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  1. Also as left and right front theater speakers. WOW! The GoldenEar speakers were great but the La Scala’s take it to another level
  2. @hanksjim1 a few years ago I sent GIK acoustics pictures of my listening area and one of their sound engineers made the recommendations for my room. All six panels for $800. A great in investment.
  3. Klipsch La Scala Serendipity… Two years ago I updated my front end kit with a McIntosh C8 tube preamp and a pair of McIntosh MC830 solid state mono blocks. Then the audition process started to replace my GoldenEar Triton 2+ speakers. Great speakers but I was ready for something different. My son is the lucky recipient of those speakers. I auditioned B&W D4, Sonus Faber Olympica Nova II & III, Focal Kanta 2 & 3, Magical A3, McIntosh ML1 speakers and even travelled to Boulder, CO and auditioned PS Audio’s FR20 Aspen speakers in their great listening room. I decided on the PS Audio FR20’s but wanted to give all the other speakers another listen before I purchased them. I went back to a local shop to do some listening and while walking between listening rooms the La Scala’s caught my eye. Klipsch speakers were not even on my radar at this point. I went in there and listened to my audition playlist and was blown away! None and I mean none of the above mentioned speakers IMO demonstrated the dynamics, the feel and sound of a real drum kit being in the room, the feel and sound of Clarence Clemon’s saxophone solo during Jungleland as if he was physical in front of me playing between the speakers. “I’m not bull shitting over here!” I thought to myself why spend more money on any of the above speakers that didn’t even sound as dynamic and truly alive as the the La Scala’s do? That’s the point of listening to music, isn’t it? My sister in law listened to them this morning and the 1st thing she said was,”Damn! That sounds like the band was in the room,” Case closed!
  4. I just received my La Scala’s! I will update pictures after they are setup 😊
  5. Will the La Scala AL6 be offered in a passive version and if so what’s the time frame of that release.
  6. FYI. Got an update from a dealer I know that just got back from Klipsch dealer conference in Wisconsin. He mentioned that it looks like the Klipshorn version will be released 1st and then the La Scala. They demonstrated an updated active crossover Klipshorn with one of the new Heritage subwoofers connected.
  7. @MMurg I just want to be clear in my head that I can use the MC830 mono-blocks that I already have for the LF section of the active crossover and will need four more channels of amplification for the MF & HF section of the active crossover?
  8. Good! Because I upgraded my preamp and amps to a McIntosh C8 tube preamp and a pair of MC830 SS mono-blocks just over a year ago but that was before the La Scala’s were in the picture of being my replacement speakers. I’m a little relieved since all I read about is tube amps being used. I auditioned the La Scales in 3 different shops around the country and all of them used SS amps that sound fantastic to me. Now it looks like I need to find a 4 channel amp. The chase is never over?
  9. @MMurg in your post it looks like Roy used solid state amps in the demo?
  10. Any news on a Klipsch demo of the new subs at Axpona this coming weekend in Chicago?
  11. Anyone know the story behind the $13,198 a pair? Why isn’t $12,999 or $13,200? Just curious…
  12. I wanted to pull the trigger on a new pair of La Scala’s. But after reading that a Special pair of La Scala’s were used to demo the new horn subwoofer’s I’m going to hold off. I’m sure NDF’s were signed during the Subfest but is it reasonable to assume that new La Scala AL6 may be coming in the spring or summer?
  13. Any speculation on what’s going on behind the “Blacked Out” high/mid upper section of the La Scala’s in the demo photo? I’m going to quess that the high and mid compression drivers are going to be replaced with a 4 to 6 inch single horn making the new La Scala’s a two way horn speaker.
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