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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. it almost feels cool. It didn't get to 100`... and the sun wasn't blazing. That a biggie... took a cruise thru "downtown". bunch of motorcycles at the bar. Virginia's taco stand had people. No fresh veggies at the farmers' market. Still early in the season. Thought there might be some beans and summer squash and an early flush of tomatoes... maybe, but, no. think salad is on the menu tonite. Crisp and juicy sounds good..
  2. that would be lucky to see tomorrow in my house make mayo out of the drippings
  3. She sez she feels good. Things are a little fuzzy in the corrected eye. She's not driving. I am anxious to see how well she can see after both are done. She goes in next Wed for a follow up [and prolly a double check on her other eye... pre-op]. She has the other one scheduled for 2 weeks. Ought to be all set for school starting mid Aug. She will get to ride the bus to school this year. They got 5 or 6 kids from Arivaca. We like that during the rainy season. Little car has not got much for clearance... and we don't want to see how much water it can take. We have the Olds for that crap. It's been thru water deeper than I was comfortable with. SIL calls it a boat... not for that reason. TBH it's not that big of a car. The boy's Mustang was about the same size. Looks like the "monsoon" is knocking on the door. Maybe not for the 4th. ....you guys are drinking coffee right now, correct? I made fresh for the wife yesterday. Drinking leftover this AM hmmm The sky is light enough to see virga. ... think I felt a drop of wet when I went out.
  4. I'm a little disappointed. The Dr took wife's patch off.. Arrrrrrrhh She does has to don it for sleep. Our cave is just right for her light tolerance. Welding mask for outdoors. All that talk of different liquors in your bloody mary tells me that bloody mary covers the taste of alcohol pretty good. Beer works in it, too.
  5. Have we lost our humanity? NO Display it.?...maybe not as often as we should
  6. Mornin' All Going to pick up my pirate in a few... I assume she will have a patch for a day or two. the weather cooler.... if you can call 108` as opposed to 109` "cooler". Next week sub 100` predicted and chances of rain. I'll believe it when I see it. It has felt hot out. The sun has teeth. We're passed that gentle caress stage. got the house clean just in time for the kid to destroy it. At least I know it WAS clean.
  7. good thread. Watching kids text rather than talk raises questions. .
  8. I've seen the ads for that "hand cannon"... Handles everything up to a 410... with interchangeable barrels. That looks like fun. Chuck was mentioning the weather being warm... at 5PM, conditions in Tucson 107` [108] depending on who/where in town. Cooled down from 109` 4% R/H ... and I would still take this over "Hot" in the SE. Been to DC when it was 95`+ and 80 or 90% R/H. Wife called about 2PM. Said the Dr said she was the best patient all day. I had to ask if she was the only patient... wife says she likes my "sense of humor", though most of my funny goes over her head. Some of it is pretty lowbrow for her... or she doesn't get it. .. Then she laughs crazy at some of those Brit comedies. and I'm the blonde in the room.
  9. odd is one of the nicer things I've been called
  10. whatever gave you that idea? and to think some of us escaped
  11. put some "work" music on and cleaned the house... while I can. It's really difficult to do the floor proper when there are people walking around on them before they are done. When I was custodian, I yelled at the manager of the bowling alley for walking across a freshly waxed floor. Left some nice footprints. Wife is prolly about done in surgery. Yeah... just cataract.. any surgery is surgery. She's gonna give me a call when she gets her wheels under her. Don't have to get her until tomorrow. Her sister is going to drop her at the Dr for her post op in GreenValley. Saved me a lot of running. I would feel better if I was there, though. ... someone has to hold down the fort curious thing about the lanes in GreenValley. At one time, half of the employees were from Indiana, left handed and wore glasses.
  12. Anyone get a rebate from their car insurance for not driving during lockdown? I did.. 2]$10 checks. Got my renewal statement. My premium went up $40/6mo. [I have minimum coverage on the Olds] Can't say I didn't see it coming. I did mention it to my agent.
  13. with the stress level of recent happenings... I think there are quite a few folks hanging by a toenail. Best to you and yours.
  14. made the trip to GreenValley Hot... not yet 95` at 9:30AM is getting there, though. 108` predicted for Tucson. Smoke from the BighornFire has pretty well filled the valley. Visibility is way down. Wind and high temp for a couple days...
  15. ugh.. Glad it never gets warm here... We can get wet and cool. Mornin' All Pretty nice right now. Sun is just peeking the horizon. Gotta make a run to GreenValley. Drop wife off with her sister. Wife's first cataract surgery is tomorrow AM... in Tucson. She'll be back Fri. Could have been home tomorrow. Wife has a follow up/post op in GreenValley Fri AM.Logistics have wife staying in town overnight and SIL taking her to the post op. I'll pick her up there. We're both a little anxious. I guess I'm not the only one having problems with spot. Seems they did some updates to their site, starting May, that aren't compatible with everyone. Wonder how many are running linux? May would be about the time I started having probs...
  16. Prayers for peace and happiness for your wife and you and your family.
  17. watching an old movie. Charles Bronson and Chuck Connors. Spencer Tracy and Audrey Hepburn a comedy "Pat and Mike"
  18. I made a measure of success with spot. ...if I bring spot up on both and sign in both, my computer and the wife's, I can do what/when. Kinda gives me a remote control, too. other than that... still the same ol' same ol' Kid comes in this AM, "It's my birthday !" "No it isn't. It was yesterday. We didn't want to make a cake or do anything special"... today is her b'day... I wanted to see what she would do.
  19. I've seen many of the artists mentioned. I'm with @dtel.... we got pretty buzzed. Saw SavoyBrown in a brew pub. I was sitting on the floor before the end of the show.
  20. ....after working machines, I know they are watching us. you know... that funny noise in the car that always disappears while it is in the mechanics hands. i will clear cookies and browser history. Still gives me the willies... fear of losing passwords. I only have 3... not on many sites... e mail, here and spot...
  21. I hate the instructions that assume you know something to start. If I knew that much, I wouldn't be asking for help.... I'm not familiar with the terminology to begin with. Instructions register in my brain as sounding like English... but no words I recognize. I am reminded of the "Gearbox manual" on the pinsetters we worked on. We cut a book on disassembly and replacement of major assemblies from a book to 3 pages, both sides, by assuming you knew something about the machines. The book was like a computer program. Every nut and bolt.. when, and which direction to turn it. Screwdrivers listed as "+" and "--"....
  22. Had to dash into the house. An empty cup and a few other things... check on the wife [look at her], close the place up and drop the shades on the NE quadrant. Passive cooling works pretty well here. The fact that it gets kinda cold at night helps a bunch. We should start seeing an uptick in r/h. Wouldn't know it by looking at the recent stats. R/H has been stupid low. Dew points in single digits. The dead of fire season. Watch when it starts trying to rain. All the wind and lightning of a real thunderstorm ..... just add water. these are the dog days of our summer. too hot to get very ambitious. Break a sweat thinking about work. Soon as the rains start, people will come to life... like everything else out here. I swear people would drown in the rain from staring into the sky to see what it is. We get exciting about a cumulus cloud. ------------------------------------------------------------------- look at the license plate on the GTO... KY 29-0 a sports message?
  23. Mornin' All Wife is sleeping. All the antihistimines knocked her out. She's gonna be fine. Next trip to the Dr is Thurs. Cataract surgery. We're looking forward to this. Burned steaks on the grill last night. It was a late dinner, 8pm. Can't say the trip to the Dr put it late.... didn't really. It was warm out. Could've brought the meat up to temp by setting it in the sun. Maybe with a little char. thought Spotify was going to run normal. The whole page loaded. Not so. Hit the play... and it goes buffering. Not related to internet connection or speed. I'll be chasing wilting plants this week. It's sposed to get as warm as it can. Prediction of 110`, well 109`, for later in the week. Think I'll be pulling the sprinkler into the yard. Won't green the grass, but will drop the temp 20`. That's how I cool the place. Wet the lattice on the porch... and we have a primitive swamp box cooler.
  24. a good year for Barry Gordon[?] Just what we like to do for fun a Sunday afternoon... go to urgent care. Wife got stung by a wasp and drew a reaction. We know from experience, calling 911 is a waste. By the time EMTs get here and load her up, take vitals... we can be to the ER before anything exciting happens. That was my day. Fun? Didn't wear my civies. We beat out of here, me in my sarong. I sat outside the urgent care on the sidewalk... in [according to the thermometer in the car] 107`. Glad I was damp from the pool. We were there for near an hour. I scared everyone else with an emergency to the hospital. lol tbh I looked more comfortable [was gonna say "cooler", but that goes w/o saying] than anyone else I saw outside. Saw KingKong's gf on Perry Mason... yep Faye Wray. at 51. Had to be near the end of her screen career.
  25. I'm the only one awake, here. I don't expect anything. Been fighting with this computer and spotify. Having problems and I'm about to frisbee the computer. No... I am not having fun.
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