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Posts posted by Deang

  1. He veneered the top and sides of the boards. I felt like I was doing surgery. I covered as much of the veneer as possible while soldering. 


    I also charged for the autoformers and extra for packing since they were going across the border. I think actual labor was $200 per board.

    He’s basically selling for cost of the parts. Pretty good deal from where I’m sitting.  

    • Like 5
  2. @mikebse2a3 https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/how-do-these-two-charts-come-from-amps-with-essentially-the-same-thd-n-measurement-1khz-5w-4-ohm.45551/


    I went straight to the 7.2 receivers at Best Buy, since those products used to be the worst offenders. They don’t even list the test frequencies anymore, just give you a total power number. 

    I looked through some of the Chinese built tube amps on Amazon. Same - all you get is a total power spec.

    • Like 1
  3. Those old cans (pre 70’s) are paper in oil. What I’ve never known for sure is whether or not they’re hermetically sealed - I just know I’ve never seen a leaky one. I’d be inclined to leave them alone.  

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  4. On 3/21/2024 at 5:21 PM, michaelwjones said:

    Its all relative and IMHO dependent on the quality of power the amp puts out. I run a pair of 86dB efficient Harbeths …

    I run “power hungry” ATC monitors with a 60 watt Cambridge integrated. I probably have 30 watts more than I need. To be fair, the room is small and I do sit close. Not as dynamic as horns, but they can surprise you.

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  5. Jeff probably never goes into the Technical section so wouldn’t know about the sticky’s.


    For the uninitiated, Crites can’t build a “factory spec” crossover because he doesn’t have the right autoformers. You can do a lot of other things with the larger units, but “factory spec” isn’t one of them.  

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  6. Yeah, I’m tired/burned out and have arthritis in my hands, back and neck. I take on work when I feel up to it. Most just want a recap, and Jim is handling those. He reaches out to me when he needs me. If someone wants something else built, I’m doing that on a very limited basis also. 

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