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Everything posted by JohnJ

  1. @Dave1290 Force the liquids to p the germs out. Still do that to this day... this past week actually... woke up sick Christmas day and almost over it now. Now where is that Cure record? doh! It's a cassette, well good if I post that song I'd surely get in ........ Some LPs have a little more thought to the packaging than others, guess some bands can afford it!
  2. @MookieStl First one looks like you've been to the Belmont Hot Hole. Catfish is one of the best! Where the hot water from the hydroelectric plant dumps into a cove to go to the Catawba has probably fed hundred of thousands around here over the decades. In the late 70s once they had Navy divers go down there because of the depth and an issue with the release valve/pipes or something. They came up quickly and were quoted in the paper as having said "There were catfish down there with a bit radius large enough to take arms or legs off a full grown man." The article implied that they did not finish the job.
  3. Had a friend I nicknamed that years ago. Excess was something that came easy for him, in everything.
  4. I have liked Florida's Natural since it came out in the 90s and was the least expensive. Not sure but I drink the ruby red a couple times a year. If I buy the fruit in a couple weeks it would be torture to not have it with first ☕ at six! You know there was nothing derogatory with the bohem remark? Like live, eat, drink, and "make merry" to the fullest!
  5. Morning Eldon, did you know that grapefruit can practically eat the cholesterol out of your bloodstream? I ravenously read all kinds of medical stuff for a few years when my filter failed. Now I can't eat them except in the middle of the day `cause it could negate my immunosuppressant. The enzymes and stuff is so strong in them lots of Rx's warn against it. The ruby reds come out the third week in Jan? (or Feb.) & I was two blocks away from the inland waterway (Indian River in Rockledge) In ten min I could be back with a knapsack full of them on my bike. Best I've ever had, even the stores in Orlando could not get them that fresh! Was thinking about em a couple of days ago but I like them for breakfast and that is impossible for me now. I rarely make brunch food but that would work. Oh.... I knew you were a Bohemian first time I read your signature!
  6. Hate it for you bud.... fresh fried mushrooms with that and a brew can't be beat except with a gigantic cheeseburger beside `em!
  7. Sometimes it's a warning🎵 Sometimes it's not🎶 the #o&'s got nuts 🎵*a+r$ don't
  8. Don't forget the creamy horseradish too!! Love that on roast beef and fried mushrooms!
  9. Interesting hacienda you've got there except for those half-pound spiders. I'd have a sawed-off ready for them if I couldn't move!
  10. Wow, I've actually heard that like 50 years ago on a transistor radio....no wonder I don't get wolf-whistled at anymore. F'n old!
  11. Same to you WillyBob! It will be raining cardboard wrapper pieces in twelve hours here! Ouch, some of those have some nasty hooks on the backs of the head, Hope he did the douse of alcohol and soap and water, punctures can take a while to heal. As for the thrillseekers who don't have the ability to recognize their limits and the billing? Glad that when I over extended my abilities on that 600 lb 150 hp bike I got lucky. Pine needle covered asphalt on a 90 degree turn across from the Rockefeller Mansion in Daytona Hwy 40. That is embedded in my mind forever
  12. Yea-but when he was #18 blue him and Jeff Saturday were genius in recognizing, adapting and acting on the info they gathered in a split second to be prolific and historic! Saw a super interesting article in SI about that years ago. Kinda miss that league that hates me & more after four years without it. But 82 regular season games in the NHL and zero losses in two seasons college football talent fills the void. Youtubetv has the sec channel might watch some of it next season.
  13. When you're up at five and busy since...... Lunchtime comes more quickly. It didn't rise right, the corn meal said use by 10-19... I guess they really meant it. It's very good anyhow. Ripe j a p s and sharp white cheddar with Eastern NC barbecue. & of course half sweet Luzianne!
  14. Hey @wvu80 good luck with that, he probably wouldn't do like Luck did. How could anybody fill that great Peyton Manning's position anyhow?? I've seen Peyton, Brett, Vick (he was incredible & owned the panthers for a while), and brady several times each play right in front of me. Guess who impressed me the most? The guy in blue, number 18. & I loved Farve for a long time.
  15. @polizzio Sorry `bout that. I woke up at ten till five est today with the splitting headache that's been with me since I caught a bug last week then woke up Christmas day with it and lots of snot. I heard that when announced, and from the poor guy getting attacked by the dim-wits right now over it. He was not being callous, mean or disrespectful. They were talking football and took a moment to offer their thoughts of condolence and express admiration for the man that was still taking care of his duty as a caring coach. The night playoff game Saturday broke viewing records with 19+ million, think the championship will blow by that number.
  16. Looks like we both got to the pc around the same time. `Morning first I've seen of that but I know that coach is level headed and anyone that has only seen LSU highlights even knows that your team is hard to play against. DS also says frequently practice "the" game and not for an opponent. I'd like to hear an elaboration on that because it will take a slight deviation from that formula to compete with your tigers. Hoping that it's a played and officiated by the rules heavyweight game👍
  17. Well Kinda, but I am a Caniac since `01. Arturs Irbe and his hand me down (from an icon) dirty pads that he did not lose with! Yea I want my team to win, they're in my signature. Know they might not after watching that whole game yesterday. The Clemson Tigers still have the drive to take whatever comes their way and win, so two more weeks of waiting. & good luck to your guys too, I saw part of his Heisman speech and he's a good guy! Hard to root against the good guys, since the little green army men I played with fifty years ago or the spaghetti westerns or the Cartwrights... So I'll root for mine! Here's something for you I enjoyed earlier, if I can assume that you dig a little Southern Rock!
  18. Please consider the thread you're in. & be careful with the "experts" you trust There are rivalries here Just pointing out Coach Days whine last night. Not betting here there's not any left in my right pocket for years. My two cents.
  19. Fun?? I've learned to ignore those beepin tunes the machines play. I know they both quit a while ago. I've adopted a "Colombo" mentality with my clothes. As long as they're clean... I'm good. But how bad can blue jeans and t-shirts get? Not bad at all when you're on weekend standard time!
  20. If it's the single barrel send it my way... I like sippin" on it. Got to drive to SC to get it now (only ten min on I-77 but that's not my point). Best 100 proof I've ever liked.
  21. Started with posting a very good easy listening ARS LP in the vinyl thread.
  22. Rain causes me to stay inside somewhat... where I'm already almost tied down with responsibility. Had a few for myself and got mellow with some good Southern Jammin. Had a used copy of this last year and had to let it go, wouldn't put it under my diamond. So tried another that landed here last week and it is as clean as the BTO that's in my stack now. Good vocals & musicians not to everyone's liking but it is simple with some universally recognized substance to the lyrics. The feeling these tunes impart is just as bright and cheery as the flower child scene on the cover.
  23. How many times have I heard this in the past 4 or 5 years. We'll know soon enough, get your "fake" talking points ready. If a defender gets ejected `cause he led with the crown of his helmet to another guys helmet? Well rules don't matter to some. If the ball is bobbling before it comes out of his hands? It might be incomplete. "Here's Your Sign" Watched LSU twice this year unfortunately, yesterdays whole game. They are #1 for a reason. In a couple of weeks they'll be playing #1 for this past year. Just hoping for a good game and heck I don't expect anything different to happen.
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