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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. Hi @sarasl01 welcome! INSTANT coffee ?!? We'll have to straighten you out on that stuff. jk jk I'm drinking pre-made [leftover] from yesterday afternoon.... well I'm thinking [now we're in trouble. And only one cup under my belt] wife is going in to work today.If, for no other reason, to give her secretary someone to talk to. Secretary will blow wife's phone up with texts.... I tell wife, Christina wants to talk to someone... call her. @Tarheel I presume that is the "decorator" model sub from SVS? How small of a water heater.... 40gal? lol
  2. brewed an afternoon pot of coffee. Been a slug today. Wife woke with a sore throat and ..... she went to the Dr. Nothing serious. Ear infection/s... both ears. She was relieved.... me, too. She's napping. I'm being quiet. Not really. I'm in the doghouse, listening to music. Quiet is .... she can't hear me making noise I've had the house open all day. It was kinda fresh this AM... and we're only going for 80 - 85`. Dinner is ready. Leftover tuna/noodle casserole. Works for me. I've been thinking I am gonna put a pot of [pinto] beans on. Good for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast, I serve them with scrambled egg and tortillas.... put a dollop of cottage cheese on the beans. Salsa, if you have some. That will carry you to lunch. Spose I should give patting tortillas a try. Too bad I don't have a big flat top. I do have cast iron pans. They will have to do. French tortillas [crepes] might be easier.There is a Hungarian version of crepes, too. The Hungarians prolly invented them...and the French claimed it. Like, we don't associate pasta with the Chinese.
  3. suzy homemaker tip for cleaning glass smokeware Hot water under a little pressure will remove most goo quite well. I use a garden hose set in the sun. I attach a short section of hose with no male end... mates better to the glass.
  4. something like the MilkyWay across the ceiling would be cool.
  5. There is a house in GreenValley that is purple, orange and yellow... Not pastel, either. In an area w/o HOAs... duh That's my line Look at how different colors look under HPS lighting. I did a little curating at a lithography studio ... light IS everything @Dave1290 You can pick the color of your lights. There are some #'s on the package giving a rating in K, I think... low numbers are more red/orange. High are on the blue end. What we know as "soft white" are in the red end. "Daylight" was more blue. We use "daylight" in the pinsetters. Made the pins look [more] white..... and if we had to use a soft white...stood out like a sore thumb. The pins looked yellow.
  6. that's the rub I can afford a pair don't know if I afford to get another wife. this one is pretty good. Kinda like my system I didn't pay much for either... any upgrade would be very expensive.
  7. We have lots of wood in our place. Bamboo floors. Redwood on the walls. .The black is a nice contrast. While I do appreciate a good looking speaker, we aren't buying them just 'cause they're pretty. Being a mechanic at heart, I see beauty in simplicity and function. Tried getting the wife up at 6 and 6:30 and at 6:45. She got out of the house around 7:30... That's near lunch time for me. Did some housework. Need to go up on the roof. A patch job. Should be up there now. The materials have softened up to pliable. It was 50` this AM. I didn't want to jinx our chances of rain by fixing it earlier. I won't know if it is fixed for a month. I do not expect to see much for clouds until mid/late June.
  8. why would you hide them? Mornin' All Wife has been "off" work for 5 days in a row... She was off on her b'day and yesterday for the Dr.. Back to the grindstone today. Sposed to be out the house at 7. I seriously doubt she'll make that. oh... SIL turned up. She went to the cemetery to "visit" Mom on Mothers' Day... This where details get fuzzy. Something happened to her moped, I guess. Still don't know how that plays with her "missing". The cemetery is in the middle of town. Not more than 2 blocks from everything, including home. Anyway... she is OK. Average and real temps meet today... 91 is average in Tucson. It will be in the mid/upper 80's here. fwiw Stay Home is lightening up Friday. I might be able to go fishing, again. Looking forward to that. time to rattle wife's cage
  9. if it works for you... we are individuals. I do pretty good on bread, cheese, veggies and mostly fish.... kinda in the wrong place for fish. Bluegill are fine dining... if I can get to the lake w/o so many people being there. I'm OK with sharing ... but, I have limits of tolerance. ... and how far I am willing to hike to get away from "them"
  10. my buddy did an experiment with his Dr and the keto diet... you know - the one that lets you eat as much fat and protein as you want. No carbs. His numbers didn't show any difference from eating a "balanced" diet. I'm still not sold on it being a healthy diet. Humans are omnivores... basically scavengers. Don't wanna hear that "top predator" crap.. I don't see much predation happening at the grocery store...
  11. tingle or tinkle?... sorry I can't help myself sometimes
  12. You want some real snakes to iron on? took wife to her Dr appt... practicing social distancing OK. Only patients allowed in. Make sure you use the toilet before heading out. I threatened to use a bush behind the office. Had to wait for a convenient place on the road home.... According to the thermometer in the car, it is 5` cooler here... That was @11AM. 86` where.when we left. 80` here... House is cold. We closed it up before leaving. Could put a thermometer in, but that would make the house warm in the summer and cold in the winter. Knowing the temp seems to amplify it's hot/cold. What I know of winter/summer temps in the house... ... butter keeps firm in the winter. Tear the bread firm. Summer, you pour the butter on your bread.
  13. y'all can't tell me you don't watch Mythbusters just to see them blow something up the supersonic ping pong ball was pretty cool for no explosions. Mornin' all Got a few cups of coffee down... I can be civil now. Going for an out of house experience today. Wife has an appt with the eye Dr. I get to drive. We might swing by the WhiteElephant after. Wonder if those tribal coats are still there... if the place is open... Our temps are trending downward ... toward normal. We might see a few days under 90`.... before 90 is average. The weather person was kinda funny. They were talking about the possibility of more rain, after we got wet last week.... They all but said, "Good luck with that before July". They did say they didn't see any thru the end of the month. ... and June is drier than May.
  14. Yes It gets "humid" July - Sept. It will get a stifling 30% and rain a little. They used to call the beginning of "monsoon" when the dew point was 54` or higher for 3 days in a row. There is never an excess of rain. We will get 20in [all year] in a good year. Don't want you to think we get it all in monsoon... Half of that during the monsoon. Then we have another "wet" season in the winter. It usually gets nice right after the rodeo, golf tourney, gem show... Murphy sez. Neither of these rainy periods are terribly productive or reliable. One year, I think it went 10 months between significant rain. so, yeah... it is pretty dry all year.
  15. I don't have a cell phone. I don't even know how to "text" ... and this is as social as I get on media.
  16. catastrophic failure is entertaining
  17. my wife does that to me One time, she was in Tucson. I called her at 9AM... She sez she gonna come home after she gets breakfast. It's an hour drive from there to here.... 5 hrs later, she gets home and wonders why I'm upset.
  18. this SIL is the one that we worry about when she's not in the hospital or jail.... reminds me of my ex.... too much
  19. you solved that quick Remember me going around with brand new cable con intermittent? I bet it was 3 months
  20. Mornin' All wife's b'day. Nothing special planned. I asked her what she wanted for dinner... Still waiting for a response.She has pretty well limited the possibilities to what we can get from the store, here. Near normal temps forecast... Wow! Don't have to button the house up at sunrise. I could do some yard work, if I want to push my knee. Still a little tender and will collapse if I turn/move wrong. My SIL is MIA. A couple of her friends came by, asking if we had seen her. Nope... This won't be the first time. Not too worried yet. I call her "the X factor", due to unpredictable/stupid behavior. My sisters still talk/laugh about her at our wedding... Showed up late, drunk and arguing with her bf.. We figure she holed up at one of her friends' places. We haven't gotten a call from her.... or the popo... Last time was "We're lost... under a tree, in a pasture... ". Funny thing about that one... I knew where they were. somewhere in conversation, wife and I got into the topic of hair color. Was telling her that I was quite happy when I got all grey. She told me that my hair isn't grey... it is white. ??? Or is it platinum blonde? I know I have fits of blonde. I catch myself once in a while... "Just what do you think you are trying to do?" Punctuated with a slew of expletives.
  21. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - movie-- and vampires making a scene at the big dance "They are seniors, we had to invite them" I would prolly surprise them by knowing a lot of the hymns and how the service is conducted .... I used to attend regularly. just not here
  22. that will do I just had a funny thought... taking those folks up on me coming to their church .........vampires can only enter if invited.....
  23. I have a vintage H/K 630 to go with my vintage LS. they sound pretty nice
  24. no problem... leave that white stuff home, please. the food, coffee and company are fine. dinna do squat after getting the floors done. Finished about noon-thirty. Just before wife got back from church. She was given a mini rose by the church. Something for me to care for. We will say, wife doesn't have good luck with plants....I am the gardener around the house. I gave up trying to keep plants in this house. No south facing windows --- the place is too dark for plants and too dry for fungi.
  25. it's behaving like July here.... clear and sunny in the AM. Clouding up and threatening rain [may or may not deliver] in the afternoon. Weird
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