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Midwest Klipsch Forum Get Together Announced


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That vert has been safely kept in the same spot for many moons. If the dang theater room would ever get done it will get its first opportunity to sing.

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Artto and Dr Who are on their way home. Larry is sleeping and Im waitin up for my kid to come home. I figure we all had a dandy time today and Larry will be posting pictures when he gets back to MD. I took the BAT amp and preamp over to John's and we hooked them up with the Khorns. I also took over the Mini Max tube CD player. I wont speak for anybody else but I was very pleased with their performance.

After listening to several CDs on the Mini Max and Arts Shanling SACD player we previewed a few scenes from Hero and War of the Worlds. I swear the sofa was moving.

Larry and I will probably fool around with the turn table and Mini Max tomorrow before he has to leave for the airport. All in all, I think everybody had a great time.

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It sounds like you guys are totally spent, so you all must have had a great time. I'll await Doc's report until tomorrow afternoon. I know how college boy likes to stay out late and then sleep in. Looking forward to Larry's pix and everyone's take on the various rooms and combinations of gear.

Make sure to get us some pix of those bird's eye CW's will ya?

I just did a practice wedding with my new digital- first one of the season, my back and brain are so tired I can't sleep. Was moaning from soreness so loud I woke myself up.


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Yes it was a very fun afternoon. Special thanks again to our gracious host's Scott and John. Was a pleasure to meet some forum members, great bunch of folks we have running around here. Scott has a very nice home, and family. Got to listen to his nice setup of Cornwalls, actually 2 setups of Cornwalls. Both were very nice systems. His work in progress on the theater is turning out very nicely. Will be a beauty when it's all done.

Then onto John's also awesome home to finally here some K-horn's which was a 1st for me. That was a real treat for me, now I know what people are talking about. That is probably it for the holy grail when properly done. That is one kick a$$ sound system for a theater. Got to hear it in surround sound and 2 channel. Was struck down by the sound. That's where the evening had to end for us. Our day start's too darn early every day, so we had to leave to get our sleep. Good thing we left when we did. I had to do all I could to stay awake to get home. Looking forward to the next gathering.

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Sounds like fun. Need to hear from Who and the hosts- and LarryC with his photos.

So if the Wisconsin get together will henceforth be known as the Cheesefest,

I propose that our unKlipsch-sponsored event in Indy (hosted by Colter and IndyKlipschfan) be advertised as Cornstock (cornstalk meets Woodstock, get it?)

We'll start planning soon, Perhaps September when it cools down a bit. August in Indy is horrible. Or would it be better to keep it during the summer months?


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Damon, an annual event sounds good. I think that was Boomac's plan.

Colter - Pick the date, I will plan to come to Cornstalk. Maybe you should use a race car theme and save cornstalk for the Iowa guys.

It's too bad Boomac's basement was not done. He is building an awesome get together spot, and when Damon's gets done too he will have a nice spot. FlyingV is also in the process of building a Heritage HT. We could probably find others in the area too who may want to host.

Lots of good stories, especially at the dinner table at Boomac's sat night[:o]

Was fun hooking up the BAT pre and amp to my Khorns sat night. They sounded very nice. We did some comparisons between the Minimax and Shandling SACD players.

The best part was meeting with old friends and making some new friends. My wife also enjoyed meeting you and commented on how nice all of you were.

I'll wait with stories until Larry posts his pics.

Thanks for all the complements.


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Saturday morning, Artto, Larry C and Dr Who went with me to my church to look at the room and gave advice on how to fix the crappy acoustics and where to move the speakers to etc.

I was talking to them after church this morning and they really appreciate and thand you for the "sound" advice you gave them.

Thanks for you help.


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Larry is off to the east coast after a good visit. While here, Larry worked on my Well Tempered Turn Table and finally, after many months, I feel comfortable with it. He aligned the cartridge and made sue it was tracking properly and I must say that the results are very pleasing. Its time to thank Allan for helping me acquire the table, getting it shipped to me and assuring me that it would one day provide that quality Blue Note sound that many of us seek. With Larrys help it accomplishes all that and more. The classical selections that we sampled were clear, concise and pleasing to the ear. Thanks to both Allan and Larry I can now start spinning vinyl again.

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Between the rain, (last week) and the get together, my lawn has suffered so its time to hop on the Deere and start mowing. It was great to see old and new friends and I look forward to future gatherings.

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When Tom Mobley gets my new Horns done, I would love to have some of you guys by. The drivers alone cost about 4k, they should ROCK!!!!! Tom says the mid, and tweeter are FABULOUS, he should be receiving 4 TAD 1601A's by wednesday. I sure hope our buddy DEANO is up to the task for the crossover. These will be in 2 peices, bass bin and mid/treble, with hopefully external crossover, about 104db.........should be world class, I hope[:D][H][6]

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I want to deeply thank Scott, Susan, John and Leslie for their awsome hospitality in organizing and putting this great weekend together and making it of beauty. Those who couldn't attend most definitely missed some great fellowship, equipment, and musical choices! I hope the pics in this and the following posts will convey that as best I could do it.

The first pic (only one pic/post, unfortunately) shows half of Scott's wonderful office & listening room -- his right-hand Cornwall and Forte, TV monitor, his intensely-used desk and computer, and the wonderful Scout appreciating things from floor level. Scott has accumulated a great collection of classical CDs over the past two years, by starting threads that asked for recommendations, and studying and using them for purchases! I was very impressed!


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This pic show the left-hand side of the upstairs office, including the other curly maple Corn and Forte, and his antique equipment cabinet. On that sitting top left, is Scott's Well-Tempered Turntable w/a WT Arm containing a Lyra Clavis cartridge, and his BAT (Balanced Audio Technology) VK-55 amplifier.

In the cabinet are, bottom, a Sony SACD player, and above that the BAT VK 3ix tube preamplifier. The latter has an SS phono stage with a very thoughtful gain switchable between MM and MC -- perfect for the LOMC Lyra cart.


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Closer still to the TT. We'd never seen any like this one -- the platter rocked from side to side, and Scott made a desperate call to Allan to find out what was missing from the bearing well assembly! Curiously, the well had two plastic nubbins near the top on the side of the motor, and we finally figured out that putting the belt on the platter and motor would hold the platter upright against those! Never seen or heard of anything like that before, but, man, it worked very well!

The arm was another puzzlement -- it pivots on a vertical post, and the post runs down through a plastic disk that's suspended in a cup with damping oil, for 360-degree damping of arm movement. The disk is suspended with a paired nylon-like fine line, and we discovered that the black horizontal thumbscrew you can see on top of the arm pivot assembly will pull the line one way or another to adjust the azimuth. Finally, we discovered another thumbscrew in back of the assembly that allows the arm to be slid up or down for vertical tracking adjustment (VTA).

When we were done with this, the TT sounded very good! Strings sounded finely detailed, something not easy for Klipsch IMO, and of course I credit the cartridge along with the other 2 legs of a good LP setup, the TT and the arm -- they all gotta be good for it to sound good.


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This is Scott's main-floor system -- a Cornwall pair, and another wonderful antique cabinet to house the gear for them. Scott's and Susan's many interests are only hinted at by the decorations and "accessories."


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Unobtrusive and almost out of sight on the living room cabinet is a speaker switch box that allows choice of the living room, dining room, and/or kitchen speakers -- in any combination! This shows a pair of KG-1's barely visible on top of the cupboards in the two far corners. Scott chats with Artto over the music.


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After stuffing ourselves with healthy fried fish, those remaining repaired to Scott's upstairs refuge to listen and chat. Artto is playing with Scott's brilliant deep red Fender electric bass -- Art is a fine e-bass player and made remarkable observations about the bass playing in recordings we listened to. L to R are Art, Who, John Malotky and Scott.


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I am thrilled that you and Scott got the Well Tempered up and running! When I scored this one for Scott I thought it was one of the best "deals" I have ever gotten and then when he had so much difficultly setting it up I really felt bad--but at the price I Scott paid I knew he could double his money if he chose to sell the rig. Now he won't have to! At one point Scott was considering dumping the WT in favor of a new Rega!! I am so glad he didn't, as this would have been akin to selling a two year old Bentley with a bad fan belt in favor of a new Buick!!!

Sorry I missed out on the party--it sure looks like you all had a ball!

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