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Just curious...what is the best way to sell my 1975 Cornwall speakers.  I have had them sent they were new and have an extra set of grills as well. I'm 80 years old and hearing ability has decreased so I don't enjoy their quality any more.

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The Garage Sale here on the forum, if someone here is looking for some Cornwall. A lot of members have all they want, so it's no easy to sell here.

If you list them on Facebook Marketplace, there are a lot of tire kickers. You might find someone local, so shipping isn't an issue.

The last pair that I saw that sold on Ebay went for over $1,400, plus shipping. 

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the selling price depends on the condition of the speakers   , mint condition would fetch 1800$  , pictures would help a lot for us to give a  more exact value , veneer adds value ,  and so does the condition of the grilles  .  


, the  extra set of grilles should be sold apart from the speakers as they can be worth a lot of money if they are in perfect  condition .  a pair of copper badges are now worth 125$  minimum , PWK pie badges 100$  , the grilles can be worth 4-500$ or even more if they are made of cane  . put it this way ,  the 2 sets of grilles can fetch close to 1k$ all by themselves 


  Ebay or Usaaudiomart.com would bring you the highest selling value  , Usaaudiomart does not have   fees , but Ebay does , the Forum Garage sale is free ,  Craigslist i s free  ,  insist on cash in hand  , beware of other forms of payment since there are scammers out there 


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36 minutes ago, OO1 said:

the selling price  depends  on the condition of the speakers   , mint condition would fetch 1800$  , pictures would help a lot for us to give a  more exact value , veneer adds value ,  and so does the condition of the grilles  .  


, the  extra set of grilles should be sold apart from the speakers as they can be worth a lot of money if they are in perfect  condition .  a pair of copper badges are now worth 125$  minimum , PWK pie badges 100$  , the grilles can be worth 4-500$ or even more if they are made of cane  . put it this way ,  the 2 sets of grilles can fetch close to 1k$ all by themselves 


  Ebay or Usaaudiomart.com would bring you the highest selling value  , Usaaudiomart does not have   fees , but Ebay does , the Forum Garage sale is free ,  Craigslist i s free  ,  insist on cash in hand  , beware of other forms of payment since there are scammers out there 

How much are the laser badges worth?

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