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Everything posted by RangerSix

  1. Hey plod, I threw this in just for you.
  2. and Good Morning to you plod.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Cant back out of game I never signed up for. Thanks for the invite, but Ill pass on this game. Plod writes: I'd like to see you in a war situation. (No you wouldnt - you have no clue what youre saying) If you were one of the guys that are sent of to Iraq (been there once before), I'm sure you'd get home on (a) dishonorable discharge, since we both know you'd be the one staying in (the) helicopter because you're afraid to jump out (LMAO). Go change your name. We both know you would be to (too) much of a panzy (pansy) to do anything if you ever did somehow become a ranger (http://www-benning.army.mil/rtb/ranger/photo/1-93.jpg). Im the guy third row from the top, sixth man from the right (I'm standing next to dude w/ glasses on my right / or your left looking at the pic). PS: A little worthless trivia for ya, the man (three rows from the bottom, six men over on the left hunched over a Hispanic Ranger) is the real life character of the broken arm soldier in the movie Black Hawk Down. There are a few others, but he comes to mind. and by the way mike, nice try, but if I knew you in real life, I'd throw your *** to the ground and stomp your face in (ouch computer keyboard bravado this early in the morning better look out Mike, I think hes serious). see who needs the brian (brain) development than (then).
  3. good night plod psst ... the correct spelling is tomorrow
  4. American taxpayer education dollars at work ---> plod101 When do I get my refund back?
  5. Hey plod, I would love to play chess with ya (wurken on mi Apalachien drawl), but I'm presently looking for a really crappy retirement home so I can invite you over in 30 years.
  6. Hee Haw plod ... Come on dude, you can do better than that.
  7. No offense plod, but our little chess game would be over long before you moved the first pawn. That's not braggadocio, just simple observation of your behavior. The mere fact that you even challenged me to a game in an effort to trump my intelligence was your first mistake. It demonstrates erratic, impulsive, immature and destructive behavior. Need I go on? Oh, the stand-up comedic picture was from a website, no alterations was done by me
  8. ... lets see, argued with you, shot down idea's, made ranger feel insecure <LOL>, that must be it. And by the way, I'm actually really happy with my life. I'll be close to pro level at the sax by the time I'm 18 <you go girl>, I have a great family, a great sound system <look out>, and have good grades <hee hee>. My Lord plodj101, you didn't tell me you were a comedian? That comment has to be one of the funniest things I've heard all week.
  9. by the way prod it's: ... for an illiterate like yourself ... , not ... for a illiterate like yourself ... If you are going to insult and criticize my intelligence, then it would help if you used proper grammer. Thanks
  10. oleum addere camino Plod, what a sad creature you are. Lifes but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by a Prodj101, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. William Shakespeare, Macbeth, act 5, scene 5
  11. bkrop: yep, Chamberlain made that comment. Actually, there is more to it than that. Here's the whole statement. "My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it is peace for our time... Go home and get a nice quiet sleep." prodj101: "We have no business in there at all." Let's try to discuss this intelligently. Why do you feel that way?
  12. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Prodj101: That way maybe you'll get the idea that war isn't the answer to everything. Hmmm I seem to recall someone else feeling that way also. N.Chamberlain (Sept 1938): Peace in our time.
  13. first of all, I'd like to state to all you retards (forest hump, ranger 6, and anyone else that can't read), <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Retard? Cant read? LOL Coming from you, that means so much your spelling is some of the most egregious on this website. Ill just highlight them in red to help you see the error (pun intended) of your ways. It is not only Osama that wants us out of the middle east. and if the only reason you can give for us to still be there is "it is in our national best interest to occupy the middle east", you really have alot to learn. Our country is starting to look more and more like Rome used to. Just going around invading other lands for goods we need, instead of just staying civilized and paying for it. No Prodj, you have a lot to learn. I think in the last 50 years the US has shown incredible restraint globally. idiot, isreal, (and we the united states), is using the money to do just that. Look at countries like Canada, and Sweden, who are never involved in things like this. Canada's not funding Isreal, did they get attacked? no! neither is sweden. All we have to do is not get involved and we wouldn't have any problems. If you think that the reason we are attacked is because we are proserous, forget it. There are many other countries that are just as well off, and have no problems. So, you recommend the US take an isolationist policy toward the rest of the world? Heaven forbid that we should have to interact with other countries for fear that we may ruffle the feathers of other hostile countries or radical groups. Also, be careful at who you call an idiot. You may feel a certain empowerment hiding behind the security of a computer monitor, but in my world that comment well, would have been somewhat unpleasant for you. I don't understand why so many people here are anti-pacifists. Not anti-pacifist, just anti-naiveté. Do you honestly think that striking against the middle east is going to make them like us any more? The most it can accomplish is them being afraid of us. Do you think that NOT striking is going to make them like YOU any more? I would wager with anyone at any day of the week, that utilizing western pacifist methods to achieve peace would only, in the end, garner MORE contempt and loathing from our Arab brothers. The culture as a whole respects power and strength, not John Lennon "All you need is love" songs, tofu, and Starbucks coffee. They see pacifists as weak with little or no resolve. I am going to be forced to make an analogy similar to colin's. As Yoda once said, "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering". This specificaly applies to all of your solutions for this problem. Heres my analogy (from The Untouchables I love this quote): You want to get Capone? Heres how you get him. He pulls a knife. You pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital. You send one of his to the morgue. Thats the Chicago way. Thats how you get Capone. Tragically, that will be the formula to peace in the Middle East. Its a harsh reality in this part of the world, but sadly its a theorem that has yet to be disproved case in point being our recent operations in Afghanistan and IDF operations in Israel. No, it's not BS rangler. America has extreme favoratism towards Isreal, much more so than it does Palestine. You of all people should know this. At the end of WW2, the "holey land" was unjustly givin to the Isrealie people, by us. We still continue to fund them to death, and nothing to Palestine! Unjustly given? Name ONE patch of ground on this planet that has not at some point or another was unjustly given or forcefully acquired from its current occupants. Regardless, in this particular situation, one can make a credible argument that the Israelis have as much right to this land as the Palestinians. Anyway, this is a subject that we can debate till the cows come home. With that, I bid a final farewell to the Klipsch forum. it's been fun, but it's time to go. Pray for our troops. Currahee!
  14. Finster, being as smart as you are, I would think you would have gotten passed all of the ethnic stereo types that are so abundent in this world. But wait a minute, you obviously aren't smart if you haven't gotten passed them! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Huh? You have no right to go attacking another person's opinion (dean), especially since your idea's are so out of wack. Are you not being hypocritical by telling Finster that he has no right to attack another persons opinion, and yet at the same time expressing to him that his opinion is out of wack People like yourself should all be put in a big cave, locked up, and let out only after situations like this have passed. Think about how much less violence, destruction, and hate would be around. Is that any worse than allowing pacifists to naively make concessions and deals with dictators hoping that eventually through time the bad man will just go away, only to sadly realize that the bad man doesnt go away, but instead just gets more emboldened in further demands and actions (i.e. Czechoslovakia 1938). Obviously, you feel that the Muslim people are all a group of radicals who will jump at the chance to take your head off as soon as they get the chance, when this just isn't the case. I know you'll say "if you've been watching tv, you would have seen that there are constant parades in the middles east whenever an american target is bombed or damage is done to an enemy." This does not account for the majority of Muslims. You could have made this same argument about the German and Japanese people 60 years ago (or any nation at war with another). At some point, a nation, its leaders, and its people must be held accountable for their actions. People need to be more open now adays. There simply isn't room in the world for people who won't accept another culture thats different into their lives. With different cultures popping up all around the United States, you, as an individual, also can't affoard to not get passed these stereotypes. I certainly hope you come to grips with how the world has changed, and realize that there is never one solution to a problem. Go play chess for awhile if you don't beleive me. Lets not forget who attacked whom? Before September of last year, I think most Americans were extremely receptive to finding peaceful solutions regarding issues in the Middle East, however how many times do you expect the United States to get rammed up the a$$ before we say enough already? Think about what the events of 9-11 were really about long and hard. Did you ever think that a solution could be simply pulling out of the middle east? Afterall, thats what Osama wanted us to do, and has been urging us to do for many years. Oh, so the US should now shape foreign policy to conform to the whims of terrorists like Osama bin Laden? <grin> Kind of reminds me of that recently popular saying What would Jesus do? Hey prod, next time you find yourself in a dilemma you can now ask, Hmmm, what would Osama do? There are not 5 good reasons for staying there. We dont need five reasons for staying there, one is sufficient its in our national interest to have a US presence in the area. If you've been up to date on current events, you'll see that the Isrealies have been putting the funding that we give them, for no reason at all, to some sinister use. They recently took an Apache helicopter out for a joy ride, and started shooting at civilians. Luckily, they didn't kill anyone, but in my opinion, we are actually increasing the number of suicide bombings over there by a large number. Thats bullsh#t Prod and you know it. Sinister? I guess it depends on what you define as sinister, however the money sent to Israel, by and large, went to good use both militarily and economically. Can the same be said for the Palestinians? No. The majority of money given never went to the Palestinian people. Yassar Arafat and his top lieutenants through corruption, squandered (stole) funding that should have helped the Palestinians. It was widely reported several months ago that Arafats net worth was 1.3 billion dollars. So while the Palestinian people of live in wretched poverty, Yassars wife and child live in a chateau in Switzerland and Paris. Look at it this way, you're a citizen of Palestine. Isreal has tanks, helicopters, and a very well outfitted army. What do you have? a couple of sticks of dynomite, and a belt strap. What else CAN you do besides run into a city and blow yourself up to fight back? Throwing stones (pretty much the only other thing they can do), isn't going to take out a tank. Hmmmm? Okay, so how about you look at it this way. Israel, a relatively new country about the size of New Jersey, with a population of a little over 6 million, surrounded on all sides (with their backs against the Mediterranean) by Arab nations that easily outnumber them 10 to 1 and desiring nothing less than the total eradication of every Jewish man, woman, and child. Faced with those odds, what do you expect the Israelis to do? Now compound the external Arab threat with the internal turmoil created between the Jewish state and the Palestinian Authority. So far, through sheer will, this tiny country has been able to maintain its independence despite overwhelming odds. As a soldier, my hat is off to those guys. I never thought I'd say this, but while Bose owners may not have good sound taste, most of them at least know what the best solution to this mess is. Huh?
  15. "Tabbed idiots in the open" LOL So you were the S2 for Geronimo. Yeah, Shugart-Gordon is a great place to tear up whole battalions. I guess you probably heard about the training accident at JRTC about two weeks ago. Very bad stuff.
  16. Ole, aye carumba! Great pics Clu.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> ----------------------------------------------- deang, My beef was never with you or mOOn. Its with that vile little creature KaiN64. For the longest time I intentionally did not respond to your comments because I wanted to avoid a flame war even after the two of you sniggled upon mentioning that my grandma (who died about three months ago) wears combat boots. Okay, the gloves come off today. It boggles my mind why you (and others sympathetic to KAiN) continue to look the other way and/or defend this POS. Its simply beyond my comprehension. Hes unrepentant and thus deserves our condemnation not our forgiveness. Its one thing to share differences of opinion on this forum, but its another when those opinions become clearly racist and insulting towards Americans in general, especially now in the aftermath of a nationwide tragedy. I also think its sad that you and others make excuses for that Pakistanis behavior (his youth, culture, etc.) but yet are so quick to run to the moderators when a fellow American posts a comment that YOU deem outside of the definition of acceptable political correctness. When will you guys ever learn? Considering that every post you place on this forum is never audio related, and always amounts to nothing more than warmongering -- for you to refer to those living in that part of the world as 'violent' -- is completely laughable. Every post? You moron. What horsesheet. My so-called warmongering didnt begin on this forum until KaiN64s racist remarks on the 911 thread. Do a search if you are so inclined, but my diatribe or rant has always been focused on one individual KAiN64. Believe it or not my pacifist fellow Americans, once in a while I do find the time to submit audio related posts. I know this will sound blasphemous to some of you, but my life doesnt revolve around this or any other forum. I enjoy my speakers (and audio equipment), but not enough to talk about them all day long. So you call me a warmonger eh? I guess its par for the course for liberals to quickly label pro-military/conservatives as warmongers, but you sir could not be further from the truth. While I am trained in the art of war, I nonetheless detest it. You think because of a picture I posted of a B-52 (w/enclosed caption) that that gives you the license to call me such a name? You have no idea of who I am or my experiences and Im not about to lay out my dossier to the likes of you. Like HDBRbuilder, I too have seen the specter of war and pray I never have to see it again. However, I am a soldier first and foremost this is my profession. I know its easy to sit in your favorite Starbucks sipping a venti decaf and feeling smugly superior that pacifists such as you somehow have all the answers while the rest of us knuckle dragging right of center troglodytes continue to devise evil plots to destroy the environment and conquer the world. Sadly, for many of us, we dont have that luxury. This will be my second time in war with Iraq and Im tired of killing. Dont ever call me warmonger again. When I was cadet in the mid-eighties, GEN® Westmoreland was the guest speaker. While closing his speech, he quoted an excerpt from a speech given by GEN MacArthur to the USMA Corps of Cadets in May 1962. You are the leaven which binds together the entire fabric of our national system of defense. From your ranks come the great captains who hold the nations destiny in their hands the moment the war tocsin sounds. The Long Gray Line has never failed us. Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray, would rise up from their white crosses thundering those magic words, Duty Honor -- Country. This does not mean that you are warmongers. On the contrary, the soldier above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war. But always in our ears ring the ominous words of Plato, the wisest of all philosophers, Only the dead have seen the end of war. I think its fitting to close with the ever so eloquent words from Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman (paraphrased slightly). and KAiN, deang, mOOn wherever you are out there, phuck you too!
  17. Conan, what is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women. Music to bomb Baghdad: Imperial March (Darth Vader Theme)/John Williams/Metallica
  18. Awwwww, Punji is pissed off. Clu, better watch out. Nothing more frightening than a 98 pound, mr. bobble head with a computer keyboard and a pair of RF7s hooked up to a computer amp. Folks from that part of the world tend to be a bit ... ummm .... violent. Seriously, hey a**wi*e, you should be the last to threaten forum moderators.
  19. sgtlarsen, I agree with you, BreakingWind Talkers was horse dung. Lots of explosions, but very little else of substance. It would have been nice to have learned something about the Navaho Code Breakers. The movie was just a platform for John Woo to blow up stuff.
  20. cdsang, I have one lowly (no pun) SVS 20-39 PCi. More than enough for my needs presently.
  21. Clu, you're right ... I have met my match.
  22. "Do I get extra points for calling people dumb asses when I am passing them at a high rate of speed." Yes, you get extra points, however for the following states you lose points because most of the drivers are already dumb asses: Michigan, Louisiana and Arkansas. If you live in California you lose double. I had my g/f take this test last night ... she scored 52. She mentioned to me, "birds of feather, flock together." I said, "Really? No wonder we fight so much." She wacked me upside my head and threw a boot at me.
  23. I always demo my home theater with the T-Rex/dino fight scene in the first half of the movie. The first time I played that scene my phone fell off the charger on the wall. I had to cut down my demo's after my neighbor began to complain.
  24. Great looking pictures Mace and I love that dog, Justin. Mace, I also have the Olympus 3040 and think it's a great camera for its price point. However, chromatic aberations was present in many of my photos. I also had a problem with white balance. On most of my outdoor shots, when the sky was beautiful, the camera was unable to capture it true color. Instead it looked like a solar flare had erupted turning the sky from blue to white. Very frustrating. These issues eventually lead me to get the Canon EOS D60. Now with the D60 I have other issues to contend with. ARRGH! Anyways, here is my favorite photo using the 3040. Nothing close to HornEd's standards, but as a photo newby I like it. Great job guys. I enjoy seeing folks photographic achievements. I head to San Antonio tonight and hope to take some shots of the city and the Alamo while I'm there.
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