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How bout you keep that KP600 packed and sell it to my campus for a

killer profit? That's just the kind of speaker we need for our upgrade

[;)] *drool*

I'm more than willing to help if you're willing to read a few books and

write some essays for me. Oh, and I need a fiddle brake controller,

active noise cancelling muffler, and an active amplifier too...aka -

I'm way too busy with school. [:@]

So when you gonna have a block party for the entire city? I wonder how high we can stack all your speakers....

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Sorry Doc, that is a refurbish project- maybe museum material if I can do a good job on it. Remember that the KP600 is a system that our own Roy Delgado received a patent on!

I can tell ya that getting that 4th MWM-S on the stack is quite a chore! I'd hire Marshall GLA51 to roadie with me anytime. We got that stuff all off the truck and onto pallets in 30 minutes!

I will more than likely be selling one of the MCM stacks however!

Yes Marty, jeepers I need to get my air fare sorted out for that soon. What are the suggested time frames for that excursion?


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Sorry Doc, that is a refurbish project- maybe museum material if I can do a good job on it. Remember that the KP600 is a system that our own Roy Delgado received a patent on!


I talked with Kerry Geist today when he was out at the loading dock gawking at the wall of Voowho. He mentioned that he also worked on this product. Evidently it was his first project that he worked on in engineering at Hope.

That KP600 has fond memories for me also. Back in about 1993 I was in NYC giving a paper at the Audio Engineering Society. One of the nights Tom Galager a good friend of mine, (who used to work at EV when I was there but worked for Klipsch at this point), invited me to a party he was throwing at a cowboy bar. It was called the Ranch or something like that. Anyway I believe this was the debute of this product for Klipsch. I will have to confirm with Kerry. It was a 150 seat club with a stereo stack of these flying from the ceiling. Kerry remembers being there also cause they flew him out there to troubleshoot a simple little problem with cables swaped in the signal path. The stack rocked! There is some series tecnology tucked into those balsawood boxes...multiple drivers on horn throats for very high SPL with low distortion.

Can't wait to hear them again Michael. Let me know if you need any help setting the system up. It looks like you are going to be busy for a while reconditioning everything but it is worth it.

Roy, How many of these did Klipsch make when they were in production?

You can't stick these in your ears but....Thump On!

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Thank you Mssr Thump- and thanks for the sample systems you provided for our friends to test drive (shhhh-top secret)

I'll be looking for some history on these KP600 stacks as I do with every new system I purchase. Yes I had never seen Kerry grinning like that. The looks on his and Hunter's faces today were priceless!

The KP's and MCM's are tucked away for now. Just found out that the barn deal is up for a possible zoning variance. The good news of this is that the property fight will soon be over and I'll have a new workshop of some type within a couple of months.

Whew! Just in time!


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