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Tubes - Super Amps - Rambling: The Usual
Deang replied to mobile homeless's topic in 2-Channel Home Audio
So nice to see you back Kelly -- we have really missed your contributions and good company. I have listed my Super Amp a couple of times on AudiogoN, and just last night removed an add for it. Looks like I'm going to be a daddy again, and was thinking I could sell the amp, get another tubey, and put some cash back in my pocket to boot. The problem is, everytime I turn that thing on, I get such a rush. That AE-25 is the single most intelligent audio purchase I have ever made. The fact is, I'm smart enough to know that if I sold it -- I would just be plain sick. I can't really say I would consider the Super Amp exessively forward, especially with most of my previous listening being done with solid state. I did do a run for about a year with the Anthem EL-34 based amp, and it does seem to be a little more forward compared to that. However, at the same time, The Super Amp has a crispness, transparency, and openess that was completely absent from the Anthem. It may be that since I have it paired up with the RF7's instead 'real' horns -- there is no sense of undue forwardness. As a matter of fact, I believe the Super Amp and RF7's to be a marriage made in Heaven. I wish I had the money to buy Chris' Super Amp. I would love to biamp those suckers. OTOH -- There is no real reason to. I recently purchased the SVS 20-39 CS+ subwoofer , accompanying Samson pro amp, and HSU electronic crossover . The crossover is outstanding. I purchased it with the 51Hz modules and I feed the full range signal through the crossover. Certainly not the purist approach and I was hesitant to do it, but the combination ended up working flawlessly with the AE-25. If there is any degradation to the signal from the crossover, I do not detect it. I can't say enough good things about this crossover -- it is truly outstanding. At any rate -- It is simply phenomenal what that 15 watts sounds like. Godsmack anyone ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-29-2002 at 11:38 AM -
I just found out the other day that my frequency response curve is totally "wrong". Evidently, the common Rat Shack meter isn't really calibrated all that well, and apparently -- it is necessary to add in factors at various frequency points to get an accurate plot. http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/general/messages/49147.html ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
http://www.svsubwoofers.com/ampeq_rane_pe17.htm ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
I guess I got a few things to say. Dollar for dollar spent, the Cornwalls will be the best buy! Regardless of what is considered to be the most speaker for the money -- what it really comes down to is what sounds the best To YOU. I have heard many speakers, many expensive speakers -- and many of them I did not like. I have heard $1000 monitors that I preferred over $5000 floor standers. The emphasis should always be placed on what sound a person prefers. Period. ...One thing about Cornwalls is that they will escalate in value. I kinda like old heritage speakers because of that factor alone...one must put the price of the Cornwall close to that of a LaScala. When you are looking at a newly manufactured Cornwall as going for over 2500 bucks a pair (if included in the line-up)...it kinda makes the prices for them in great used condition seem pretty inexpensive! If a person likes the sound of the Cornwall, then this "value" argument is legitimate. If however, they do not like the sound of the Cornwall -- then who cares what they are "worth". A speaker that one does not like the sound of has no true "value" as far as listening goes. ...As for the heritage line being out-of-date...far from the truth!! All the Heritage line was developed by PWK himself!! I don't see what the first statement has to do with the second. At any rate, of course the Cornwalls are not out-of-date, any more than any other speaker design is "out-of-date". I still like the sound of AR11's, Old Advents, and the DQ-10s. As different as each of these speakers are from each other -- they each do different things equally well. The king of the KLIPSCH line is still the Klipschorn...as it has been since day one!! With new pairs of k-horns starting at over 6000 bucks, you gotta wonder how anything else is better at a lower price in the line!!... Again, price isn't really indicative of anything as far as hearing and preference is concerned. There are many who actually prefer the sound of the Cornwall to the Klipschorn. Also, three-way exponential horn systems are simply not everyone's cup of tea. I think it is intellectually dishonest to continually spout ones bias, and never point out the sonic differences in speakers so that someone might be helped in making an informed choice. The Jubilee home version will likely be in the 10 grand plus area!! And, remember, the Jubilee is basically the FINAL heritage speaker..PWK's final attempted improvement over the k-horn, from what I hear, and a two-way speaker to boot!!!! PWK's parameters for the Jubilee: "No sense in making a new speaker if it can't be a better speaker than the k-horn is...and I want this to be a two-way system instead of a three-way system!" This happened because PK kept reading all of my posts about two-ways. I guess it finally got to him. ...With all these different original uses for the speaker designs in the Heritage line...and considering they are all originally supposed to be supplements to the k-horn....it is quite amazing that they ALL became quite popular as primary speaker set-ups in their own right!!! Something to be said for that, don't you think? Gotta be a reason!! What is so amazing? I used two RC7's (center channel speaker) as mains until I had the money to upgrade to the RF7's. People simply could either not afford K-horns, or didn't have corners for them, and since the driver compliments were for the most part identical -- individuals decided to get a pair of La-Scalas or Belles. As for the availability of these speakers on eBay and such...note that no speaker Klipsch has ever produced has equaled the volumes of heritage speakers produced!! So, even though there are numbers of them showing up on eBay and such...the IMPORTANT thing is how reasonable some of the prices are...well below the actual value of the speakers!! Since Klipsch started selling Reference they have been able to expand their facilities, and facilitate new hires. Over a two year period, the RF3 out sold almost every other similar product in the market. Many people seem to like the sound of the 'new' Klipsch. Sure, lot's of different lines over the years -- and Klipsch kept banging away until they got it right. Now they have a winner. I imagine Reference will be around until it's not selling well anymore. If recent numbers are indicative of anything, it is that they will be selling for quite some time. Also note that the REASON for the sale of most of these are due to estate sales, people moving in to smaller quarters with no room for them, etc....never are they sold because the owner doesn't like the sound!!! Show me just one eBay ad where the owner is getting rid of them because he prefers another speaker's sound!!!(unless of course it is a better Klipsch heritage model!!) And of course if I were trying to sell a speaker I would advertise the reason for selling as "do not like the sound". Truth is, most speaker sales are exactly just that -- attempting to find another sound preferable to what one has presently. Many are without a doubt advertised as being sold for reasons related to estate -- but that doesn't mean that is the real reason, much less the only reason. Sad thing about all of this is how many good heritage speakers are being gutted by the speaker ghouls to sell the components separately, since they get more for them than the speakers would bring on their own!!! Must be because the cabinets are so ugly Only kidding!!! Seriously, I do wish Klipsch would create a Reference speaker with the build quality of Heritage. You'll get no argument from me here on this. I would gladly pay $500 more for a better cabinet. Want to build me a couple But, also realize this: If Klipsch ever announces it will NEVER manufacture any of the heritage line again...just watch those eBay prices for Heritage speakers skyrocket!!!! Actually, I am a bit surprised the sellers haven't used PWK's passing to jack up their reserves yet!! This is certainly true. TBrennan Man, you are brutal. Please stop with the 'cones suck' posts. Besides, I dont agree. ...they DON'T make them like they used to. They sure don't, but it's not the end of the world. Reference, and most speakers will sure not take the abuse of any Heritage speaker -- but I'm sure they will last just as long. I just saw a mint set of Advents sell on Ebay, and them suckers were 30 years old. Yep, sure can't drop MDF speakers off the back of a truck the solution to keeping them nice is not to drop them off the back of a truck. ...this old hornie doesn't want to hear 2200 hz coming from a cone, no sir. That's what Bose is for. I'm sorry you're an old hornie Tom, but us new hornies like the new cones just fine. I mean c'mon, 2200Hz isnt all that bad for a $2000 two-way. Also, 1)... some of that is being reproduced by the horn due to overlapping from the crossover. 2)... there are two 10's sharing the output, which cuts down on IM distortion. 3)... the material used for the 10's is very light and very well damped as compared to paper or plastic -- which aids in both control and speed. 4) ... And since the lowest bass is being reproduced by the port, the 10's are not required to 'move' all that much. I've driven mine to ear blistering levels, and driver movement is barely discernable, visually or audibly. Use an SVS sub or two, cut at 50Hz, and its a grand sounding system. Simply fabulous. There have been NO basic improvements in horn speaker technology since the mid 1940s. O.K. No BASIC improvements. How about improvements in the materials utilized, the tighter tolerances inherent in modern day manufacturing, and extensive computer modeling used in design. You know, my RF7's have no internal bracing. None. Well, there is that 'Double Paned Window Bracing' (I think that's what it's called), and those rolled up wads of acoustic foam -- but I'll be dipped if they are actually doing anything. At any rate, compared to the bracing used in most high-end speakers, it is a complete joke. The RF7 fails the knuckle rap test. Fails it miserably. I know those panels are resonating. They must be in a bad way. But you know something? I can't hear it!! The RF7's should sound slow, fat, bloated, muddy, and boomy. There should be NO midrange, since the resonating panels should be mucking it up without mercy. Yet, that is not what I hear. The RF7's reproduce a tight, well-defined bass with no hint of boominess. The mids are clear and rich, and never do you sense they are being pinched off by the mid-bass or the resonances. They are tight and clear from top to bottom. How do we account for this? Am I going deaf? Or can we say that computer modeling enables engineers to properly compensate for the cabinet resonances in the crossover design, and at the same time factor in the remaining competing variables, which leads to a balanced, dandy sounding design? Is it fair that we can also deduce that better materials, and tighter tolerances during driver manufacture are also contributing factors? I know all the common responses. We have been down this road before. I'll be told that the anodized drivers are nothing revolutionary, and that you can't overcome the limitations of the cone, yada, yada, and yada. We just have to agree to disagree. And direct-radiator technology has yet to reach what horns were doing in 1945. So horns have no weaknesses, or inherent problems? Always superior to the DR in every situation or application. I'm sorry, but I'm just not buying into these arguments anymore. Besides, in spite of prevailing old hornie opinions -- the cone has made some progress ( ceramic/metal matrix ). A modern, high-quality compression driver is identical to one made in 1938 except that the field-coil magnet has been replaced by a permanent magnet and an inferior sounding titanium diaphragm is now often used instead of aluminum, titanium having better power handling. I always preferred the sound of titanium drivers to aluminum. What aspect of titanium is it that contributes to its inferiority? Aluminum hurts my ears. The Cornwall is an inherently better speaker than the RF-7. It only takes the woofer to 600hz, thus lowering distortion that occurs when a woofer is reproducing both bass and midrange. So, with this argument -- all three-ways ever made should sound better than the RF7. I mean, all three- ways have lower distortion than the RF7, so they must sound better. Cornwall...uses a dedicated horn midrange which gives lower distortion, better dynamics and better clarity. Additional crossover distortion, unevenness in the frequency response, and cabinet resonances non-withstanding. Besides, that dedicated horn midrange gives me a headache. The RF-7 takes the woofer up to around 2200hz, not the ideal way to make a speaker. Like the RB5 that goes up to 1900Hz but stomps everything up to the $2500 price point (including most multi-way designs like some of the Vandersteens, Paradigms, Magnapans, Bostons, etc). I for one have never liked the sound of most multi-driver designs. This is strictly my preference of course. There is just something about them that does not sound "right" to me. I have tried many times to like them -- but have always dropped back to a two-way. To my ears, two-ways just sound smoother and richer. The RF-7 is a much more compromised speaker; compromises to make the speaker cheaper to build... Thank God -- at least I can afford to buy them! I don't think the Heritage drivers have squat on the Reference line drivers. Sturdier cabinets, but that it as far as I can tell. ... and more fashionable in terms of what people like to look at nowadays: small, tall and narrow. Nice for home theater. Yep, I can set up my RF7's without a forklift. As a matter of fact, they actually fit through the front door, can be placed in my humble listening room -- and I still have room for a chair! The RFs have their fans and are decent speakers but are not up to the quality of the speakers designed by the company's founder, PWK. "Quality", such a subjective thing. I have better advice. Listen and compare before you buy, or you could be crying in your beer. Get the Cornwalls, if nothing else they'll hold their value... Really, you will have a collectible that you might not like to listen too, but can always use to store stuff inside of them. You can also sit and look at them -- reminding you how much they are "worth". ...who'll want RFs in a few years when some "newer, better" speaker has replaced them... Me. Keep them nice and don't drop them off the back of a truck. Don't run your vacuum cleaner into the bottom of them, don't let your cat hang off the drivers, and try to make sure your kid's head doesn't get stuck in one of the ports -- and I'll buy them. just like the Epics and Legends and the other lines that have come and gone at a dizzying pace. Earbleeders all I express some fact and some opinion. Ya think? ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-28-2002 at 11:58 PM
i'm telling you unequivocally SVS quit playing with these little boxes and get a real sub ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
No, do not have the B&K anymore. I took a ride with it for a while and then sold it and bought a Bryston 3B-ST. This lasted about a month -- and then decided I just preferred the sound of tubes. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
I love it when I learn something thanks ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
SACD is the bomb. Must get Roger Water's 'In the Flesh', Alice in Chains 'Greatest Hits', and Santana 'Abraxes'. Guana Apes 'Take no names' is now being released in Germany. If these 4 are the only SACD's I ever own -- I'll still be glad I can do SACD playback. The new Sony's on Redbook are simply amazing for the money. Would have cost $2000 to get this kind of sound out of CD 10 years ago. It's a great time to be into audio. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
email brent jesse he's a walking tube catalog ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
How do you define 'high-end sound card'? I think it is very difficult to get a real apples to apples comparison between vinyl and CD. Each does certain things better than the other, and they just simply do things differently. Also, the cost/performance ratio argument can be misleading. When I see the cost of the some of the top vinyl rigs, I simply gag. Give me 1/2 as much money for a good Redbook transport/DAC, and I will do very well indeed. I had a nice rig back in the late 70's. Good table with moving coil. When CD originally came out -- I thought it just sounded horrid. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation low cost DACs, and half deaf recording engineers -- did not mix well. Somewhere in the mid 90's however, it seems things started to come together for PCM. 15 years of technological advances, combined with 15 years of digital experience in the studio (compare any of the early CD recordings to the new 20 bit and more remasters of the same material) -- have brought PCM to a more than acceptable standard. One simply can not compare the 1980 PCM standard to the 2002 PCM standard. It's like comparing a decent vinyl rig to a Gramophone. I think it's that big of a difference. I had just recently sold my Anthem CD-1 (paid $1700 in 1996) and bought a Sony DVPS-9000ES. I did this primarily to try SACD, but at the same time being prepared to be completely let down with it's Redbook playback capability. However, I was instead immediately struck with the superiority of the sound as compared to the Anthem. Evidently, much was accomplished in the six years between the manufacture of my 'high-end' Anthem and my 'mid-fi' Sony. It may have taken 20 years -- but the CD has finally arrived. Redbook may always have a touch of that digital haze, but it gives you dynamics and clarity in spades. Vinyl will always sound a bit compressed, but gives a smoothness and a somewhat expanded soundstage. At this point in the game it is merely a matter of preference. I don't think one can any longer say -- "Man, CD's sound like shite" Now of course we have SACD and DVD-A. Another 10 years and I think we can put our vinyl away. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-21-2002 at 04:05 PM
Please comment on your observations of this speaker. I have never heard the RF5. However, based on previous posts regarding this speaker the indication is that it is marvelous. As to the differences between it and the RF7 -- I do know that they are 'voiced' somewhat differently, with the RF5's strength being in the reproduction of voices. The RF7's strength would be higher efficiency, lower bass extension, and addtional dynamics, especially micro-dynamics. The RF7 uses the "better" HF driver. The RF5 uses the same driver as the RB5 & RF3, but with a larger horn assembly. I have been trying to get opinions on this particular model but have only been successful in finding opinions on the RF-3. I have heard the RF-3 with my own JoLida 302a and was impressed. I have heard the RF-5 with a terrible HT receiver with terrible zip cord in a terrible listenning environment. Those of you who are from Champaign, IL know the store I'm talking about. I could not make any quality observations under those conditions. I would not judge the sound coming out of any Klipsch speaker being powered with an el-cheapo HT receiver. I agree that this is almost a complete waste of time. If I do purchase these speakers, they would be run with my Rogue M-120 amps in Triode mode with Svetlana KT-88s and Mullard 12s. My cables and power cords are all Harmonic tech. My preamp is BAT VK-3i with Visseaux and Mullard tubes. CDP is Wadia 830. Phono is Pro-Ject 6.1 with Grado Sonata. Tice Power Block 3c conditioner. Would this be a good match? Nice setup. Yes, a good match. However, the RF7 would be a considerable leap in performance. My current speakers are Hales Rev. Three. I have a subwoofer so bass is not a concern. This is why I am cosidering the 5s over the 7s. The Hales huh? How did you end up with a pair of those 'sissy' speakers Though the sub negates the difference in LF extension between the 5 & 7, you should not forget to consider that since the RF7's uses two 10's instead of two 8's -- the distortion levels at any given SPL will be lower with the RF7's, because the drivers simply do not have to move as much to produce to the same SPL as the RF5's. Also, since the RF7's have a larger front baffle -- the soundstage tends to be larger as well. To purchase these speakers from the local dealer would cost me an extra $500. I can order them in maple wood for $1,000 BUT no warranty. How big of a factor is this? When you say "these speakers", I am assuming you mean the RF5's? An extra $500 more than what? I don't really understand what you are saying here. As far as a set of RF5's in maple for $1000 and no warranty -- I can only wonder who you would be buying them from with no warranty. Evidently they are not a Klipsch authorized dealer, and I would imagine you are not buying them from the same dealer that you heard them at. At any rate, a good deal. And yes, if you blow a driver, you can always order a replacement driver from Klipsch and install it yourself. No biggie. However, you are not likely to blow a driver. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
I've always found the Epic interesting - but have never had the chance to hear them. I always wanted to hear the KLF10 also -- but never had the chance. I know a lot of folks like that middle driver -- it's just too much for me. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
Would you believe that's actually a pretty fair price on those Mullards? I would buy the EL-84 Tesla JJ's (Slovakian) from 'Ned' at Triode Electronics here . Click on 'tubes' on the right and find your tube. The Teslas in Matched quad will run you $39.90. He also has the Tesla 12AX7's in matched pairs for $19.00. I couldn't find your 6CA4's there. For NOS and hard to find tubes I would use Brent Jesse. You can find him here . After you get to the page, use your browser find utility (for IExplorer click on edit, scroll down to find) and search the page for your tube you need. Looks like he has the 6CA4 for $10.00 a piece. You could also buy your 12AX7's from him if you wanted. They would be NOS and might cost a little more. Welcome to tube hell ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-19-2002 at 06:05 PM
RF7 in Maple RF7 in Cherry RF7 in Black Ash RF5 RB5 RF3 anything after this -- doesn't really matter much to me i have just always preferred the sound of two-way designs ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
First name and middle initial - Dean Gregory No last name, because somewhere, somehow - I got the silly idea that people were supposed to try and stay anomynous on messages boards. My moniker started out as the 'paper airplane', and after a few hundred posts I promoted myself to the 'UFO', which is more appropriate anyways -- because of my facination with them, and all things paranormal. Hey Wes, what do you think of Sasquatch, Wendigos, Ball of Lights, ectoplasm, and inner space. Guess we'll have to talk about that on some other board Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-18-2002 at 05:09 PM
Hi Chris - howa doin? You put that Super Amp back where it belongs ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
uhg - i was editing my post while you were responding. at any rate -- where do you stick this thing? see the pic of my system config in my last post. BTW -- the RF7's are horn loaded, at least they try to be I can drive people out of the room with 15 watts no problem. What I'm worried about is the impedence. What kind of load will that present to my amp? ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-16-2002 at 04:23 PM
Not me -- I got a measly 15 watt triode amp. I don't think I can push another set of speakers with it. I do have a free channel on the amp driving my sub. So where do I stick this thing? There is no online documetation for it. Attached is my system configuration. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-16-2002 at 04:13 PM
The only person I would trust with this is Brent Jesse -- of Brent Jesse Recording. I found all the tubes you need -- provided I read the schematic correctly. email Brent here , and tell him you would like to buy the following: One 5Y3/GT@ $11.00 each One 7F7@ $8.00 each One 7A6@ $3.00 each One 6SQ7@ $4.50 each Two 7C5@ $5.00 each Two 6SN7@ $17.00 - $20.00 each Shipping will be $4.80 with Priority Mail. So you are looking at $75. Not bad. I'm not 100% sure which 6SN7 you can use. Clipped & Shorn, or someone else from this site probably knows for sure. Brent himself probably knows too. It may not even matter, hell, I don't know. It will be one of these two: RC7 6SN7GT/A/B RCA blackplate, short glass envelope. or RCA6SN7GT blackplate Greyglass Various USA Brands (RCA or GE made) - older style 6SN7, mid to late 1940s. Medium glass envelope, grey inner glass coating (RCA made) or black coating (GE /KenRad made). Good luck! ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-16-2002 at 03:50 PM
clean it up nice and replace the tubes it's perfect for a la Scala center channel ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
I finally got around to plotting my in-room response for my system. The meter was 8 feet away, right where my chair sits. Very revealing. I found out I must really like bass I took the readings after watching a movie, and was quite surprised at what I found. Jeesh. The setting for the SVS sub is only a notch more than where I set it for music. I will post the graph again as soon as I have made the proper adjusments and factored in the additional values necessary to make the Radio Shack readings accurate. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-29-2002 at 07:32 PM
I remember the Hafler thing and I am interested in trying it. What do I need? 2 speakers, another amp (with a volume control), and wire the speakers out of phase? Just flip the wires at the speaker right? Or is that polarity? Jeesh...I think I've lost some brain matter over the years. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
Ed said How do you have the Sony hooked up? Video out to the TV and 2 channel out to the Line 1? Do you have a HDTV and what video out method are you using (component out?)? Sorry for so many questions. Yes, I have the Sony going straight into the preamp. I leave the S-video cord plugged into the back of the Sony, and when I want to watch a movie, I roll the TV in front of my rack and plug the other end of the S-video cable into the TV. When I done, I roll the TV back out of the way for music. I don't have HDTV. All my money goes into 2-channel. Maybe someday. At any rate, I'm not totally sure -- but I think HDTV requires that the component outs be used. I'm pretty excited right now about another product I fell into. I bought the HSU electronic crossover with the really nice parts so I could get the cleanest signal possible on my high pass using my sub. What a great product. It's the first time I have ever used a high pass without noticing some signal degradation. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-07-2002 at 08:51 PM
mace I'm pretty sure it's region 1 only. There is a hack to get into this thing and make it play all regions, but I'll be dipped if I know how to do it. It's also 60Hz/120V only - sorry. craig your killing man -- you still doing this? ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
see you on the other side Mr. Klipsch thanks for everything ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>