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Everything posted by RangerSix

  1. I think its bad policy to encourage sniping. I understand why folks snipe and on a certain level Ill even admit it makes sense, but damn if it doesnt chap my a$$ when I see slimy scumbags do things like that (and yall know who you are). There seems to be no honor in that type of behavior. Sure, most of us over time will learn how to effectively counter the Lone Sniper, but doesnt it feel like cheating nonetheless? It reminds me of the weasel in the Foghorn Leghorn cartoons. Whatever happened to bidding to your max threshold point and letting the amount ride? If in the end I lose, well so be it. I feel absolutely no regrets should someone else outbid me. So far, I'm at about 60-70% success in bids that I feel okay about. However, on items I REALLY want, I'm usually about a 85% success rate. It works for me, and I sleep comfortable knowing that I didn't gip someone at the last moment. I know it's naive, but it's a code that I have establish for myself. To each his own I guess. Often for amusement and with too much time on my hands, I will watch a popular high-dollar auction item (in this case Japanese Swords) just to watch those weasels scramble at the last moment to get their bid in before the clock runs out. Recently, a sword jumped $3000 in the last minute finishing at around 15k. As usual, the winner was someone who did not even bid throughout the lifecycle of the auction. SCUM! Well, Ive ranted long enough. I know it wont make any difference, but it sure feels good to get it off my chest. -- Off Soap Box.
  2. Give the gift that keeps on giving. She's still crying with joy! "Featuring a nine-stage allergen filtration system, a reusable micro bag and six high-suction tools. A 35-foot, 16-gauge, three-wire SJT cord with a quick release, and the attached super-stretch hose makes above-floor cleaning easy. Finally the low-profile nozzle has a 13-inch cleaning width." Argh Argh Argh!
  3. Weeweechu Korean Style One beautiful December evening Huan Cho and his girlfriend Jung Lee were sitting by the side of the ocean. It was a romantic full moon, when Huan Cho said, Hey baby, lets play Weeweechu. Oh no, not now, lets look at the moon said Jung Lee. "Oh cmon baby, lets you and I play Weeweechu. I love you and its the perfect time, Huan Cho begged. But I rather just hold your hand and watch the moon. Please Jung Lee, just once play Weeweechu with me. Jung Lee looked at Huan Cho and said, OK, well play Weeweechu. Huan Cho grabbed his guitar and they both sang Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, Weeweechu a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. --------------------------------- Since we are in the holiday spirit. Here are some of KaIN's favorite XMAS songs ... "Israelis roasting on an open fire. Punjab blowing down your door." or ... "It's a Holy Jolly Jihad ..."
  4. Lord of the Rings: Return of the Nerds Unfortunately, I too have never understood the LotR phenomena. It reminds me of the geeks that use to play Dungeons and Dragons back in high school. As they grew up, I think they all migrated over to the AVS forum. Anyway, it's been hard to get past that. Slowly though, I am beginning to enjoy the first two films. I did like the battle scenes in the Twin Towers. I found myself cheering for the Urak-kai(sp). Those Scandinavian Vikings looked pretty cool also. However, don't get me started on the elves. Shouldn't they be at the North Pole or making Keebler cookies or something? What's up with that? And what's with those two Hobbits (pc: Growth Challenged People) with the walking foliage? Talk about tree huggers. Must be Democrats. If the carnage and mayhem in the new movie is anything like Twin Towers then I will like it. Unfortunately, the movie will not be playing at the military theaters here in South Korea for another 4 to 6 weeks. That's okay, I can wait. Enjoy the film!
  5. ---------------- On 12/17/2003 4:31:31 AM KAiN5 wrote: And don't forget the thousands of people that died due to the American bombings. Seems no one cares about those people for some reason. ---------------- And how would you know? Hey, why stop there! Lets not forget about the Arab attacks against the Pentagon, the World Trade Center, or a quiet field in Pennsylvania. I don't recall seeing too many wet eyes in the MidEast when that happened. If fact I recall seeing people dance in the streets. I believe it was those poor innocent Palestinians you were writing about in another thread.
  6. I guess it's perfectly okay for Israel to have WMD and kill Palestinians daily while they fight back with stones and sticks.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> and bombs and ambushes and kidnappings and assassinations and AK-47 rifles and RPG-7s and on and on and on. Palestinian hands are equally dirty. The drama being played out in Israel is one of cause and effect or for you Matrixheads, causality. You seem to imply that the poor innocent Palestinians are completely blameless against the savage Israeli juggernaut. Somehow you made no mention to the causality of the action. Is Israel completely blameless? Of course not. However, in 90% of the time, there seems to be a logical cause and effect with their actions. For instance, bomb is detonated in a market square. Hamas claims responsibility. Israeli tanks and aircraft retaliate against suspected or known Hamas locations which also happens to be colocated next to a school. Children are killed in the process. Who's at fault? Naturally, the Arab media will denounce the attack as yet another Zionist criminal action, but is it really? Does Hamas bear a certain share of the burden and blame? Isn't it part of their tactics to hide behind the skirts of innocents that purpetuates this never ending cycle of violence? Next time you read or hear about some alleged Israeli atrocity; ask yourself what is the cause and effect of that action. Seems America is blind when it comes to Israel. Nope, but we do share similarities in our fight against terrorist. You are gonna say "ISRAEL DOESN'T KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE!" Well, duh. The American media doesn't show that part! Yes they do, as well as the Arab casualties. Where did you hear we didnt? Arab media perhaps? Why don't you head down here No thanks! Been there once, didnt like it. or even switch on a European new channel to see what's REALLY going on. As if the Euros are going to be any more objective to a news story than we are? They lost a lot of business contracts when Saddam was booted from power. America wanted to protect Israel and since Iraq *SUPPOSEDLY* had WMD, Iraq was a threat to Israel and so they attacked them "just to make sure." Hmmm, let me get this straight. Because you perceive Iraq to be a threat to Israel therefore we, being the US, attacked Iraq to protect Israeli interests. Dude, give it a rest with all this anti-Semitic nonsense. The MidEast/Arab hatred toward Israel is slowly corrupting your culture. Ive never seen a people so consumed in hate. One day, this destructive attitude and behavior is going to eventually implode upon itself and my fear is that it will take the rest of the world along with it. I mean hell, IT'S BEEN MONTHS AND MONTHS and they STILL CANNOT FIND THE WMD? It seems, they have also "disapeared" off the American media. Hardly, there is an election in the immediate future. The existence (or lack thereof) of WMD is squarely in the center of debate between both political parties.
  7. sniff, sniff ... brings tears to my eyes. ... and for those that think it's a conspiracy. Well, you're right. Saddam agreed to surrender under the condition that he gets to sign a record deal with the Dixie Chicks. Yee Haw Infidels!!!
  8. ---------------- On 12/14/2003 9:33:22 PM chuckears wrote: Someone should really put the women in charge... it is us men with our warmongering and clannish brutality who have kept screwing up the experiment of human society for a tiresome long time... ---------------- I guess you haven't seen a 50% sale in the ladies clothing department?
  9. And since I'm thinking about ... Years ago when the Pits were used for fighting, the breeders purposely bred out of the dog aggressive tendencies toward humans. Why? Because in a fighting ring, severely wounded dogs had to be handled by their owners. Breeders couldn't take a chance on a wounded animal striking back at them out of fear. Any animals that showed aggressive tendencies toward their masters were quickly put down. They're great dogs, but I'm biased and hate it when folks malign this beautiful breed.
  10. ---------------- On 12/8/2003 1:56:41 AM m00n wrote: They are monsters // but it's just the way I see it. I hear about these dogs all the time. ---------------- Exactly! And who repeatedly spoon feeds us this sensational garbage? Yep, the media. Pits are great news stories because of their Dirty Harry looks. I wonder ... had that dog been a yellow lab or some other cutsey pooch would it received any press? Probably not. Don't get caught up in the hype.
  11. mOOn, I concur with Dale on this. Please don't blame the breed because of pathetic owners. While I have always been very fortunate to have well-tempered dogs, my best and most loyal of companions was a Pit. In most cases, it's the owners that create the conditions for violent dogs. Additionally, the Pits, because of their fighting past and muscular exterior, often attract the attention of the lowest common denominator of the human species. Unfortunately, this pairing creates a cocktail for disaster. Also, let's not forget the media. They too are responsible for this negative image the breed has received. Years ago, shortly after WWII, the German Shepard and Doberman Pinscher received bad press because of their perceived violent behavior and temperament. If I ever have a child, then I'm getting a Pit. Speaking of Pits ... here's one you all should recognize. Pete the Pup from Little Rascals (Our Gang).
  12. KAiN64 meet KAiN5 (He doesn't go away. He just morphs on and on and on ...) ----------------------- It scares the begeezus out of me when a Middle Easterner asks about Los Angeles or New York. May I recommend Paris or Berlin instead?
  13. Shhhh ... Infidels. I'm trying to listen to the box. Oh, and one last thing you pathetic swine dung. Keep my current hide location on the down-low. It would be terrible if someone knew I was staying at Kain's house over on 47 Virgins Way, Martyrdom City, Dubai.
  14. ---------------- On 10/28/2003 8:11:00 PM kenratboy wrote: Is S. Korea really a hardship post? I would think it would have to be a bit worse to qualify. ---------------- Yes, it is a hardship assignment mainly because most soldiers are away from family for about 12 to 24 months. However, recent events in Afghanistan and Iraq have made Korea the lesser of the three evils.
  15. ---------------- On 10/28/2003 3:42:10 PM m00n wrote: Is there a certian breed that they eat? ---------------- Typically mid to large sized dogs. They seem to stay away from the smaller types probably because it's not worth the effort. In fact, the smaller breeds are pampered like kings. Very odd.
  16. North Korean Tunnel discovered in the 70's
  17. Hey y'all, It has been a while since I've visited, but just wanted to say hi. Life in Korea is nothing like in the US, but I enjoy it immensely nonetheless. Since this is what the Army considers a hardship assignment, all but the basic necessities are brought over from the US. Everything else is in storage (supposedly). Compared to what my comrades in Iraq are going through I really can't complain. Driving here is pure chaos, but surprisingly road rage and accidents are almost nonexistent. Definitely a team sport event. The food is great, my favorite is Kal-bi, but I absolutely refuse to eat dog. While this delicacy is losing favor with the younger generation, there is still enough of a demand for it that dog farms are common in the area. Actually the meat is more expensive than beef. It breaks my heart every time I'm on the road and see dogs packed into cages going to market. I always tell my ROK officer counterparts that they are going to hell for eating "man's best friend". Well, I won't bore you guys any more. Here are some photos that I took recently in the DMZ area.
  18. Prodj, you really are growing up. Keep it up!
  19. I guess it's safe to assume that you guys help in paying the mortgage then? I think letting your parents spend some time on the computer isn't too much to ask. Considering they provide a room for you to sleep in, a place in which you can listen to your music, a pot to p!ss in, and food on the table, sometimes grimacing over the little things in life isn't really worth it. I bet your parents are privately smiling to themselves thinking, "What comes around, goes around!"
  20. God bless everyone for their swords into plowshares belief, however I have to say it its very naïve. Maron Horonzak, you asked, where is all this anger coming from? I say its not anger, but our primal instincts coming out. Its our survival mode thats simply kicking in. I wouldnt necessarily call it a bad thing, its kept us, as a species, alive all these thousands of years. All the passive security measures mentioned so far are excellent, but there is nothing that evens the odds like a good ole Remington 870 pump action shotgun. Personally, I prefer shotguns for home defense. Pistols, especially the 9mms, have too high rate a velocity for it to be useful in the home. Theres a chance the bullet may pierce the wall and hit someone else. Also, a pistol round is a little too precise for use in a high-pressure situation where ones aim may not be as accurate, especially in limited visibility. A shotgun will spread the love with a higher probability of hitting its intended target. Sure, it may pepper your beautiful wall with little bbs, bone fragments and brain matter, but wont you feel better knowing that you protected your home and loved ones from unwanted intruders. In most cases, you wouldnt even have to use the gun on any assailant, just one loud ka chunk from the pump action and most thieves will be heading for the door at a double-time march. To each his own I guess ... You guys can trollop through the daisys all you want, Im several miles from the Korean DMZ, Im not about to put away my sword for a plowshare just yet.
  21. Great points everyone! However ... I dunno ... I feel the moderator, for quite a while now, has been a bit heavy handed in this blunt trauma approach to forum maintenance. You don't treat a finger cut by chopping off the hand. A lot of people are now penalized for the actions of a few. A simple deletion of the thread and banishment/suspension of the flamer(s) would have been more than sufficient. This condescending behaviour toward forum visitors is ridiculous, but hey, it's your play ground. (No need to ban me, I'm on my way out the door).
  22. Thanks everyone for the kind comments. Clu ... woaa there, one mother is MORE than enough!
  23. This last piece Im showing you guys is my favorite samurai sword. It was made in the Chikuzen province by a sword smith named Nobukuni Yoshimasa somewhere between 1624 and 1644. The blade is truly a work of art. Its in fresh polish, so you can brush your teeth from the reflection of the blade. Sharp as a razor also. Sadly, I will not be able to take it over to Korea. Ive heard rumors that Korean customs confiscates items such as this for 6 months or so. BTW: The photo's were not taken by me, but professionally done by the sword dealer (He's one of the best in the country - totally recommend if you're ever in the market.) Well, thats about it. Hope I didnt put anyone to sleep. Its been a pleasure.
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