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Everything posted by Limberpine

  1. The servo controller box as well as the subwoofer box are very easy to open and take a peak inside.
  2. I have reached out to them, but its probably cost prohibitive because I would have to ship the service controller and the sub box to them cross country.
  3. Well the mechanical hum of the servo controller has gotten worse and the popping is becoming more frequent again....... I'm going to start considering other options. One question I have, is a horn loaded servo controlled sub a thing? I really like the tightness of the Velodyne servo controlled bass. Or if I considered the La Scala mod for the ported stand would that be a good replacement for a sub, or will that just still be lacking? There are some songs where I really enjoy that bass hit, like I'm at a conference and also other songs where I like hearing that down low growl in vocals that comes from artist like Captian Beefheart and Guy Clark. Thanks for any help or suggestions!
  4. Not affiliated https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1195873980831218/?ref=search&referral_code=marketplace_search&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A07b4d093-3428-4a7e-b8cc-28569465df87 If someone works a deal with them, I can meet them halfway or maybe even drive down there for the weekend to pick them up and house them for you until you can come get them.
  5. Which Seismic sub do you have?
  6. Very good, but are they sonically BETTER in any way than the normal La Scalas?
  7. Not affiliated. https://www.stereo.net.au/forums/topic/345462-fs-klipsch-palladiums-p-f37-floor-standing-speakers-melbourne/ Shipping might be hard......🤷‍♂️
  8. https://salem.craigslist.org/ele/d/salem-klipsch-studio-la-scala-speakers/7310912732.html Seems like a good deal. Also, what is the biggest difference performance wise between these and normal la scalas?
  9. Nice! I've always thought it would be fun to double stack them in my room! And then listen from down the block! 🤣
  10. This was not previously mentioned in the rest of the thread. Thanks! I have never set the bias on the St-70, the last tube amp tech I had check it out, reset it with the newer tubes I got for it. I'm running a NOS GZ37 and new Tung Sol El-34s and NOS RCA 7199 blackplates, in that amp right now. I will admit its a bit daunting to me to take this bias adjustment on, cause I don't want to ruin anything, but I also want to learn more about all of this, so I will find some time to try out what Bob Latino suggests The ST-35 doesn't have bias pots and James Burgess PP 45, this is what James told me There are no bias adjustments. It is set up so the AC(signal) balance of the phase inverter can be adjusted. This is only necessary when changing/replacing the 6SN7 tubes. All the tubes in the James Burgess are NOS and close matched. I listened to the PP 45 last night and ignoring the noise, the sound was divine. Thanks for your thoughts and help!
  11. So, should I look into placing some resistors across the speaker wire connects on the crossover? Would that help? But, Yeah, I guess I will learn to live with it.....for now..... Thanks for your help! 🙂
  12. Welp, I turned off every circuit in the house except the one that the stereo system is on and the buzz still persists. What's weird is that my SET amp doesn't have the buzz, it has a dull hum up close, but all of my push pull amps have this same buzz. Video attached of the sound from 3ft away from the speaker. Headphones are helpful to hear it, because of taking the video from my phone. 20210423_194609_2.mp4
  13. Limberpine


    I sent you a PM. I see you are close to me, I'm in Portland, OR.
  14. Yeah, that's a good idea. Maybe I will take both dimmer switches out too to see what difference it makes. The one that is on the same circuit certainly makes a difference when its turned off and it stays off whenever I am down there listening to music.
  15. I have a window this evening where I can shut down every breaker in the house except the one that the stereo system is on and see if that make a difference. If so, I will then document which breakers introduce noise as I turn each one back on and go from there. I have also added a Powervar hospital grade power conditioner/isolation transformer that I purchased for $60 from a guy here locally. I have the tube amps plugged into it and it has definitely cut some noise out which has been nice. Also as an aside, GIK has a really cool tool to draw your room out and then have them make a treatment plan from there. https://gikacoustics.roomle.com/t/planner/?mode=3D&id=a9v22dy7tc3ckls982o18sh2e08w73p&shared=1
  16. Limberpine


    Can you post some pics? People can weigh in on price after seeing them.
  17. If they were aestheticlly pleasing, I would buy them right now, cause it could replace the Cornwalls in the living room, which I am politely being encouraged to do because of their size. Then I gotta find a place for the cornwalls! 🤣
  18. Thanks! I wish I could even justify having a use for them. And it seems like they are a bit hard to resell cause nobody has picked them up yet.
  19. Which tweeters would you have to use and how much do they cost?
  20. Just came across this: https://skyfiaudio.com/collections/speakers/products/klipsch-cornwall-vintage-speakers-in-oiled-walnut-1977-survivor-pair Its at a shop, so I figured it would be more than out in the wild, but that seems like a ludicrous price for these? Maybe I'm missing something?
  21. Back! https://portland.craigslist.org/clc/atq/d/gladstone-klipsch-kp-way-pa-speakers/7305314388.html
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