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mikebse2a3 last won the day on December 30 2022

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  1. You choose your path and others need to choose theirs no question about that in my mind but we all pay a price for those paths taken and also reap the rewards. So in my family’s case money was never the main priority it was more about being together and working for a decent living while doing so. During our business years we were blessed to have Mom with us for 9 years until she unexpectedly and suddenly pass away at the young age of 42 and as tough as it was my Dad, Brother and myself continued on with the business then after 22 years together with all the good and rough years we finally decided to close the doors and during this time Dad took ill and passed within a couple of months. Now my brother has been gone 10 years and let me tell you those years of having our business together are precious to me and any money that I could have made working for someone else couldn’t provide me with the memories that mean the world to me today. Life happens in the blink of an eye and for me it’s the sharing and memories with my family that I hold valuable and not any money/things that I could have made somewhere else. Those business years of sacrificing and uncertainty with no guarantee were filled with a shared love of family and happiness as well so many may not understand and think we were foolish but I know better from experience. miketn
  2. There are the doers who chase the dream and then there are those who only want to stand on the sides criticizing and yelling doom and gloom and never actually tried for their dream. So do you tell your friend who has his own business/dream that he is a fool and should give up and that he should follow your path because you definitely seem to be full of “inexperienced” knowledge and total understanding based on never actually opening/operating a business..?
  3. I love it when people/critics who have no idea of what it cost to maintain a particular long term business, to keep the doors open, to provide jobs with benefits/insurance, to maintain engineering research and development of new products, advertising cost, support the products during and after warranty, to offer updates when possible to older models, etc….. but have never walked in the shoes of whom they would criticize and judge. Are there greedy price gouging companies..? Of course and it can make us consumers very jaded and doubting but we need to be careful not to judge the needs of a company to survive without fully understanding their overhead expenses and the challenges they face as times change. I speak from the perspective of having been part of a family business that survived for over 20 years in the electronics sales and service industry and as times changed and the cost of keeping the doors open while trying to pay a descent wage with very modest benefits (and don’t even think about even being able to offer anything more than the most basic insurance). Eventually it became unsustainable and believe me we sacrificed for many years but it was beyond our control due to the changes in electronics reliability, throw away mentality due to low cost manufacturing and unfair trade practices that allowed unfair foreign competition practices among many other factors and the result was to watch all the businesses like ours close and the distributors that supplied us close and the manufacturers had to merge/sale or close down. So one of the most frustrating things for me was to have people who would come to our business and buy parts from me and basically use my inventory and try to use my experience/knowledge to do their “businesses from their homes”. Then there were the self-believing experts who looked from the outside at our business and say we were ridiculously pricing our goods and services all while we were barely keeping the doors open to survive for better times that never came. So @mopardave just keep looking from the outside and criticizing Klipsch “since you obviously have all the answers” and please try to remember their are real people there just trying to survive in these times for better times which I truly hope happens for them. miketn
  4. I wish only good things for Klipsch and all the employees and friends who work there that I have met since my first visit over 25 years ago through this transition period. miketn🙂
  5. Would love to listen to your JFL PP 2a3 which is a very interesting design. Glad to see you posting again its been awhile 🙂
  6. @jwc I really appreciate you sharing the pictures jc …. Seeing The Plaque honoring my Dad …I sure miss him. miketn.
  7. The last thing a Nonprofit Organization like the PWK Museum “which is run by volunteers” can afford to happen is its Integrity being questioned and could easily lead to its demise. That’s why I said its not a joking matter. miketn
  8. Some of these post don’t sound like fun to me and the integrity of the museum and its members is actually not a joking matter IMHO. miketn
  9. @MMurg As always thanks so much for sharing your pictures and information/thoughts for those who couldn’t attend. miketn 🙂
  10. Thanks Bill Hendricks…!!! What a great way to honor PWK by your actions of donating the La Scalas back to the museum but even more so by the amount of time and work I know you have given to the museum for many years now. miketn
  11. Another thing to check is if they use the K55M midrange driver the back cover can buzz if glue is failing. Just press against the cover when you hear the distortion and see if it goes away. Check this thread miketn
  12. @Uminndah I’m not sure but I believe you can PM after you have 5 post on the forum.
  13. @JRH @Uminndah Also you may contact/check out Klipsch Museum Audio History https://www.klipschmuseum.org/contact
  14. @Chief bonehead FYI… you are in the red at 18% … 😁
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