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  1. No, I don't own a Bottlehead - that's on my bucket list when (and if) I retire. Still a pipe dream. I've never owned a Decware amplifier either. One or other will be paired with AK6s which is also in my wish list for next year.
  2. Sorry, I haven''t read this whole thread, but has the OP any idea the frequency of this 'hum'?. I know some Decware stuff can hum a little, which is no big deal normally, but I wonder if there is a room dependent frequency mode which is accentuating the in room Decware hum. I recently moved my gear into a smaller room, and this room 'featured' a 6 db boost @ 45 Hz! I've tuned out this peak using my RME ADI-2 Dac's built in equalizer. P.S. Decware makes some great stuff. I'm seriously considering ordering the little SE84UFO3 - despite the long wait.
  3. Awesome video dwilawyer. Thanks for posting it. I take it from this video that the new top hat grill is removable?
  4. There's a positive side to the price increases - owners of older Heritage models may find their speakers have increased in value!
  5. I have wondered myself as to how DIY sealed backs compare to factory versions.
  6. You're on the money. It should open up for more sales from those that previously disregarded Klipschorns' because they had difficult rooms. I reckon Klipsch didn't just screw random pieces of chip board to seal the backs - they would have done some fancy engineering to tweak the sound for sealed back operation.
  7. Hi Dean, Temple Audio Bantam Gold from England. 25 watts per channel (4 ohms). Cost - 200 English pounds and they will ship overseas. This is my current favourite desk top amplifier. It will run my Heresy lll's in a large room beautifully and the amplifier will make nice sounds with my Stirling LS3/5a's in smaller listening spaces. Edwin.
  8. Living in Australia, I would never be able to audition before buying. It would be a leap of faith. I was the lucky owner of a pair of AK3's for several years. They were amazing speakers, but bad corners made positioning problematic. The new Klipschorn may very well be an option for more difficult rooms like mine.
  9. No, Schu. I haven't heard nor seen the latest version. My comments are based on Klipsch's latest product page information. Reading more about it, it looks as though Klipsch have done a major redesign of the bass horn.
  10. I like the new design. The cherry finish is great. It features a new neodymium tweeter and an enclosed low frequency horn design. This will give it more flexibility with room placement.
  11. Nice products. I didn't know about them. Thanks for posting the link.
  12. Congratulations. I've been seriously considering upgrading my Heresy iii to the Cornwall iii. Any pics yet?
  13. I've never seen an AK5 unboxing either, Schu. I'm surprised it hasn't been posted before.
  14. The Mackie Big Knob Passive Controllers are highly regarded and are well priced: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/BigKnobPass
  15. Lucky You. if it was me, I wouldn't be able to sleep a wink.
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