m not impressed, nor if your intention is to intimidate, intimidated. Now that we’ve established your government bias, let’s explore just one of the things I posted that you have labeled as untrue, shall we? http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/14/politics/paris-terror-attacks-obama-isis-contained/index.html I’m not going to re-educate you. That’s up to you. If you’d like to explore alternatives to your incorrect dogma, that’s up to you. I really couldn’t care less what you ‘think’ you know – however incorrect it may be. I’m here only to give my opinion of the facts as my research has exposed them. I’m sorry you may not be up to handling them - Cognitive Dissonance affects many people - but again, that’s up to you to change.
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