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Everything posted by Bosco-d-gama

  1. So here’s the reality. We have watched covid19 rampage through countries and our own cities. Right now it is burying the healthcare systems in Southern California. I know those places personally. It is terrifying and incomprehensible to understand what is happening. Now is the time to knuckle down and hammer the message to everyone. Already we have covid mutations evolving. One wrong mutation and this starts all over again. One new strain of covid19 and all previous immunities to the ‘old’ covid19 can be wiped out and the new vaccines rendered useless. Everyone who had covid19 can get it again.... and it could be insanely more virulent. It is time for that whatever version of ‘come to Jesus’ discussions can be had to get the younger population as determined as anyone to corral up covid19. This is history making and I’d rather the future not denote this time as they great die-off when 2/3rds of humanity succumbed for not taking the baby steps needed to intelligently control an otherwise manageable pathogen. Sorry to sound so deeply ‘determined’ here. But in So. California they are setting up 80 refrigerated morgue trucks. The wheels are coming off their axles. It is insane.
  2. Autopsies have been done on the covid19 dead. What has been found is vascular damage at the capillary level, microbleeds. These have been found in most organ systems and has been associated with the sensory losses of taste and smell. Survivors have been studied and internal damages/scars have been identified. Older people die because they essentially have used up their bodies. If during their lives they abused their bodies they tend to die sooner. Smokers die sooner. Alcoholics die sooner. Diabetics, drug addicts, etc and so on........ all expire sooner because those conditions imperil/impact healthy aging. Now medical science is uncertain exactly how covid19 survivors will be impacted in the long term from their infections. My message is that if you take good care of your ‘young car’ it will last a lot longer than if you do not. So I somewhat disagree with the statement that “seniors need to be extremely careful.” EVERYONE needs to be extremely careful. Everyone needs to deploy every measure that is known to halt the spread of covid19. Everyone should fear covid19 as if they were 80 years old.
  3. Bosco-d-gama


    I met Buddy Ebsen at an equestrian event, 1969 methinx. Saw the man several times since. He was so recognizable that he was constantly approached by the public..... and he was not too friendly about strangers interrupting his time.
  4. What I don’t like about their statement is that it makes no mention of the known internal damages wrought by covid19 on the subacute cases. Perhaps they just accept the idea that survivors will need to deal with future consequences of their prior covid19 infections. This is the value of vaccines. You get the immunity w/o the real consequences of actually having the disease. That’s a much better option than adopting community acquired herd immunity through covid19 infections.
  5. On the other hand..... we now see how well China does manage covid19. If they knew from the start then they knew the totality of their covid19 silencing. And I think China knew because it arrested anyone leaking covid19 information outside of formal pathways. With or without intent China weaponized the virus. China has effectively reset/upset the world stage. Ever hear the sage advice - confusion to the enemy? Watching America this past year is clear evidence of their success. So now what?
  6. Technically you are 100% correct. In all but the most severe situations human nature has subverted attempts to contain covid19. China is the main outlier. They call for a ‘lockdown’ and they get a LOCKDOWN. Without that level of control covid19 is bound to proliferate. Period.
  7. Makes no difference. Ebola is a far more lethal virus than covid19 and had no business being intentionally imported to a new country. Our health systems were said to be ‘bullet’ proof by the leadership then. They were not. They never were. My point here is that these advisers are as much figure heads as those they advise. They are not in the least truly familiar with the reality of the status of our capabilities to manage such infectious diseases. It makes no difference who is in the ‘lead’ role when their trusted advisers are essentially out of touch. We can not take any disease lightly - ever. So skip the finger pointing and deal with the subject. Covid19 and the real opportunities that were missed to deal with it better. So suddenly Fauci sees the China ‘light’. The WHO failed and every leader, and nearly every country failed to corral the virus. Look at the U.K.. Look at France, Italy the list is endless. These diseases are monsters as grotesque as any sci fi fictional demon. You keep them geographically close to their point of origin and you hammer them to extinction..... or you get what we have now. Fauci needs to go away and is as culpable as anyone and everyone.
  8. Fauci was the same advisor who allowed Ebola to come to America and it will be the same advisor to serve the next administration. Seems like they need a better advisor IMHO.
  9. Looking forward to ‘new’ leadership. Are you expecting spectacular improvements?
  10. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2021/01/what-data-show-allergic-reactions-covid-vaccines-cvd/
  11. Agreed. This is precisely the summary statement he needed to ‘make’ loooooong ago.
  12. So for some the glass is 3/4 empty, others it is 1/4 full......😏
  13. BINGO! Precisely my position on life. I know what I know and I KNOW my limitations. Cut me loose reworking computers and it would be an expensive learning curve. Now it would sure be nice if those who do not know medicine or public health would stop professing to understand those subjects better than the professionals who do.
  14. For some the glass is half full, others half empty...........
  15. Good news on the vaccine front...... https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-moderna-vaccine-idUSKBN29C0YK
  16. Dr. Fauci’s latest take on China’s contribution to the covid19 pandemic. It’s worth the time to read. https://www.axios.com/fauci-covid-19-one-year-later-china-role-ef8443f7-4d9c-40b0-8845-b9ce84caf952.html
  17. Just so you know.......... oxygen therapy. O2 therapy is done in two ways. We have ‘low’ flow oxygen delivery where 100% oxygen is administered and the patient takes up what they can of that supply. Those nasal cannula’ s work this way. They can accept and deliver up to 6 or 7 liters per minute of 100% oxygen. As it is breathed in by the patient it is often diluted with room air. The therapy is evaluated using O2 saturation monitors. Low flow O2 encompasses masks too, including simple and non rebreather type masks. We just blow a bunch of oxygen at the patient to make sure they get enough O2. High flow O2 therapy is where a specific % of O2 is delivered to the patient by any number of systems including mechanical ventilators. Enough flow of O2 is delivered to the patient that we’re certain that is exactly the amount of O2 they receive. We can use masks or tents or whatever to deliver the gas to the patient. The goal is to make sure that the patient gets adequate O2 into their body which is measured by O2 saturation sensors. But - with high flow O2 we can derive a host of clinical values. We know what they breathe in and we can measure what they get by blood gases studies. We can measure arterial or venous or mixed venous blood gases. We could collect the exhaled gases and measure the amount of oxygen exhaled. The differences between inhaled and uptake or arterial versus mixed venous allows us to trend the course of a disease and/or a host of cardiac values. We can then see what therapy is working and what is not working. The types of oxygen therapy deployed for covid19 are the high flow devices in form of CPAP systems and partial or full ventilatory support. As an aside the ‘high flow’ O2 blender was invented by Forrest Bird MD, PhD in the 60’s and it is still utilized today. It requires 50 psi compressed air and 50 psi compressed O2 and it delivers more perfectly blended oxygen gas than any patient could ever need......... as long as it is getting 50 psi oxygen, which is part of the problem here. BTW modern ventilators all have their own built in O2 blenders and they all require 50 psi compressed air and oxygen. https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/covid19-oxygen-shortage-explained
  18. Bosco-d-gama


    So, did you put vinyl siding on your house? Yes, in a round about way.....
  19. The non-invasive pressurized O2 systems used to treat covid19 patients keeping them from requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation require high flows of oxygen. High flow means 60 + liters per minute of a specific oxygen %. It’s not that the patient requires ALL that gas to live. But if you do not meet the patients peak inspiratory flow rate they will draw down the positive pressure in their circuit ruining the purpose of the therapy. And covid19 patients breath fast and they cough a lot both of which result in very high inspratory flow rates. I am stunned to learn that in Southern California they are running low of medical grade oxygen because of covid19. They use industrial processes to produce, supply and service hospitals and it is not enough. Worse is that hospitals keep liquid oxygen in bulk and their systems that return the liquid back to gaseous form are freezing and they require additional effort to keep them actually running correctly. https://www.foxnews.com/health/la-county-ambulance-crews-told-to-ration-oxygen-transports-amid-overwhelmed-hospitals-report
  20. Nope - but I use a razor strop on my kitchen knives. FWIW they really are quite deadly sharp.😳
  21. No...... They should fear covid19 much more than they vaccines and considering how well they’ve done so far the proof is seen in that pudding.
  22. I know of only one country who intentionally attempted to achieve herd immunity..... and they failed. It makes no sense for our country to have done so considering the machination of our vaccination development capacity. The same folks would’ve known how well the vaccines were advancing so why attempt a far more costly method?
  23. It is the exact same approach to inducing immunity. In fact the covid19 vaccine may be more advanced having been developed using more modern testing.
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