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Roby Italy

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Everything posted by Roby Italy

  1. Marantz with Klipsch a lot of people like it, my opinion is that the sound is not aggressive enough ... for my taste
  2. Ciao, ho anche avuto la Cornovaglia, sempre guidata con il mio preamplificatore Sansui ma con due amplificatori di potenza Bose serie 1800 2 (uno per canale), è vero che efficiency è alta ma il loro woofer molto grande ama molti watt .. ... garantisce pugno nello stomaco. Questi ultimi sono a prezzi bassi ma devi controllare che siano in buone condizioni e il risultato finale sarà eccezionale, senza spendere molti soldi. Il mio consiglio è di utilizzare l'unità valvolare come preamplificatore e inserire amplificatori a transistor.
  3. Sansui AU 3000 is excellent, if the preamp is good you can insert any ending you want, I also tried integrated AU 11000 and it's great.
  4. The Pioneer Susano is 10.2 channels, the central channel is bi-amplifiable, the subwoofers are two ASW825 (I love the sub in a closed box).
  5. I like you ..... I have three Corvettes
  6. These amps bring home with 500 euros used, and will never change again
  7. Click at the top right on the fb icon
  8. Yes, maybe the last model is quite different from the first two, in the first only the manufacturer changed
  9. Yes, I read. I still drive two Bose 1800s with Sansui now
  10. In fact, the best models are those until 1980....also used only as preamplifiers
  11. My modest cinema room, put together with many years of savings
  12. I want to share my experiences, many amps came to my room and after a while they went ..... only Sansui remained.
  13. Yes, if I remember correctly three models, two similar and one with quite different specifications.
  14. I wonder the 15C how it can have a deeper bass when it has a higher usage frequency than the K33, maybe it will have a more incisive bass
  15. No, solo la differenza di risposta in una stanza chiusa o all'aria aperta è la stessa ... tutto cambia Forgive me if I write badly, but the translator works badly.
  16. https://www.montarbo.com/it/montarbo-made-in-italy/earth-112 https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjyxcOWsYHnAhVDsKQKHflNCaEQjB16BAgBEAM&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnegozio.crgline.com%2Fit%2Fsubwoofer%2F178668-pas-118-subwoofer-passivo-caricato-a-tromba-800w-rms-127db-woofer-18.html&psig=AOvVaw0pkfnil4jTO1QwmWOPUrnP&ust=1579032586539121
  17. I, on the other hand, would like someone to explain to me how horn-loaded subwoofers with smaller cabinets than the LS cabinets go so low ... yet they do
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