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    Sudbury Ontario Canada
  • My System
    Cambridge Audio AXR-100, Klipsch Heresy II, Klipsch Tangent 500's

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  1. Anyone try this yet? I've been thinking about it for a few months, I have a damaged k-24-k black woofer and non damaged k-24-k greyish woofer sitting in storage. Does anyone remember seeing a post that had the woofers specifications? I assume a guitar cab setup might be pushing them a little too far... Hughes and Kettner 2x12 with one k-24-k and one Celestion Vintage 30 (The china version) 20 Watt Tube H&K Head
  2. Hey Pete, would love to chat for a few minutes about your results. I'm back at the drawing board again after a few months of listening. I am convinced on swapping my daytons for the deltas, but you have peaked my interest once again. I wanted to know about your terminal cup in the back in relation to your port. The flared ports I ordered ended up extending me into the terminal cup AND they stuck out. I gave up and removed the backs!!! My cabs are beat anyway... So far I have 2 boards of MDF (not quite as thick as originals)ports and deciding on terminal cups. Im interested in your cap modification. You and I are the only ones I think who went with the H2's (atleast into some detail with how to go about it). Since my last post, I've also bought a l-pad for the squawker, which is the only thing besides the H2 network that is original. Message me if you have 20 minutes to talk
  3. Yes, my H2's have them too, but not the Tangents. I just thought it was strange
  4. Can confirm one of the heresy IIs i just bought have that exact foam grey sheet. The other speaker had a different woofer and the last guy had thrown it out. When I worked on the original speaker, as soon as I touched the foam, it began to deteriorate and fall apart. Also have tangent 500s and they have the same crossover network (square heresy 2 rectangular plate) and speakers as the HII. The xover literally says heresy 2 on them. Anyway, i got these t500s for a steal and from what I could see have never been opened up. Maybe someone can confirm this, No speaker gasket foam whatsoever between woofers/tweeters and wood itself, 2 of THE EXACT sheets of foam loosely placed on the left and right walls of the cab.
  5. Absolutely Moray, I had thought of separating the woofer area from the mids and highs with a piece of foam, similar to how the heresy 2 came. I figure it would help divide up the cabinet and produce more pressure to the rad. The best experiment I have had funny enough, was stuffing a bit of insulation behind the door and head speakers in my 95 chevy. Along with my 8 inch vented sub. It originally had polyfil and the fyl was blocking the port. I Replaced the polyfil with insulation and left space for the port, it is night and day 20 times better to my ears. Even the door speakers and head level 4x6's are absolutely amazing now. Never seen the dinky woofers move untill I glued some insulation behind the speaker magnets. They are some jvc gto 4x6's, anyways they sound great now. A great experiment to learn with. Thanks for the screw hole trick too, The tangents are starting to get upset with me being in and out of the speaker cavitys. Great idea
  6. seen that tonight too. I guess I need to ask them what "wet look cone with cloth surrounding" actually means.
  7. Thanks moray, This was how they came from factory. improving this type of system seems complicated, only willing to experiment with dampening and where it should go.
  8. I did man. I STILL haven't heard from them. Klipsch took 2 months or more to get back to me on speaker grills and badges which I have found myself. Called gentech, they gave me a email. Never heard back in a month
  9. Picture of the k-24-k I would like to buy https://ibb.co/BVt423f Anyone who has original k-24-k woofer for heresy II that has the greyish kevlar material, I am looking for you! I have the Tangent-500's, yes they have k-24-k's but they ARE NOT the kevlar type, they are black paper. I've a/b'd them and the kevlar type one sounded much better. Located in Sudbury Ontario Canada
  10. The k24 is 8 ohm, we've went over this. So is the k-22
  11. Can someone point out the values I need to pay attention to when it comes to woofer selection? I have a torn k-24-k that is black (not the same as what should be in there) and original greyish kevlar k-24-k that works fine This is a Heresy II stock networks, updates caps. Intent was to get something better than the k-24-k, that is 8 ohms and without porting them. Not particularly interested in old used klipsch speakers, willing to go new. (only 1 k-24-k on ebay right now and it sounds like its in tough shape) I know about crites, gentech, k-28 4 ohm woofer...Because of covid, getting ahold of these companies has proven extremely difficult. Bought Dayton 310-8 12" woofers and am extremely disapointed with the a/b of the good k-24-k and a dayton. Can't even hear the bass guitar at all on some recordings. Just tight kick. I am going to return them. Anyways can someone help me understand these values in the links below and what values I should be looking for to get the k-24-k sound or better? I know a bit about box size, and sensitivity but don't understand certain specs. Recently read a bit about inductance, and these daytons are high 1.68mH i think. Resonent frequency in relation to box size? Its hard to wrap my head around frequency response data like 45hz-3000hz and hear significantly less bass than the old k-24-k. Im just a kid compared to most of you and I am very new to this. Any help appreciated k-24-k specs https://ibb.co/dBy6gfQ Dayton Specs https://daytonaudio.com/images/resources/295-032--dayton-audio-pa310-8-spec-sheet.pdf
  12. Back to the 4 ohm problem dude. The 4 ohm tweeters that were in these things when i bought them literally stopped working when i brought the new amp home. Thats how i found out they had been changed.
  13. Yeah. Extremely disapointed of coarse. The stock k-24 kills the dayton bass wise. The daytons are extremely tight right now, moving them a bit with my hand. Im pretty sure i lost 10 hz of bass at the very least. Anyway, ill be on the lookout for a k-24 on ebay. The kevlar one, not the black ones. Soooo much better. Being a musician with tons of gear, ill find use for the daytons elsewhere when the time comes. For now ill leave them in and break them in. Dont want to port the damn things. Lesson learned
  14. Update if anyone cares: Removed bracing from the T-500's, done with that rabbit hole. NOW - After failed attempts to get ahold of klipsch, Gentech or anyone in Canada with help with some matching woofers for the Heresy 2's, I rolled the dice on the Dayton Audio 310-8's 12". 96 DB Sensitive, Stock recapped H2 crossovers: Going to install them the second I get home. To be honest I am a little nervous of what I am going to hear. The reason I heard of them was the super heresy mod where a guy was porting his H1's. Mine are sealed and there is no removable back plate like the H1 on the H2's. Not sure if it was the right move, but only one way to find out. Going to replace the torn one first and compare with the good stock k-24-k. Fingers crossed. Should I keep the good k-24-k just in case? Or unload it on ebay? More decisions... Dug up a spec sheet on multiple woofers klipsch made and the stock k-24-k had a sensitivity of 93 or 94 db. Hopefully they were the right move....
  15. Do you remember if klipsch had any foam dampening in those cabs? I have the t-500s and they had 2 pieces of foam on the left and right side extending half way up the cab. Loosely inserted in there. Just curious what the 5000 has. Those are ported are they not?
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