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Everything posted by dtel

  1. I tried floating but never perfected it, it would be the next best thing to flying, that didn't work either.
  2. Well thank you. Well I did a bunch of things over the years, seems like I would get bored at about 5-7 years and change jobs compleatly. GM training school to work on cars, for a short time, no fun. A shipfitter building boats/ships but seen to many people get hurt or killed. Electrial work on land and offshore. Then restaurant mgr for years, fun but very long hours then insurance untill it burned me out and finally a long hobby turned into a business, landscaping/irrigation and sprinkler systems. The last one was fun and we did it for 20 years. Loved the designing part and making people happy. DTEL = Down to earth landscaping was the name, ok I had to come up with a name when I signed up here that was easy to remember. .
  3. Down here it's old and only rarely gets used except intenionally to say someone is stupid more or less. You never really hear it but you know when you hear it what it means. I wonder how old that really is ?
  4. That's funny, but I like building things and need to stay busy or I create new projects, it's how the outside bar happened I got bored and worked on it for months and added things later.
  5. Sounds about right, I am stuck but happy with it, 43 years. Crazy, both of us at times I guess but by now we know what to espect, mostly. I do tend to get in trouble at times, but if I do I deserve it most of the time. I just realized the other day how long I have been working on the shop, started building it in December, so 10 months so far. But that did include doing alot of work on tools, but there is music out there, speakers were the first thing i put in, sounds good too. I told my wife I will add some hooks on the beams and hang a hammock, I need that. .
  6. Done with the storage space or whatever it's called, painted the frame and added 3/4" plywood to the deck with the bottom painted white to make space under it brighter. Moved the lights to about where they were above the deck to below. Started puting everything back where it goes, just put some things on top to get them out the way, need to get up there and slightly organize what I pitched up there. It turns out it is easier to get around up there than I thought it would be, about 4' in the middle.
  7. That's my plan, from what I hear from single friends the not crazy part is alot to ask.
  8. dtel


    For DJ work unless in small places I would want LaScalas, they can be turned down but could also fill a big space. Add a sub that can keep up and it would be amazing. IMO More work to move but WELL worth it. EDIT; unless your dj work is an old folks home or just background music. If it sounds good people tend to want a little more volume and you need to be able to keep up easily without pushing anything to hard. .
  9. Asian, I know what you mean. Makes perfect sense to me. I don't know I like them all, excluding the crazy ones, now there is a challenge.
  10. No for me it would be messed up, I tend to stay up late and get up roughly 8 hours later, no clocks just whenever I get up. But I only (mostly) have just things I want to do so unless were going somewhere, it makes no difference. But off more than you work is great, sure beats 5+ days a week, I do not miss that even when I loved my job. .
  11. Those hours are messed up, even at 4 I would go back to sleep for hours, 5 or 6 probably. I drink leftover coffee all the time, it's 99.5% only me drinking it so unless I make very little a bunch of times a day it's the way it is. But I do not keep it hot, I warm it one at a time. Thought about one of them Keurig machine's but fill my own cups ? .
  12. I found your perfect match. https://firstwefeast.com/eat/2014/02/student-eats-weight-ketchup-every-year ketchup.webp
  13. I don't check where my coffee comes from, or care, it's coffee, as long as it's not weak i'm good. I have tried some of the best according to people who supposedly know and was not impressed. This is a good thing, almost anything goes, no money wasted on fancier types. When I think of Columbia, Jamaica, Hawaii and even Mexico and other places, coffee is not the first memory that pops into my head, from what a friend says anyway. .
  14. True it's been a long time since I had any Colombian.
  15. I don't stop, sitting here now with my shirt wet from sweating, letting some paint dry and I will be back at it again since I don't have to cook tonight, or I would quit early. It seems if I drink enough water i do not have much of a problem with lactic acid, but when sweating and not enough water it builds up i guess. I stay busy, I am not good at being lazy, the longest I sit still is for football once a week.
  16. I can eat anything at any time and never have a problem even if it is spicy. Well the other side of that is Quincy can put anyone to sleep.
  17. Yes trying, it's a little slow but going in the right direction, 22 pounds since a little after July 4, good enough. No pies, ice cream, milkshakes or any other deserts 99.9% of the time, or any carbs. 6'3" and 245 now, just want to feel better.
  18. Can't have sugar on my diet, also could find very little bad things about Truvia unless in very high amounts. Honey, Brown sugar or Molasses gives coffee a strange tast to me. I only use Truvia in coffee, nothing else.
  19. I switched to decaf a while back, didn't notice any difference in taste or affect, except that forst one in the am. Daughter would drink some when she stopped in the evening to pick up her 2 year old to go home, she drank 2-3 cups one evening and asked what's wrong it's not helping ? I had forgot we had switched, so we switched back to caffeine, but told the wife to get decaf from now on. .
  20. 4.38-carat diamond discovered by vacationing couple at state park Noreen and Michael Wredberg found the diamond at Crater of Diamonds State Park https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/4-38-carat-diamond-discovered-vacationing-couple-state-park
  21. I do the same but with caffeine, but no sweet & low, truvia instead, taste better and not as bad for you. It's either Hazlenut of french vanilla for me, sugar free for either.
  22. And beds in Las Vegas, they would take quarters. Reminds me of bass shakers from years ago.
  23. Just checked on plywood today locally, $27.99 standard 4x8 sheet 3/4" thick, CDX or RTD whatever they call the sheeting grade these days. These are both down about $10-$15 from a few months ago. Ground contact Treated was $42 a sheet.
  24. Just like bose, it still stinks.
  25. The wife had this pop up on her facebook thing and laughed. It was when I was a senior, we walked out to protest not being able to have long hair, they gave in. It's funny to see this after all these years expecially since my hair is now shorter than it's ever been.
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