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ClaudeJ1 last won the day on May 2 2020

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    Detroit Area
  • My System
    Living Room: 2.2/Atmos 7.2.4 (11 channels with LR Subs)=Front L&R, Danley SH-50 horns powered by Topping LA5, SH-50 Center powered by 1/2 of Ayima 07, Forte for surround Channels 4&5 (SR & SL), Super Heresy 1.0 for Rear channels 6&7 (RL & RR), Four-KPT 200's on ceiling for Atmos, all 8 surround/ceiling speakers powered by 4 Ayima 07 TI Chip amplifiers (about 60W/ch.). Yamaha Pre/Pro CX-A5200. One servo drive bt-7 full horn sub and One Danley TH-50 Sub Panasonic DP-UB820 4K Blue Ray for 2.2 CD's, HDMI out for Atmos DVD/Blue Ray. YPAO for all listening. 1 Behringer A800 for subs.

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Klipsch Ultra Fanatic

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  1. I use Pro Heresys for ceiling speakers across 2x4's. No WAF.
  2. I didn't mean anything I didn't say. Like with Telemarketers, there comes a point where you have to hang up.
  3. All threads, sooner or later, get hijacked. So put your axe down. You did it by making two different points. I agreed with one and not the other. I just wanted you to segregate and amplify, which you did (pun intended). Practice what you preach.
  4. I have several of the toppings. Also the original 3255 Eval boards from TI at $250. The chinese do it better, cheaper, and includ0 bux.e a power supply and a cabinet for 130 bux so I quit building mine.
  5. Got Headroom??? LOL. You can hit 130 peaks at you MLP with those. No worries, eh?
  6. I use all 3255 derivatives for my 8 surround channels on Heresys.
  7. I use those as well. PA-5 and I have Hypex NC-400's too 10 year anniversary!
  8. I remember my dealer shared his frustration when people came in and got Heresy's with that amp. He demonstrated LaScalas with the cheapest Japanese receiver (25 wpc) and proved you could get stupid loud with it. They got the Heresys and the Crown 9 out of 10 times. My wife had one of those cheaper receivers on her Heresys and cranked them up plenty loud so she could hear music over her vacuum cleaner! My Khorns were in the basement across from the bar.
  9. I use mine for Tapped Horn subs that can reach 130 db output at 16 Hz.. I got scared at 125, so I stopped.
  10. I wasn't referring to the metal content, just the buying power. Klipsch speakers are more affordable than they were then. It's all realtive to when you first know what a dollar was. In my case, it was my paper route and that my dad paid 6 moth's salary for new Car. Power steering, power brakes, power finance, he used to say. A "standard" GM car today costs 10X that, and he would have made 10X more as well.
  11. yes. I got one that was re-capped and not original. Yours is.
  12. Pricey is relative term. A dollar is now a dime relative to 1964. It's called Inflation. Klipsch speaker are now less expensive than they were in 1964. CNC plastic and MDF, and China! Electronics have come a long way in 60 years!! Engineers should make a good living, yes? If so the company they work for need to make a profit in order to exist in a competitive world,, in order to pay them and the people who manufacture their designs, yes? DC300A's are obsolete designs many of generations ago. This is 2025, not 1964. A lot has happened, and all 60 year old Paul Klipsch creations are obsolete, except the Khorn, now replaced by Mark IV models. Soon to be replaced also.
  13. Especially if you can get K2's with NO fans!
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