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And yet another KSW question :)


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Hi all,

I have read all the posts, and understand that the rsw is a better sub than the ksw, but here it goes:

I can get a ksw10 for $250 Canadian and the ksw12 for $300 Canadian

Is either one of those worth the money, and if so, which one is better?

Or should I just disregard this price and wait for the next rsw sale?

It will be paired with F2, RC52, Onkyo 605 receiver, and just filler rear speakers.

Thanks in advance.


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I know the rsw is a better product, but the question is: is the ksw product that bad that it is not even worth $250?

I fully understand that the rsw is better, but compared to the price, is what I am asking. RSW will probably be around 500 on sale, vs the ksw which is at around 250 now. Are you saying that they will sound horrible, and I would have wished that I didn't buy them? Really, are they not worth 250?

Cheers and thanks for your help.


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The SUB-12 is a little more money but a LOT more sub. Subwoofers in general have increased in performance in the last few years. Much more so than speakers for example. You'd be spending $250.00 for a sub that wasn't spectacular to begin with.

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