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Paypal and VPI Record Cleaner Question


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Record cleaning will not cure a scratched up record, if it was abused it is gone and nothing can be done. Pops and clicks, at least nearly all of them, should for the most part go away. Did you get the Disk Doctor record brushes? In a lot of cases they will improve greatly upon a record cleaned with just RRL and the VPI "brush." Remember, the VPI brush is not really designed to get into the grooves, it is more to spread the liquid around.

If you want to get deep down into the grooves you need to get those brushes. What are you cleaning your stylist with?


What do I need to use to clean the stylus?

It looks like I need the Disc Doctor brushes.

What does a scratch sound like? I always thought of a skip but I guess a scratch can cause a click every time the needle goes over it.

Stratch sounds like a pop every time it comes across. No amount of cleaning will improve this, in fact, cleaning can make it more pronounced. Groove damage, caused by using a worn cartridge, or old saphire needle will usually cause the the record to sound scratchy all the way around. Groove damage is also something that cannot be cured by cleaning.

Records that have stuff spilled on them, mold release compound, drit, grit, smoke, etc. in the grooves will sound like a brand new record after cleaning. That is why you really only have to clean them with the VPI one time. After that you just use a good dry cleaning brush, like carbon fiber, before and after each play.

As far as the needle, there are two real good ways to go. First in Record Research Labs No. 9, it costs about 20 to 25 and comes with the brush. Several of the major cart. manufactuers recommend the RL, on big ticket carts. Recommendations vary, but usually it is between 2 to 4 sides before cleaning. Good thing is that the stuff a very long way. Hundreds and hundreds of sides.

The other stuff, which I have not used yet. is this tub of goo you drop the needle into, you lower the tonearm into the jello like stuff, raise it up again and you are done. The cost for this is 70. Think the name is zerodust. Everyone I know that uses it loves it.

Stylist cleaning is essential, it is not just a gimmick. It is as much for the health of your vinyl as it is for extending the life of your cartridge.


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