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Not one to miss out on the rambling, too often emotionally driven lunacy....

Regarding Intel and the likelihood of buying a Mac...

Say what you will about the Mac - essentially being THE real IBM clone as ALL of its hardware is licensed from IBM ... (the Quadra servers in '97 even ran AIX much to the chagrin of too many who didnot have a clue!), and it is indeed a shame that so many STILL have no clue that the current generation Macs are full blown FreeBSD with an Apple graphical interface - and yes, when you open a terminal session (and for the benefit of all the Windows folks out there, remember what they are?) you are in commandline FreeBSD....

But enough of that...

I certified Intel's IBM RS6000 SP complex for the Y2K fiasco (in spite of the fact that UNIX NEVER had a Y2K issue!). And that itself became a fiasco as the SP utilized a capacitor rather then a battery to maintain RAM (as batteries don't like being powered 24/7, whereas capacitors provide the same functionality and don't 'mind')...But the issue was repeatedly reopened by suceeding levels of Intel management because they were concerned that using a capacitor somehow had something to do with Y2K compliance. This continued for several weeks until IBM Poughkeepsie permanently closed the issue and prevented the issue from being reopened!

So, despite the fact that too many at Intel seemingly do not understand the function of a capacitor, they do use the best tools for the job, and that includes using a Power based supercomputer rather then their own products for development. (And the G5 is simply a downsized version of the smallest Power series CPU that IBM makes!) And while this really only demonstrates the business savvy of Intel (and a bit of idiocy as well!), it is sufficient to ellicit a grin.

By the way, the agreement with IBM was that IBM could NOT mention the fact that Intel had purchased the units! It would have been cute to see the "Intel doesn't develop on Intel" and the "Don't buy Intel, buy what Intel buys!" ads!

Just a bit of useless trivia!


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What bothers me is the lawsuit against him, Micrososoft.

The Federal Government will use a form. At some point they change that form. All claims that have been submitted but not processed get kick and have to be submitted on the new form.

My wife has had to deal with this issue at two different health care institutions.

Now we teach our children to go as far as they can. What do the lawsuits from the Government say?

We will protect businesses? He was wrong in bundling? We will keep cutting funds to education so our children will not have the full technology skills.?

Though he's as rich as the sky can be blue, there are mixed messages.


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