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Not For Sale: My Autospec-modified antique Baldwin organ amplifier

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I sat on the idea of selling for a long time before I decided to have a go, and have had little interest. That's okay, because I'm going to keep it. It's been up on our dining room table since I took the recent picture, and it's one of the first things I see when I come home. It's just such a neat amp, rebuilt by someone who is my friend. His other very fine MKIII and ST-70 interpretations are just a little too expensive right now (even though they are serious bargains for what one gets), but this is one I was able to afford. It sounds outsanding, and was so inexpensive for that amount of performance -- reminding me of another much more modern and very different pair of amplifiers I have.

It was a really good match for a pair of ceramic flue-tile I speakers I made, which need more power than a pair of triode SET amps.

I thought about both Audiogon and ebay, but wanted to try to sell them here. Making a profit couldn't be further from my mind.

It's staying home.


edit: And on top of the above, it was also sold to me by a friend and fellow forum member, who could have just as easily also gone the ebay or Audigon routes, but didn't.

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Not going to sell I changed my mind would of been enough[;)]

Sounds to me like your miffed because someone didn't buy it. To tell you the truth for $400 I can't believe it wasn't snapped up by someone wanting a taste of tubes. One of those strange things.

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It is an awesome amp. I'm going to use if for awhile while I activate the fourth channel on one of my POS toy amps (sorry, that's just funny to me!). I talked about it with Will the other evening, too.

It has neat associations of friendship and common interest for me, and I just kind of want to hold on to it for those reasons. It also sounds GOOD! If someone hear wanted to borrow it sometime for fun -- and to take great care of -- I would share it that way, as well. That will be down the road a bit when I can lift heavier weight again. I wouldn't mind sharing it in the least, in fact I would enjoy it.


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Craig: I'm serious. If I send you a brand new pocket dictionary, will you use it? Criticism is just somehow more poignant when the chosen words are at least spelled write! (winky, winky, cute smile)


Yikes! I think I know how you're going to reply.......

Grammarian usually has little to contribute to a discussion and possesses few effective weapons. To compensate, he will point out minor errors in spelling and grammar. Because of Grammarian's obvious weakness most Warriors ignore him.





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Paul don't forget his Alter ego


Weenie is a very sensitive guy, and it angers and saddens him that everyone isn't just as sensitive as he. An admitted male feminist, Weenie is ever vigilant against anti-progressive attitudes. Though he seldom comes into personal contact with the working classes, he keenly feels the pain of their oppression nonetheless . Weenie's chief antagonists are Troglodyte, Evil Clown, Capitalista and sometimes Ideologue. Because of his natural petulance Weenie can easily be goaded into battle, but he is encumbered by a tendency to throw temper tantrums when severely pressed.

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Craig, I thought you didn't read Erik's posts? You are showing your true colors!


Blowhard feels the need to precent his credentals before entering the fry - even if they are irreletive to the discuction. For eksample, in a movie forum conflkt he might attempt to settle the matter by saying, "As a Ph. D. kandidate in partical phyiks I believe I can cay with some authoruity that the 'Beavus and Buthed' movie reprecents the emergentce of a new kultural paradimm." Huh?

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Craig, I thought you didn't read Erik's posts? You are showing your true colors!


Blowhard feels the need to precent his credentals before entering the fry - even if they are irreletive to the discuction. For eksample, in a movie forum conflkt he might attempt to settle the matter by saying, "As a Ph. D. kandidate in partical phyiks I believe I can cay with some authoruity that the 'Beavus and Buthed' movie reprecents the emergentce of a new kultural paradimm." Huh?

Naa you got that wrong Blowhard was long ago pinned on a nameless gent from Chicago.

I'm this dude.


Garble is a mystery: Is he a foreigner with only tenuous grasp of English? Is he on drugs? Does he suffer a serious mental debility? Is he typing wearing boxing gloves? Garble's rampant typos, malapropisms and execrable grammar can't be blamed solely on poor typing skills. Garble is all the more puzzling because if one manages to hack his way through the tangled muddle of his messages a discernable idea will often emerge. For example, in a forum discussion about a painting he might say, "Sorry the picchr the har is wrog. The culir. I liike the lips bot teh Paintng is sucs". When someone refers to his random capitalization Garble might say something like, "oPS i HITTED THE CAPDLOCK". Garble drives Grammarian and Nitpick absolutely nuts, but he disdains all efforts at correction, and if complaints persist he will indignantly sign exit saying, "yuor forum si stupef. bYE!" HINT: Garble may be Net Rat.

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I had a message this morning that someone had been trying to make an offer for the amp, but that I evidently didn't get the message.

If this was due to a glitch due to intermittent forum performance, or whatever, I will honor my offer. The whole intention was to sell to a forum member, and as I said, I would have been happy to share the amp as a loan for someone who might be interested in listening to it.


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When you get done with the amp and would like to let someone new get a taste of tubes Please contact me. I have a Denon stereo receiver which is now being used as a preamp and an original set of 4.2's and Rf-7's with a Denon 2900 as a source and a cylinder sub. If you think it may be a good match component wise by all means give me a shout, I'd gladly pay shipping.

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