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Everything posted by Deang

  1. I'm sure Greg is a mature adult, who places his faith in the Everlasting God. There is nothing in this thread that Greg hasn't already contemplated and prayed about. We all know each other pretty well over here, I don't expect this to denegrate into name calling and mud slinging. If we can't debate and discuss the issue in a mature manner, then what does THAT say about us? This forum is as much about the virtual relationships we maintain as the information we gleen regarding audio. We've gained respect for each, and this is simply just another issue that we can use to help each other grow and maintain some balance. There have been threads like this in the past, and because of them -- ended up reversing my position on some things (the concealed carry and pledge of allegience threads). We ALL have posted topics dealing with personal issues. These topics always end up taking twists and turns. I simply cannot understand why anyone would get stressed about it. I would rather have a discussion like this over here than almost anywhere else. I respect everyone over here, and I always learn a thing or two. I can't do this in General Forum -- I get chest pains.
  2. Yes, and now it will really be a "mobile" home. Jim, you might want to strap that home to the foundation so it doesn't roll down the street. You may even have to go into Odds and Mods for a while -- you ever think about putting your mobile home on spikes?
  3. Man, your'e worse than me. I thought you were unemployed and broke. I always land my best deals when I'm broke too!!
  4. "...the otherwise very modest output of a 2A3 can be painfully loud." What output? It's 3 watts. The pain comes once you get them out their power band and you're listening to 20% or more of harmonic distortion. Dynamics roll up like a scroll, and the treble sounds like it's being etched into concrete. SET amps are like any other amp. When the power is gone -- it's gone. I do believe SET amps probably sound the best -- as long as you don't drive them out of their power band. As everyone here knows, I've owned quite a few amps over the last two years, and I never ONCE experienced this with any of them. Also, keep in mind that both the RF-7's and Cornwalls come in around 98-99 db/w.
  5. Please don't attempt to draw comparisons between Hitler and Hussein. We completely decimated Iraq's war machine 10 years ago, unless of course he has some nasty stuff stashed away -- in which case he'll be sure to spread the joy as soon as we send in the troops. At any rate, I can't believe anyone here actually believes that idiot has his sights set on world domination. As far as the situation with the Iraqi people goes -- the sanctions over the last decade have done immeasurably more damage than anything that kook has done. Is the solution really that we incinerate any country run by an unstable dictator possessing anything bigger than a grenade? Man, we is going to be busy.
  6. I am assuming that you applied the undercoating to the exterior of the lens only. The whole lens?
  7. SET amps are for people who understand the mysteries of the electrical universe. As for me, I will be content if I can once again move the universe with some air. I simply could not deal with the restricted nature of the dynamics at the levels I prefer to listen too. My musical tastes require unbridled dynamics, and the wondeful transparency of SET would only take me so far. I'm very happy however that this is working out for you!
  8. No, I'm not. Believe me, because since getting them, I have almost completely lost my sense of humor. I will use them for low level listening and movies. If I want to get serious, I'll seek out my 7's.
  9. You know how it is, you never know until you try it. I'm definitely interested in hearing what you think after you drop her in. Seems 'ole Kelly is the only one on the Forum who doesn't really care for them all that much.
  10. Well, my thinking was that every speaker is voiced taking these things into account (resonances and what not). Of course, the Type B crossover is pretty simple, and there certainly isn't anything there that I can see that would suggest PWK compensated for this particular problem. I do think Kelly has a point with this though in that damping that lens completely down might impact the squawkers ability to project some ambience into the music.
  11. Deang


    This isn't another one of those 'Randy Bey Specials' is it. Seriously though -- where in the heck is the transformer? The thing I'm really curious about is the two knobs on the right. If those are gain controls, I'm going to be very happy.
  12. I can hardly wait for the fun to begin. Anyone figure out yet how Saddam is directly threatening our national security? Must be those long range ballistic missles hiding under his bed. I'm sure he's just itching to use VX gas, Anthrax, and plutonium on his neighbors -- knowing full well that we would turn Iraq into a sea of glass. If he does have any of this nifty stuff, what incentive does he have not to use it, since Bush has come right out and said we are coming for him directly. So, if he has the nifty stuff, he'll definitely be using it -- why not? And of course, if he doesn't use it -- it certainly begs the question doesn't it? Don't waste your time reading the papers and watching the news, which amounts to nothing more than government propaganda. Information coming off the front steps of the White House is NOT freaking news. This is the Military Industrial Complex at work, that's all it is. It's about big money, oil, and distracting Americans from the domestic problems that are sucking us down into the pit. I've been a Republican since High School. I believe in a limited federal government, the right of states to operate as they please, and everything else the party of Lincoln gave us. However, it has now become fascist in nature, and I'm done with it. I'm tired of the hypocrisy, manipulating, and lieing. If we go into Iraq -- I will support the war effort for the sake of the individuals putting their lives on the line -- but I will never vote for another Republican again as long as I live. For God's sake people -- wake up.
  13. The Blackplate is a decent tube, it's not a great tube. The RCA Cleartops are much better, and many consider them to be almost as good as the European tubes at 1/2 the price. Even if I end up with new tubes, I'll keep the Blackplates just because it's always good to have a backup set.
  14. Do you still have that pic of Edmonds Cary? Could you please email it to me, or put it up here --
  15. Well, I don't need any, but would certainly like to upgrade the four 12ax7s in the Scott. I think the Cary uses four 12au7s. Please email me at dean.wescott@wpafb.af.mil so we can have discussion. I have to finish paying Edmond for the Cary, after which I can start thinking about buying some tubes. Got hit with 9 inches of snow last night. My son made $40 shoveling snow. Guess I should have been out there too!!
  16. Looking down the road a ways when money is better. Might like a nice set of 12ax7s for the Scott and some nice 12au7s for the Cary.
  17. I'm with you Jeff, the only way to know is to try it. Crap, now I need to add a freaking Yahmaha to my list.
  18. As far as the Telefunken 12ax7 and 12au7 go -- which is preferred?
  19. Now let me get this straight, just in case I've got it wrong. You like the sound of your Yammerhammer better than the Manley? Is that right?
  20. Damn, I never even thought of that. Someone playing sissy stuff through them for 25 years. Hell, they're probably not even broke in yet!! Thanks for the tip.
  21. Greg -- would you please thank your daughter and family on our behalf for the sacrifice. It is much appreciated. I'm sure she will be home soon enough. God is with her. Of course, you will have the two year old, and I fear you may be in need of more prayer than your daughter.
  22. Craig, No caulk yet. I decided to some homework on the issue, and watched a movie last night instead. Jeff, I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is. It's those wonderful metal lenses ringing like the Liberty Bell. I was going to caulk the lenses last night, but I wanted to do a little homework on just exactly how much I should use, as I really don't want to overdamp them. This is especially important since they do sound rather excellent at the moderate listening levels, and actually -- 90db is plenty loud enough considering I don't sit in front of this system until everyone goes off to bed. This fact has me seriously considering having Craig walk me through wiring the Scott in triode. Right Craig? Your Cornwalls did have some advantages for the music we like. It had the plastic resin lenses, and the cabinet was braced. Mine have neither of these niceties.
  23. I seriously considered that Creek passive until Edmond came through for me. Edmond should shipping the Cary early next week. For now, I have the Scott and Cornwalls keeping me company -- and they are doing very well for me. Those two cans are 300's, and triode is certainly coming for these -- unless the stock configuration drops my jaw.
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