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Everything posted by Borisravel

  1. Hi ! I've bought 2 XLR -20DB attenuators. It's a fantastic tool. Now, I can set up volume knob at 10 o clok or even eleven. Now, I can use the sub with half volume so I can increase it if necessary. It's a very usefull tool for who has some high db speakers.
  2. I have LS speakers and 2 mono 200w power amp. With these speakers, I can't go above of 9 o'clock with the preamp volume knob. But at this position, subwoofer is too quiet. If I switch off my 2 power amps, and go to 10 or 11 o'clok with the preamp, the sub works perfectly, but at this volume, I'll become deaf immediatly. So, the solution I've found is to reduce the signal between the preamp and the power amps, in this way, I'll be able to go up above 11 o'clock with the LS.
  3. I use the line in (my preamp has L+R sub out). Gain is set at max on sub. The problem comes from the difference of sensitivity between LS and Sub. Cut frequency is set at 75hz ( low C1 at 65hz is the last note I can correctly hear on LS ).
  4. The gain on my power amps is fixed. Sub works well above 10 O'Clock on the preamp knob. But at 10 O'Clock, with the LS, It's not possible to stay on the room and certainly in my house.
  5. Just one thing, I'm French, and technical words are rarely right in a translator... Ok, here is a pic. Now, there's another problem. In my room, a normal listening volume is reached with the preamp knob at 8 o'clock. At this position, there is not enough power in the sub out. At maximum sum amp volume, I can hardly listen to the subwoofer. Likewise, there is not power enough to use the auto power. I found this solution: to use a XLR -20db attenuator. But I don't know this accessory, isn't bad for sound quality ?
  6. Yes, port, like guitars... I know I knew it... Ok, it could be this length. I Will post pictures tomorrow. Thank you !
  7. Hi ! I picked up this used subwoofer. It appears the blowhole (not sure it's the right word) has been extended with a cardboard tube by the precedent owner. Do you have some pictures from this stock sub ? Thank you.
  8. I had the same symptom with my RF7. I found an easy and effective solution: change for a Scala pair. Since I have the LS, I can listen to music for hours and hours without any headache. However, I drived them with a very sweat hybrid amp.
  9. I bought the Jaugusch crossovers in the sale corner. These crossovers are wonderfull and adjustable in medium and treble. In fact, with these crossovers, you can use any amp. I had an hybrid amp, I have now two 200w big Advance Acoustic mono amp, it's easy to lower medium.
  10. Hi ! Just a few news. I tried neoprene pads. It wasn't a big success. In fact, my listening room is on a first floor, but my floor is layed on beams. So, between the ground flour's ceiling and the first floor's floor, there is a lot of space and it's too resonant for bass. But I have a good new: here is my new preamp: And now, I've real bass ! My presentiment was right: my previous AV preamp was blocked on bass, treble and dynamic.
  11. A D-150. Now, I have a wonderfull diy tube preamp and the Vincent sound even better. This amplifier is really the best of Vincent.
  12. HI. I' owned these speakers until I bought a La Scala pair. I used an Hybrid Vincent amplifier with a Nad preamplifier. I think hybrid amps are the best compromise between mutli amp (tubes for treble and monster amp for bass) and tubes. I'm listening jazz and classical, but my advice is adapted for all music genre.
  13. My amplifier is an hybrid Vincent D-150. 2x170 w, 4 output tubes, 60lbs, 2 enormous toroïdal transformers and first 15W in A class. His reputation is very very good. It's the first and best amp made by Vincent.
  14. Actually, I use these pads: Speakers are just put down on these pads, metal gliders being in the rim.
  15. Honnestly, I don't think I need a sub. Bass are realistic, they just miss a little of physical feeling. But with music I'm listening to, a subwoofer would be unreasonable. Organ basses sound great, double bass sound as it should be. Just the lower notes of electric bass are a little hold back while going down from B, Bb to low E.
  16. Because I'm unfortunately not rich and I must choose my priorities. Here in France, LS speakers are sold 2200 $ minimum when you're Lucky and quick. And second because anyone ansewerd to me: in which way changing the crossosvers improve sound quality ? What is better whith new crossovers ? It will certainly be for next month.
  17. thank you again and again for your answers. I tried to cross the speakers behind me and it has not be convincing at all. Stereo image was too wide and bass were ineffectives (without the physical sensation), as if the speakers were not in phase. Defintively, in my room, crossing lines on my knees is the best position. Concerning the crossovers, I would prefer to buy an used pair, change the caps, and keeping the AL like they are actually. But is it really a big or subtile improvement ? But for the instant, I can't buy everything at the same time. First a decent preamp and perhpas next month the crossovers.
  18. I'll try that. I feel bass are stronger inward than outward the dog house. No, any wall traitement behind the speakers.
  19. AA new crossovers are not so expensive but it's 70$ more for shipping, and then 70$ more fort VAT and custom taxes. Here is a clearer pics. Convergence lines are about my knees. Sorry for the light, it's very sunny today. My preamp is certainly the weakest link of my system. It's an old NAD 917 av preamp. In stereo, sound is absolutely warm, detailed and tube-like. My friend loaned me a Yaqin preamp in order to try it, but sound was really crappy. But as an AV preamp, bandwich is perhaps a little short in bass and treble. Actually, tone corrector is disconnect. I can just adjust the bass and treble level. My friend loaned me an equalizer as a temporary solution, but I don't tried yet.
  20. Oups... Where could I buy a pair of AA crossovers ?
  21. I'll try to determinate if there is a null zone in my room, but don't be focussed on this "lack", I found these speakers very realistic. The friend who came has a big tri amplified Altec/Onken sytem in a little room so the feeling is not the same, the price of my total system is the price of one of his Mcintosh amplifier... I move on now, but would it be a good improvement, before buying a crossover repare kit ? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Klipsch-Type-AA-Speaker-Crossover-for-La-Scala-or-Belle-Speakers-Vintage-/131966710263?hash=item1eb9d431f7:g:dfIAAOSw4shX~Eo6 Not to expensive, but no international shipping...
  22. The armchair is about 6 feet the back wall. @Marvel: what is a null ?
  23. Don't look for diffrences between the two pics, I just rotated the rug. Here is an actual pic: All wires have been checked. It was OK. But I can't stop wondering why lugs, it's not audiophile at all.
  24. @jimjimbo: Not really, but my room is really big an high. The two big rugs are more than 10 feet long and there is another little rug just in front of the armchair. @HDBRbuilder: you were EXACTLY right, the metallic coloration disappeared placing speakers inwards ! But there is another phenomemon I can't explain. Next to the speakers, basses are loud. Not too loud, it's seems. Moving back to my armchair, basses fading out until this famous "lack of bass". Is it a power output amplifier problem ? @Chris A: I'll ask him again. The first album was from Dire Straits. Saxophon was a little arsh. The second album was jazz too, I'll give you the name.
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