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Invidiosulus last won the day on December 30 2021

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About Invidiosulus

  • Birthday June 9

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    Mr. Lee’s Greater Hong Kong #28777
  • Interests
    Furniture design, Art, Music, Woodworking.
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  1. R.I.P. A buddy of mine in college had a number of Bluesbreakers albums and we spent a lot of weekends kicked back spinning them on the turntable.
  2. Before I started working from home, I had a 60 mile round trip to work through the mountains every day. On paper it’s a 45 minute drive one way. There were a few times I made it in 25 minutes flat. I’d typically go through a set of regular and a set of snow tires every year.
  3. I've been driving on the BRP before and gone through fog thick enough you could barely see the center line with your head stuck out the window looking right down at the pavement. I went out for a drink the other night at a little bar right off the BRP. Driving through town it was fine until the last 1/8 mile before the parkway where it was like to driving into a wall of fog. it’s neat how much the weather changes along the edge of the mountain there.
  4. Another Sunday afternoon at my buddy’s place, downstairs in his woodshop, sampling some bourbon. My buddy Jeff is a generation older than me, a Wisconsin native(like myself), and a Vietnam veteran. Today his brother Bob was in town and had brought along some Wisconsin bourbons. These were very good. We chatted for a few hours and as things were wrapping up, Jeff told me he had a shirt he wanted me to have. This was the shirt he was wearing when he flew home from Vietnam.
  5. Released 43 years ago today. Cookin some pork loin chops at Daddy’s Late Nite Diner.
  6. I got to see Helmet a couple of months back. Paige Hamilton absolutely nailed it on guitar. My buddy and I(50 and 42 respectively) managed to not die in the mosh pit. Although there was one point where some guy bounced his head off the metal plate in my buddies forearm and there was a distinctly metallic clanking sound.
  7. This track from No Doubt was literally the moment that convinced me to learn to play bass. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but they were a pretty tight band.
  8. The bass line he put on I will Survive is just fantastic.
  9. The pic was from right after they went on. They will get there.
  10. My buddy who is the lead singer that put our band together, was a professional DJ and event organizer when he was younger so he knows how to throw a pretty good party. Today I’m smoking a couple of butts on the Big Green Egg while I’ve got the KP-250s cranked up outside.
  11. Our town fireworks won’t be until Saturday night. We are easy walking distance of the park in town where they set them off. There is an old hosiery mill on the hill at the top of our neighborhood that has a back parking lot that overlooks the spot where they launch the fireworks. No driving required. There is apparently a big party going on at one of the larger inns over by the BRP Saturday night. As soon as the town fireworks are done and I’ve walked the kids back to the house, my buddy is going to give me a lift over there so we can check it out. Supposedly he’s got our band booked for the Halloween party over there so it will be nice to check out the venue ahead of time.
  12. My college buddies and I used to play a similar game while watching The Big Lebowski.
  13. This is going to be a spammer.
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