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Everything posted by 007

  1. I dont know what you guys think, but i think the RS-anything's are just ugly, the RB's look a lot better, i would use those for rear's just for that reason. For the 6's rear speaker, i would get a one or two RCW's. That would be plush!
  2. RR-7's would suck with a 120hrz cutoff, but you really cant damage the amp? Because here is what im thinking. I just bought a pair of RB-25's and i have a separate amp for em. They are going to be my fronts in a 7.2 set up. But for movies, i feel my ultra center might be a lil wimpy, so if i get the RC-35 or RC-25, i could just plug it into my ultra? Granted the crossover will blow, but it will still best my ultra sat any day. i'm just worried about blowing something up, this is my second 5.1 RA. If i blew it up this way, there would be no returning it as it would be my fault. Also I run the rist of damaging the speaker, do I run a bigger risk running if off the ultras opposed to just a normal receiver for any reason? My revo lets me adjust each channels volume so i can match the output fairly well.
  3. So i can hook RF-7's up my my 5.1 ultra?
  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Chillin, i'm robbing your house tomorrow. They were removed from the site! *CRIES*
  5. Some of you are running Reference speakers thu your promedia's but I dont understand how this does not kill the amp. Granted, its a silly idea because of the 120hrz crossover. You cant honestly tell me a RC-25 will run out of a PM 5.1 center?
  6. your amp died, call klipsch they will help you.
  7. If you connect the RB-35 to your promedia sub you will blow the channel before you even hear the music out of the speaker. I Dont care if the RB-35 is efficient or not, 65 watts @ 4ohms is not 125 @ 8 Do not hook any other speaker up to your PM other then your PM sats.
  8. yeah, but you gota admit, the room looks good.
  9. Ok, what do you guys recommend for setting em on glass, rubber pads?
  10. I just orded a pair a RB-25's for my PC and they are going to rest on my desk, i was wondering what kind of "feet" they come with. My desk also happens to be glass (dont shoot me) Hey, it looks really nice tho!
  11. yes i know this, 20hrz and below is something mm sysems can not do.
  12. eyah i kinda guessed it was subwoofsystem i was hoping it was something a lil more cool
  13. Also know that if you plug any speaker in to the promedia amp thats even slight larger then a promedia amp you will blow that channel. Trust me, i saw it happen with just a 4inch speakers (note the original pm's are 3inches)
  14. You know, i think im gonna tone it down to some smaller sats after thinking about it, prolly the RSX-5's I dont want to overwhelm the ultras and the RSX's should add just enough more mid range to compensate for all this bass i got.
  15. i'm pretty sure 5 SWS's would blow a RSW-12 out of hte water at 45hrz, granted the qualliy of the RS will be a lot more crips, but for pure output at 99 dollars each, you really can't touch the SWS. the only problem is hat is output below 35 ~ 30 hrz. But most music doest touch this range.
  16. damn another guy with 5, now i know why they are sold you, you *******s stole them all!
  17. Ok, I will be the first to admit i don't get it.
  18. If my gf finds out i buy more speakres, shes gonna kill me. Of couse whenever we have parties and she gets a lil 80 proof in her, she loves my bass and can't get enough. my dad is a idiot, I had both the ultras and sws on the floor, and he walks in.. and goes "What are these boxes for" I lol'ed so hard.
  19. wow, hot forum! activity is flowing with potential
  20. hell no, get him/her this http://games.sympatico.ca/news/stories/20040116152411_breakingnews.html
  21. Also, im considering some newer RF-25's i really dont need them to give me bass below 50hrz, i got my subs for that job, would there be any other reason to get larger mids?
  22. I have an old amp, ADCOM GFA 535 II. Would that be enough to power those babies? should I get a pre amp also? This is going to be hooked up to a m-audio revo (sound card) which has per channel volume adjustment. This will be running in concurrence with my 5.1 ultras and a few SWS's in a 7.3 set up. The RF's are just to boost mid bass for songs and movies. And later if I upgrade for full HT, at least have some good speakers to start with. So my question is... Is that amp enough to deal with those big guys?
  23. there is a fire warning on the back of the sub if you bothered to read it, might wanna make sure you DONT overload the volts or amps.
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