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Center Channel issues (I'm going crazy!)


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Hey guy's, Im hoping someone here can help me with my issue, I've been going insane for nearly a year now of this problem persisting no matter what I try!

I'll be playing a movie, or game, TV, DVD, BluRay you name it and whenever there is a sudden loud yell by a character, actor, game villian (again, you name it) ther will be a center distortion; a sort of crack that lasts about a milisecond but it's definitely distorting when it gets really loud.. and ONLY during dialogue, mainly when someone is yelling suddenlyeg. Lost season 3 blu ray disc 1 episode 1, when everyone is at the book club discussing how Ben isn't there, lots of dialogue and it pops a couple times. Any action movie and someone saying Get me outah here!! is a good example.. I just can't feel the same when theres a sudden very subtle pop..Im going to go insane.

I've tried switching wires a thousand times,every store I go to (London drugs, Future shop etc..) they ALL say the same thing "try switching wires? try resetting your amp? give the speaker some time to break itself in(yes the guy at london drugs actually used that one..I could have slapped him right there) I've upgraded speakers 3 times, I had a shitty Jamo set up, then a Klipsch cinema 6 satelite setup now I have a Klipsch RC-52 center channel and 2 RB61 bookshelves (the RB61's work great btw!), still using the cinema 6 rear speakers for my surround, all being powered by a Sony STR-DG720 amp.. Im thinking the next step I may have to take is upgrading my amp? I just don't know what to do anymore..

I feel so left out, so unloved by good sound quality.. I'll always buy new speakers thinking "Yayy better sound and maybe THIS time the center won't crack!" I want to know what people REALLY mean when they say This sound will stir your soul! (Oh really? because a crack when people yell too loud isn't what I pay thousands of dollars for!)

Sorry if im coming off as a pessimist.. I've just tried so much..and the center ALWAYS cracks at the same moments...loud..yelling..dialogue.. ugh.. I think I may just give up :(

Of course. maybe you guys can help out *wink* [:'(]

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Ok, I attempted to switch it to 2ch while playing the episode of Lost, but my amp wont let me switch it to 2 channel? Is this because I have the PS3 hooked up via HDMI? (I seem to remember it being able to switch when it was hooked up through optical?? I no longer have an optical cable long enough to check at the moment.

When im on the Lost Season3 menu, where it asks me to select Episodes, Set up, Special Features I can switch between settings (2ch, plix MC, dolby ..etc) but once I start the episode I'll try and switch to 2ch or anything else for that matter and it just shows "NOT USED" in grey transparent text on my amp screen.. wtf?

I tried to improvise and popped on my Sennheiser headphones to listen 2ch, and that works.. and I maaay have been able to hear the buzz, but It could just be my ears wanting to hear it?, it didn't seem as prominient?

( I've had people say it might be the source, the recording itself that just isn't perfect.. But if thats the case, then why do all these Bluray reviews get superb critical praise, such as LOST on BluRay, when there are noise crackles!?, I still think it's something to do with my amp :()

Anyway, if someone can keep helping me through this problem that would be great!


I was doing some research and looked at options of setting your speakers to "Small" or "Large", and that the optimum setting is Small. I have no Idea how to do this on my AMP, can someone let me know? thankss.

Figured out that easily enough, everything was already set to small :S

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You don't need to switch it to 2 channel. Go to the speaker set up menu in your receiver. Find the center channel and select "No center channel" or what ever your receiver calls it. It might call it "Phantom center". The receiver will then send the center channel info to the L and R fts.

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You can also try to swap the center channel and the lest or right channel. This will tell you if it's the speaker.

Try hooking up the blueray with optical cable

If you have a old DVD try that.

If it's still there with the old DVD it's the receiver, but if it went away with the optical cable on the blueray it could be the blueray or the receiver and you must try a new HDMI, receiver or blueray. Borrow one, but I lean to the receiver giving you trouble. That it one step at a time and you can find the trouble.

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Well I switched the center off during Lost, so it was only playing on the bookshelves and the little, subtle buzz when it got too loud was still there.. So that makes me feel better about the speakers.

I think either way I'm going to get a new amp.. then Ill just accept the sound I get :P

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I knew it. Happens a lot on sound mixes. Lots of voices are mixed too hot or something in the studio or recording process and causes some vocal distortions. It is annoying and unfortunately Klipsch speakers faithfully reproduce whatever they are given for material. In most instances that is a good thing, but garbage in, garbage out as they say.

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