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Home Theater Speaker Advice Please


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I need some advice on my home theater set-up and I am
hoping you can help. I have a 15’x15’10”
room and I have a set of 5.5’s that I absolutely love and plan to use as fronts
for the system. I also have a KV3 center
speaker that I have not had the heart to get rid of. Since the 5.5’s have to stay I am looking for
advice on the center speaker, like will my KV3 work?

I also need to add rear speakers,
should I get the RS-62 II’s?

I have 2
Epik Legend subwoofers so I am good there.
Any advice regarding speaker selection, other stuff to consider, etc
would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,


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The KV-3 is a great center but I think you'd enjoy the KV-4 even more. The KV-4 has a horn tweeter similar to the horns in your 5.5s. I think you'd notice a big difference between the two. KV-4s are somewhat rare and usually sell for $250-350 depending on condition. You could probably sell your KV-3 for $150-200 if its in good condition so that would help pay for a good chunk of a KV-4.

The RS-62 IIs are killer surrounds but might be a little too over the top for your setup. RS-42s offer a huge bang for the buck. I really like the pair I used to have.

If you want a less expensive surround speaker that will match up to your fronts really well look for a pre-owned pair of KG 2.2 or 2.5s. They normally sell for $100-150/pair. The KG 3.5 is also great as a surround and can usually be had for $150-200.

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Thanks Wuzzzer I appreciate the info. Now I am in search of a KV-4. :)

Good Morning/Afternoon,

I used a KV-3 with a set of KG 5.2s for nearly 2 months. In my opinion; the voicing was perfect.

It blended beautifully with the KG 5.2s. The HT performance was better than my current system; but the musical clarity and depth led me to keep the Heresies.

I upgraded to a KV-4 for my Heresies after I sold the KG 5.2s.

KG5.2s and 5.5s are very similar; (I believe the 5.5s are ported?)

I agree with Wuzzer about the horn size; but the KV-4s were made to timbre match The CF3-CF4s; not the KG series.

The KV-3 WAS made for the KG series.

(I researched this when I was deciding between keeping the KV-3; or getting a KV-4 and Academy for my Heresies).

Anyway; I think the KV-4 will match size wise; but you may have to use your EQ to get it timbre matched.

(I do this with my KV-4 and the Heresies and it is VERY GOOD).

Long story short..... Try the KV-3 before you shell out $ you may not need to.

Good Luck.

PS.... When I sold the KV-3 to another forum member; he used it with KG 5.5s.

He was very happy with the performance he received upgrading from a KV-1.

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Agree on the KV3. The KV4 was matched to the EPIC series speakers. I had a 3rd KG 5.5 for years with my sytem of KG 5.5s up front and KG 1s in the rear. I liked it, but my wife didn't (guess why). For the past year, I have gone back to the KV3, and it's pretty much as good for most of my needs. It also fits much better in most rooms. As for rears, I like my KG1, but I imagine you can use any KG speaker back there that you can fit within your room constraints. I love my KG system, too! Instead of upgrading to newer speakers, I'm planning to upgrade to rebuilt Crites crossovers and titanium diaphrams. I have heard good things about this.

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