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Everything posted by Idontknow

  1. Yes, 100% triple checked connections to be sure. These were the ones. Build quality was excellent btw. https://www.amazon.com/Klipsch-Tweeter-Diaphragm-127103-others/dp/B00DX7DSFQ
  2. Okay guys I tested the phenolic tweeters in my Heresy II. The negative and positive connectors were located on the sides which was strange and they were more difficult to install. Overall the top end sounded way strange and reminded me of a cheap sounding speaker with muffled detail. It definitely had nothing to do with break in, so I’m definitely sticking with the original tweeters. Thanks again guys and at least I know they won’t work.
  3. Hi Joe, is there a reason you went this route with the Heresy IV? I can better understand doing so with other Heresy models but that’s a fairly new speaker you have there designed for improved bass. Did you ever just consider doing a Forte instead? They take equally little real-estate and it’s all in one cabinet. Regards, —-daniel
  4. I decided to just take my chance and simply replace the K76 titanium with a phenolic designed for K76 and see how the result is. If it sounds bad, I’m able to return the for a full refund. Should be installed sometime around next week. Thanks again guys for sharing all your thoughts. Happy listening, —-daniel
  5. Glad you’re enjoying it. It’s a great match. I recently sold my Zen after three years. Happy listening. —- daniel
  6. billybob, do you mean replace the Chorus and LaScala? With what?
  7. billybob, is there any particular sound characteristics you can describe with the Forte pulled from the wall vs closer as in the case of the original post OP? Thanks —-daniel
  8. Just curious. Were there any particular sound characteristics that stood out that lead to that conclusion other than power?
  9. Hi Jim, 5 watts with a tube amp will produce a good amount of volume for efficient speakers like yours but not for rocking out though. I don't know what music you play, but I have pretty much used the amps in question. I just recently posted this today if you are interested in amps of that power range including SET's. https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/first-watt-sit3-vs-dynakit-st35#2405837 I was once on the wait list for a Torri but went another direction instead. Decware's main mission is to make all their amps sound as close to the 2.3 watt Zen as possible, but obviously they had to go to a push pull design to bring up the power over single ended. Hope it all works out for you.
  10. 18x34 but 18x32 would be plenty because I had a bit extra. The frames I made myself from poplar wood which kept the weight down significantly.
  11. Yes, thank you, these are from Klipsch Restorations in Texas. These are African padauk. He has a pair of II’s in the same finish on Ebay I think.
  12. I just always remember when I dripped it on my t shirts it was a B...... to get the stain out. Turned out perfectly!
  13. Thats a fully restored TD165 which I made a new plinth for. My friend Luigi upgraded all the wiring. It uses a Nagaoka MP200.
  14. Yes I’ve worked with several Dynaco amps including the MKIII monos as well as a couple of different ST70’s which you can see on my channel. There isn’t even a remote similarity between those and the 35. The differences are dramatic and I’m not exaggerating. This ST35 is the most beautiful tube amplifier I’ve ever heard. I have sold all my other amps because this 35 has the sweetest, warm sound signature. It sounds like “silk”. It’ is so soothing to the ears through my Forte1’s that I was listening to jazz from 3pm till 6am the following day. I just couldn’t turn it off. It also sounds very holographic. This weekend has been a nightmare, which you can see in my video here where I explain why I decided to sell my other amps which starts at about 2 minutes of the video. This afternoon I will also be doing a detailed review on the ST35. I’m ordering a second one from Kenny Russell for my other Heritage speakers.
  15. Mirko, you must be annihilated. 😂 Now come pick up this 400 before I put it in the closet. I’m too busy listening to the ST35. 😊
  16. I told you Mirko would be chiming in roasting. 😂
  17. It absolutely astonishes me how people don’t even know about this amp. And all these knuckle heads on YouTube haven’t even heard it. jeeez, what a shame! They have no idea what they’re missing. Even yesterday after comparing it to the First Watt SIT3, not even that could compare!
  18. I don’t know if yours will have the same capacitors and parts as mine but mine is so amazing I posted all my gear for sale today and I’m getting another ST35. This amp is so unique it’s unlike anything I’ve ever compared. Even today I spent time comparing it to the Primaluna EVO400 and just kept going back to the ST35. It just sounds so relaxed, warm and silky with jazz, yet it’s so holographic at the same time.
  19. Sure, no problem. You’ll notice it’s white, but if you want to darken the wool just stain it in a tray off hot coffee. It didn’t shrink as far as I could tell. https://www.ebay.com/itm/304194882662?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=304194882662&targetid=1262749492022&device=t&mktype=&googleloc=9030970&poi=&campaignid=15428034462&mkgroupid=133947154481&rlsatarget=pla-1262749492022&abcId=9300763&merchantid=6296724&gclid=CjwKCAjw7vuUBhBUEiwAEdu2pE9AJbC8uN5t3DsPb86zGuxfJSeNCZqhHyPJrn1x9R-qtRLTCdzvYRoC4v0QAvD_BwE
  20. They came more white in color but I felt it looked a bit too loud in appearance so I stained them in brewed coffee for a day an hung them out to dry naturally in the sun. I wanted to match them as close to my Dynaco A10’s as much as possible. I’ll get the Klipsch badges next. Pic 1
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