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New episode of Alias!


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And sometimes nothing! I especially like the episode where shes wearing "her under garments" on the airplane while the song back in black is on. Which leads me to my next queston: Whats wrong with the black one? lol. Is there a new episode on Sunday? I think there is, but im not sure. Isnt Jennifer and the dude who plays Vaughn together in real life?

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On 3/21/2004 12:02:04 PM nicholtl wrote:

I think Vaughn's wife needs to get the smack slapped outta her, Sloane and Jack Bristow need to throw down, and Arena Direvco needs to get back in the show, along with Kendall.


Im pretty sure Vaughn is gonna find out that Lauren is a double agent. I think Irena needs to get back in the picture too. Im gonna watch it in stereo with my Heresy's! This oughta be good!

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On 3/7/2004 8:46:30 PM Rdmarsiii wrote:

Jennifer Garner sure is hot, isnt she?


Eh...?? She's not bad. It would definitly take more than her eating crackers in my bed to kicker out, but I don't personally think she's all that. Cute? Yes. Girl next door look? Yes. Bonafield hottie? Na.

Oh the other hand you take someone like Denise Richards. Nuff said.


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On 3/21/2004 1:10:57 PM mandi wrote:

I want to know how you have or plan on configuring Heresy's as a monitor.

But you have the new speakers, why can you not use them for TV? I thought you had a VCR, just run it through th


I have the speakers hooked up to my VCR. I have the VCR running into the amp. The antenna goes into the VCR, and then out to the TV. And if I wanted to, I could hook up my computer to them, but I dont because the speakers are behind me, and my cable isnt long enough.

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On 3/21/2004 11:31:47 PM Rdmarsiii wrote:

And yet another awesome episode of Alias. Missed some of it because I have been working on this computer. Linux took over and made it to where XP wouldnt boot. But I fixed it.


That's why you gotta get a mac. 3.gif Yeah this episode was pretty good, it's always more juicy whenever things get personal, like it did with Dickson. I also can't believe Sloane got with the good doctor! what a pimp he is! what a S7UT she is! oh, and I also heard somewhere that JJ Abrams is creating a new series with Weiss as one of the lead characters. Meaning he's gonna get killed off sometime this season. 15.gif

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On 3/22/2004 2:57:05 AM nicholtl wrote:


On 3/21/2004 11:31:47 PM Rdmarsiii wrote:

And yet another awesome episode of Alias. Missed some of it because I have been working on this computer. Linux took over and made it to where XP wouldnt boot. But I fixed it.


That's why you gotta get a mac.
Yeah this episode was pretty good, it's always more juicy whenever things get personal, like it did with Dickson. I also can't believe Sloane got with the good doctor! what a pimp he is! what a S7UT she is! oh, and I also heard somewhere that JJ Abrams is creating a new series with Weiss as one of the lead characters. Meaning he's gonna get killed off sometime this season.


Next episode Lauren is gonna attempt to kill off Vaughn because they are gonna separate. Lauren thinks it is because of Syndney (it is) and she is going to have the covenant to kill him. Do you think the doctor lady is going to tell about Sloane being Sydney's dad or anything?

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No, I think she'll remain "professional" and respect their confidentiality. Finally Lauren (who looks waaaay hotter with evil makeup) and Vaughn are gonna separate! She's such a biatch. I have a couple chick friends that follow not only the shows, but some discussion boards on that show religiously, and they said within the next few episodes something CRAZY is going to happen...something like how the 2nd season ended with her waking up 2 years from now. But I refused to have them tell me since I wanted to be surprised. 16.gif

PS - how is it that you racked up more posts in 1 month that I have in 1 year? 6.gif

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