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Everything posted by Woodog

  1. ---------------- On 3/8/2004 3:34:50 PM gtDark wrote: I called my local public library and I can check out 10 cd's for 14 days at a time! Suffice to say I'll be doing a lot of listening ---------------- If you see ANYTHING by Martha Argerich, pianist, pick it up. her technique is stunningly good, and nothing she's recorded is a dud. She has a recording of the Ravel G Major Concerto on Deutsche Grammaphone along with a POWERFUL interpretation of Ravel's Gaspard de la Nuit. The public library is the ticket. If you live in the Atlanta area (sounds like it) the pickings should be excellent. Just remember that what you see one week changes, so go back again and again! happy hunting! Forrest
  2. ---------------- On 3/8/2004 12:01:03 PM gtDark wrote: Went to Atlanta's Symphony Orchestra for the first time Saturday night and really enjoyed myself. The program was Prokofiev's Symphony No.1 in D Major, Ravel's Concerto in G Major for Piano and Orchestra, and Saint-Saens' Symphony No.3 in C Minor. I especially liked Saint-Saens with the organ; it was very powerful and dynamic, just a huge sound. I have to admit that I am quite ignorant when it comes to classical music, so I'm just asking for some more recommendations. I want something that is powerful and very dynamic. I've heard Wagner might be good? I have also been looking and listening at the Naxos website thanks to MaxG's recommendation, but they only produce cd's correct? I'm looking for SACD's, so if you can recommend specific recordings that would be great. It's kind of confusing when there are several releases on different labels of the same piece of music. ---------------- Mark Twain's made the observation that 'Wagner's music is better than it sounds'. Your mileage may vary on that one. Big and Powerful, eh? Try Beethoven's 5th and/or 9th Symphonies (the ninth is especially bombastic) Rachmaninoff's 3rd piano concerto is stunningly good (Zoltan Kocsis's recording is recommended by me.. huge dynamic range and fast as lightening tempo). The Saint-Saen's is recorded quite a few time, the one with Murray as organist is excellent. Jtsclav1 knows this disc. check out your local library first. They will more than likely have CD's that you can evaluate for free before you plunge in with your own cash. Forrest
  3. ---------------- On 3/6/2004 8:49:15 PM garymd wrote: My wife HATES jazz. She throws a fit when I play it too loud for her liking. We met because we were both into the Grateful Dead in college and she thinks I'm listening to jazz and classical music now in part to convince myself I'm a sophisticated audiophile. ---------------- Ha! that made me laugh! My classical music friends thought I was listening to rock and roll in college because I wanted to be hip! I loved the Grateful Dead as well, but tastes change, and though I still crank Jerry and the boys now and then, I have to have musical complexity (or at least complex simplicity) and sonic variety. It seems that as my system gets better (and with horns and tubes it made a quantum leap), the more I expect of the music that comes out of it. peace, Forrest
  4. ---------------- On 3/7/2004 10:42:51 PM GRB wrote: By the way, you know what happens when you play a country album backwards? You get your truck back, your wife back, your job back...etc. ---------------- ok! That reminds me; what has 86 legs and 4 teeth? The front row of the Grand 'Ole Opry.
  5. Texas has put out some fine musicians. Lyle Lovett Ricki Lee Jones Delbert McClinton (I THINK he's from TX-could be wrong) I LOVE the band Asleep at the Wheel Stevie Ray Vaughn (not 'country' by any stretch, but the influence is hidden in the heat) ZZ Top (especially early ZZ... sizzles!) Marty Robbins I happen to like the Nashville 'sound' because it is so punchy and clear, but the majority of the pop that is produced with that sound leaves me cold. forrest
  6. ---------------- On 3/7/2004 10:50:35 AM HornEd wrote: Congratulations "fini" on a new beginning! Welcome to the wonderful world of the fully horn loaded... you'll know your there by the sway of the van on the way home! My best to the fini family of great spaghetti biters who now will have thier Horns of Plenty! =HornEd ---------------- Sure that's not 'swagger of the van' ? fini, take false corners and room treatments as well as welder's goggles and a blowtorch. Show him you're serious! Forrest
  7. ---------------- On 3/6/2004 9:09:08 AM James D McCall wrote: jt1stcav, Mind my own business? I was replying to Woodog. Whose business are you minding? ---------------- Okay, then I'll say it. Mind your own business! (talk to the hand, etc.) (Listening to Billie Holliday singing "Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do" as I type.. fun stuff) As to your sorrow over my 'problem' and your explanation of the 'struggle' that followed, I've heard it all. Been there, done that (sold the t-shirt at a yard sale) The only problem I've ever had is allowing a mindset similar to yours to define who I am. I'm in a good place today and your ICB (see the rant for a definition) had nothing to do with my happiness today. As to your sorrow about the 'so called Christian orginization', well, let me say that I've never known a snowflake to take responsibility for an avalanche. (Not that I would call YOU a snowflake in a Christian organization). I'm with the other poster who is tired of seeing Rosie's name at the top of the 2-channel forum. Not a peep more from me on this subject. 'tis a shame to, since you never answered my questions. with all due respect (you can figure the amount), Forrest
  8. ---------------- On 3/6/2004 1:59:24 AM jt1stcav wrote: Even homosexuals can love horns (right, Woodog?) ---------------- LMAO... so many fini-esque possibilities but I'm not going there. Indeed, I love my Cornmalls and Heresys (and tubes! what a sonic revelation!) and have even gotten a 222-B for my 12 y/o son to use on his room stereo (with the 2nd pair of Heresys I got). Is it possible for straight people to love audio? How do they do it? forrest
  9. Guy, I saw the photo's on the site, and mine is a PS-X7. I edited the post above to reflect that. sorry.
  10. Excellent site, Guy! I recently scored a Scott 222-B and along with it came a Sony PS-X9. Nice turntable. Thanks again for that site. Forrest EDIT--- it is a Sony PS-X7 that I got... quite a different beast. sorry for the misrepresentation.
  11. ---------------- On 3/5/2004 10:15:53 AM Guy Landau wrote: I really like this one http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3081312945&category=48649 ---------------- wow, that looks like something from the old TV show 'Lost in Space'. question, why belt drive vs. direct drive?
  12. Man, BB, that's hard to believe. I went to hear the Australian guitarist Tommy Emmanuel play a solo concert about a week ago and I took a friend who just didn't 'get it'. I feel most frustrated when shared tunes that I love don't resonate with the folks I'm sharing with. To each his own, I guess. It's still difficult for me to believe that you can't hear the genius there. Forrest
  13. *sigh* Every discussion I've ever had about homosexuality has always ended up being a religious argument. I've been the token 'homo' on a few discussion panels, and 20 years ago the discussion were whether or not it should be LEGAL, now it's about marriage. And when it comes to religion, science and reason fly out the window on this one. I don't believe in an Invisible Cloud Being now. I used to. I was converted to Christianity at 16 with the 'sinner's prayer' at a church camp. I was told that prayer and faith accomplished anything, and I believed it. My #1 prayer was to be straight. Please GOD, as your child I can't be gay because you say that gays are going to be in heaven (yes, Maxg, the New Testament also sends the likes of me to the fires of HELL). It was nightly internal self-torture, and SO unnecessary. That didn't work, so during a very suicidal freshman year at the University of South Carolina I went to psychiatric therapy, and that resulted in half-hearted (actually much less than half-hearted) dates with girls. I'm probably still counted as one of Ken Carrols' success stories because I finally told him I was straight. That LIE was encouraged by my new "spirit filled" "charismatic" church where I had been baptized with the Holy Spirit at 20. Speaking in tongues, healings, dancing in the aisles, etc. We didn't do snakes, but if I had thought it would have made me straight, I would have done that too. The LIE that I was "straight" came about because I had had the DEMONS of homsexuality cast out of me at a healing service, and at that point, I was told, it was a spiritual battle began with the Devil and I had to speak the truth into being. I was still as queer as I had ever been, no, wait, I was really straight, but the DEVIL himself was at my side and every time I saw a butt that made my wee-wee stir up it was the DEVIL himself who was winning the battle for my soul. Such needless self torture encouraged by people who said they LOVED me. I tried returning to more 'mainstream' churches because of my musical abilities (I'm an excellent pianist, organist, choral director, arranger, and singer) and have been kicked out of 3 churches to date because being gay is a hot gossip topic (doncha know). I stopped believing in an ICB (invisible cloud being) about 10 years ago, after representatives from the local Emmaus community came to me and "outted" me at a local United Methodist church where I was the director of music. They outted me because I had agreed to direct the music at an upcoming Chrysalis Walk and they were concerned that I would be working around teenage boys. they told me I was a stumbling block to their "walk". *******s. I was forced to resign from a 'christian' church for the last time, and a good friend of mine asked me why I was so determined to try and exist where I would never be truly accepted. *Bingo*, the light came on and I began to divorce myself from this GOD NONSENSE. It was the best decision I've ever made with regards to my own mental health. I don't care what YOUR religion may say about my orientation, but if you try write your religious INSANITY into civil matters there will be a fight and I will gladly call you a fool in the process and point out all the hypocrisy in your approach. Unlike you, I won't burn because of my hyprocrisy. In other countries this post would cause me to lose my life. It's easy to say it won't happen here, but nothing so drastic ever occurs all at once. It's always in itty bitty steps, and history proves this. I remember as a child in my home state of South Carolina going to a laundromat for "white customers only". Now when I visit there I see black kids and white kids riding in cars together and even (GASP) dating one another openly. Can we regulate behavior through legislation? Yes, we can. I believe that some of the BT's (Bible Thumpers, and I was one once) say they don't hate gays, but their religion is explicit.. belief in that religion requires them to kill gays (old testament only, and quite a few others need to be stoned as well, not in the Bob Dylan way), and those gays will burn in hell for eternity. I refuse to be a part of such insanity. The evangelists don't come around to MY house anymore. Folks who believe you are doomed to HELL for eternity will treat you differently. I know this from personal experience. The minute some folks find out I'm gay the relationship is colored. You lose your job, your apartment, the right to visit your son. (btw, I have had custody of my son since he was 4, but that took 3 year court battle with a bi-polar pill popping alcoholic mother who successfully kept me from seeing my son for 3 years because I had a bath with him when he was 1 year old, she claimed that I was going to molest him and the religio-crazy lawyers from her church gave her FREE representation while I went into monstrous debt. Bitter? You bet, but my son is safe living with me although several of his friends aren't allowed to visit him at our home because of... religious insanity and outright ignorance) Marriage is a civil arrangement. It just so happens that marriage is also a religous rite for some (but far from all) Marriage was originally about property rights. Women used to be property. Marriage to the church had as much to do with expectations of tithing as being married to Christ. (he is cute in some of those pictures) I wish I could write as well as this Conason fellow, but he puts an interesting spin on the whole thing and gets some good jabs at the supidity of the religious right in the process. http://www.observer.com/pages/conason.asp and lastly, some thoughts that seem silly, but are perfectly biblical: As Governor Romney and Attorney General Reilly work diligently to prevent marriage between two people of the same sex, others of us have been busy drafting a Constitutional Amendment codifying all marriages entirely on biblical principles. After all, G-d wouldn't want us to pick and choose which of the Scriptures we elevate to civil law and which we choose to ignore: Draft of a Constitutional Amendment to Defend Biblical Marriage: * Marriage in Massachusetts shall consist of a union between one man and one or more women. (Gen 29:17-28; II Sam 3:2-5.) * Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives. (II Sam 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chron 11:21) * A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deut 22:13-21) (This is where Governor Romney's resurrection of the Death Penalty will come in handy.) * Marriage of a believer and a non-believer shall be forbidden. (Gen 24:3; Num 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Neh 10:30) * Since marriage is for life, neither the Constitution nor any state law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall permit divorce. (Deut 22:19; Mark 10:9-12) * If a married man dies without children, his brother must marry the widow. If the brother refuses to marry the widow, or deliberately does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law. (Gen. 38:6-10; Deut 25:5-10) And finally, Mr. McCall, Champion of Decency, ha ha, since I have been asked these questions from deluded fools for most of my life, I'll ask them (in a slighty different way) to you: 1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality? 2. When did you decide you were heterosexual? 3. Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase that you may grow out of? 4. Is it possible that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex? 5. If you have never slept with a person of the same sex, is it possible that all you need is a good lesbian/gay lover? 6. Do your parents know that you are straight? Do your friends and/or roommates know? 7. Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality? Can't you just be who you are and keep it quiet? 8. Why do heterosexuals place so much emphasis on sex? 9. Why do heterosexuals feel so compelled to introduce others into their lifestyle? 10.A disproportionate majority of child molesters are heterosexual men. Do you consider it safe to expose children to heterosexual male teachers, social workers, foster parents, etc.? 11. Just what do men and women do in bed together? How can they truly know how to please each other, being so anatomically different? 12. Even with all the societal support marriage receives, the divorce rate increases each year. Why are there so few stable relationships between heterosexuals? 13. Statistics show that lesbians have the lowest incidence of sexually transmitted disease. Is it really safe for a woman to maintain a heterosexual lifestyle and run the risk of disease and unwanted pregnancy? 14. How can you expect to become a whole person if you limit yourself to compulsive, exclusive heterosexuality? 15. Considering the menace of overpopulation, how could humanity survive if everyone were heterosexual? 16. Could you trust a heterosexual therapist to be objective? Don't you feel that s/he might be inclined to influence you in the direction of his/her own leanings? 17. There seem to be very few happy heterosexuals. Techniques have been developed that might enable you to change if you really want to. Have you considered trying aversion and other therapies? 18. Would you want your child to be heterosexual knowing the problems s/he would face? And lastly (do I hear a collective sigh of relief?) If you don't want gay marriage, don't marry a homosexual.
  14. oh, btw, I would welcome any articles that you would pass my way that would convince me that we are headed in a good direction with this administration. I don't see it, though. And although it is base, low, childish, and altogether in poor taste to post that mosaic's site, I did enjoy it. Forrest
  15. ---------------- On 3/4/2004 10:09:42 AM paulparrot wrote: --------- Actually, the images are tasteful, respectful, and moving. But they fit in well with the most vocal elements of your side who claim that the President knew about 9/11 before it happened and let it happen so that he could get re-elected. Conspiracy guys can use these ads as further evidence. LOL! Of course Democrats are going to go ape over the ads because the entire nation realizes that Democrats are soft on defense. Why do you think they picked a guy who mentions every single time he talks that he served in Vietnam? "Excuse me Senator Kerry, how do you like your sandwich?" "Well, when I served in the battlefields of Vietnam, I liked a sandwich on wheat. Now that I am no longer carrying out heroic feats in Vietnam, I prefer white bread." Kerry's continual harping on Vietnam is to try to counter the accurate image Americans have that Democrats are the wrong choice for security. The Dems' goal is to keep 9/11 out of people's minds. The President's ads are also in marked contrast to your side's celebrated internet ads of Bush = Hitler. ---------------- Bush's Grandfather Prescott Bush and Hitler have a chummy past, but to say W is Hitler is certainly unfair. I'm sure you also cringe when Rush says things like "Hitlery Clintoon" or "feminazis". Actually, the Democrats want to fully investigate 9/11, but the Bushies stall and obfuscate at every opportunity. only 1 hour to question the president about what he knew and when? Hell, we got 'ole Bill under oath about a blowjob. http://www.911timeline.net/ (warning... this is long and VERY involved, but telling indeed) about Iraq? To paraphrase a recent Molly Ivin's article, two boys walk in the woods and see a hornet's nest, and one of them picks up a stick and says he wants to hit it. The other boy says NO! Don't do that.. but the first boy doesn't listen and hits the nest anyway. (a nest that was of no danger to him). Hornets everywhere, and now the first boy tells the second boy he has to help him deal with those Hornets. (well, ok.. read it for yourself) http://www.workingforchange.com/article.cfm?itemid=16525 Since Repubs are really keen on a person's past, it seems, and especially since they like quotes.. try this one on... http://thomasmc.com/0211jt.htm and, lastly, just because I feel like it, a photo mosaic that I happen to enjoy. http://www.artofresistance.org/bush_mosaic/ (but be forewarned, ths is an admitted cheap shot!) forrest
  16. Ha! I remember thinking you were THE guru. That doesn't last long 'round here do it? Glad to know ya, forrest
  17. How can you tell if your tuner needs alignment? I have a Scott 355 preamp/tuner, and my favorite radio station, 88.9, comes in poorly at times in stereo mode. Switching to mono makes it clearer. other stations higher on the dial are stronger. I'm using a simple dipole antenna. An outdoor antenna is not an option for me. all thoughts are appreciated. Forrest
  18. The percentage of folks pursuing excellence has always been small, no matter the chosen path. My brother Hollis' stereo, a Pioneer SX-??? and KLH speakers, (1974) was my first introduction to audio, and I was intoxicated. He was the minority in his group of friends, most of whom went after cars with their extra spending cash. His pursuit was quality sound, and it was something he cared passionately about. He ran sound commercially for a number of years and went on to do recording engineering in Nashville, TN, and has credits on many albums. He currently owns his own music production company. But the point is, he is a rarity just as those folks (many here on this forum included) who pursue excellence in sound are a rarity. Very few have heard a symphony orchestra, a quality choral group, a well honed jazz ensemble, a piano trio, string quartet, etc. Most want LOUD, and if LOUD is delivered, fine with them. Last night I went to a performance of our excellent chamber orchestra and chorale in one of the huge mega churches here (Six Flags Over Jesus), and the chorus was miked for sound. It was HORRID. the sound engineer had all the tools at his disposal to do the job correctly (Great equipment) but he stood around and didn't appear to notice the grating quality. So some don't care or don't know, and it has been and will always be that way. forrest
  19. ---------------- On 3/2/2004 7:24:07 PM Allan Songer wrote: Are there really five of us here? ---------------- My hand is up. woo
  20. I first stumbled into this forum looking for the next larger set of speakers to compliment the Heresys I bought to use as a sound system. I stayed because the advice is great. I've been turned on to Helen Merril, Chet Baker, Duke Pearson, Diana Krall, Dianne Reeves, etc. through the suggestions on various threads, and I bought into the 'tube amp' mantras floating around. Now I've gone and purchased ANOTHER tube amp (Scott 222B) and ANOTHER set of Heresys. (for my kid, 12). I will own Khorns someday. I know it. I know NOTHING about tubes except they sure make my Cornwalls sing. I read all the techie posts hoping some of it will sink in. I'm male/45/Bowling Green, KY
  21. ---------------- On 3/2/2004 2:03:50 PM m00n wrote: Woo.... A few weeks ago I made a post that was most likely insulting to you on a personal level. I just wanted to appologize for that. Sorry man! m00n ---------------- Moon, Ha! I must have missed it, 'cuz I wasn't insulted. You are hereby granted 3 insults to balance your unnecessary apology! Dean, Considering your treatment of Craig (and you're his FRIEND), your insults just make me feel accepted, warm and fuzzy. moon, btw, I can't dance, I can't cook, I can't decorate, I have bad hair, and I have horribly out of style clothes. I'm WORTHLESS as a homo (and I don't take myself too seriously). I love audio though, so I'll stick around.
  22. ---------------- On 3/2/2004 9:19:04 AM paulparrot wrote: Good one, Woodog. What makes it funny is it's not all that inconceivable. ---------------- Seriously, I would be concerned. The Onion has an uncanny track record when it comes to predicting the future. This from January 18, 2001. http://www.theonion.com/onion3701/bush_nightmare.html woo
  23. ---------------- On 3/2/2004 9:07:37 AM fini wrote: I really feel like we're working this out, gentlemen. I'll bet the higher-ups are watching this thread closely. Keep it up, we're close to a breakthrough. ---------------- the higher ups live in Massachusetts. http://www.theonion.com/news.php?i=1&n=1 woo
  24. ---------------- On 3/1/2004 11:02:27 PM T_Shomaker wrote: Dave what are you going to do with ANOTHER PAIR OF KHORNS! ---------------- Why, he's going to send them to me, of course!
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