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Sterophile Magazine


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I entirely agree with Ray.

Tough times can hit when your employer goes out of business. And there is no finding a job because employers in similar businesses fold too. It happened to me.

The $7000 car can get you where you have to go.

It forces you to take a real good look at how you've been living on a good paycheck, versus what you can get by with.

One media preacher said it well. The problem is not "the high cost of living", rather, it is the "cost of living high". You look back and wonder whether spending money on anything high priced made sense even with a good income.

People who went though the Roaring '20s, followed by the Depression in the '30s, and the rebound following WW-II seem to understand.

One was Groucho Marx. He must have been making a lot of money in later years. He commented though, "When you've been through the Depression, you wake up in the middle of the night and wonder whether you left the light in the attic on." I.e. whether you're wasting money.

- - - -

My impression of Stereophile is that, in part, it is like Paris Vogue is to ladies. You love to look at the stuff, read the hype which can't possibly reflect reality, and dream about owning it. Only a few people can. And you wonder where their sense has been double parked.

But then you buy something reasonable which is pretty similar in performance.

Perhaps Stereophile is coming back to earth realizing that people will pay only so much to have their fantisies (sp?) entertained.



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