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Everything posted by 126mhz

  1. I'm a bit bummed out, but to make a long story short I KNOW I need to get to the woofer on one of my beloved LaScalas. I'm not saying it's blown but I just installed a brand new pair of AA crossovers to correct what I thonght was an issue with the original AL crossovers, now I'm sure I need to get inside the cabnet that holds the woofer. I want to do it as cleanly as possible. Maybe it's just the wire disconnected on the inside aspect, (inside the cabnet) but it's connected on the outside. Whatever it takes I will sort this out because I LOVE this pair of speakers and they on on the HiFi I have in my living room. Suggestions? As always thanks folks, Bill Woodward
  2. You know what they say about opinions,....So here's mine. IF you have fairly efficent speakers I don't beleve anything can touch a Scott 299. (I have a "D" in one of my HiFi systems) Keep a lookout I found mine for around $500.00. Regards, Bill Woodward
  3. I can say I have dealt with Kilpsch customer service three times. All three times it was an absolute pleasure. It really makes me happy that an American company selling high end products can be so responsive. If Klipsch sells whatever you need through their customer service department, I'd go for it. Bill Woodward
  4. Don't mean to flame you my friend but knowing where these fine speakers sit in the Kilpsch lineup did you really expect members of the Kilpsch Forum to say; "Na don't keep 'em the damm things are piles of crap?" In my opinion the audio world is exactly like the art world. I was taught if art makes you feel pleasure, if it touches you, it's good art. (a very cool missionary teacher of mine in High School who is also an accomplished artist) If an audio component sounds good in your system, it's a good component. I think this is more true with speakers than with anything else. My two centavos. Bill Woodward
  5. I have a mint pair of birch La Scalas from 1985? I drive them with a Dynaco ST70 and a Mapletree 4A SE Pre. I also use a Sunfire True Sub that I just got back from Carver/Sunfire in Snohomish, Wa. (It has been completely gone through with all new Caps and a new cabnet) While I too love the LaScalas and never plan to get rid of them, my set up needs a fair amount of volume to get any real bass out of them. I'm driving the sub off one of the outputs on the Mapletree pre and I am almost happy with them at low volume levels when I'm listening to Miles Davis, ("Kind of Blue") they do seem to come alive a higher volumes listening to Joe Walsh, "The Smoker I Drink the Player I Get." In contrast I have a pair of Kilpsch KP301s, which I beleive are almost like a industrial Cornwall on my basement system. I use a Scott 299D to drive them with a old Carver C4000 Pre and they really pump out the bass with almost any music. I'm open to advice and will continue to try new tweaks on my LaScala system. Regards, Bill Woodward
  6. ---------------- On 6/19/2005 1:05:50 AM arfandbark wrote: Craig reeks of tobacco, I've heard.. Burn on, NOS. Smellovision. WOOF! ---------------- There might be something to this,..... Bill Woodward
  7. Hello all: I have spoken to Craig at nosvalves a few times over the phone, mostly about me sending my C11 Mac Pre that I purchased from the original owner, (my neighbor) for it's forty four year service! Well I sent him my C11 to him with instructions for him to make it, "As good as it can be" without modifications. During one of our conversations I told him about one of my HiFis that uses a Scott 299D that's been completely redone. I told him I was looking for a nice Scott tuner to match it. He told me about a LT110B, (Kit version of a 350C) that was his personal tuner that he'd gone through that he was willing to part with. Jeeze it's nice to buy something that is delivered as promised in the condition the seller said it was in. It's just beautuful and it's a pleasure to listen to. I can't wait for the C11! Craig is a good egg. Bill Woodward
  8. I make all my own speaker cables and most of my interconnects. I beleive the biggest voodoo segment of the audio market is speaker cables, interconnects, and power cords. Having said that one of the top reasons I like this site is the "Real World" sage advice I have received. I need two IEC power cords, at least five feet in length and I'd prefer them to match. I found some company from China, (on Ebay) that sells some dolled up cables that seem to be pretty nice by looking at their specs. They are about forty bucks which is the top end of what I would like to pay but the catch is that they need twenty bucks for shipping. Any suggestions on where I can pick up a couple of IEC matching cords that are at least five feet long? As always thanks, Bill Woodward
  9. On a serious note, once again this is an example of why this is my favorite audio web site. I appreciate the input greatly. I'll be selling a couple of componets lying around and picking up my Juicy preamplifier, now I think I know where I stand amplifier wise. Regards, Bill Woodward
  10. I do appreciate the advice and trust me, I already love my ST70. I always liked it but a new board and caps, etc. have made it something I never want to part with. Regards, Bill Woodward
  11. I just said my main system has "To Be Able" to play at deafening levels. Miles Davis, (as mentioned) and the likes of Buena Vista Social Club get their air time at levels that really make me appreciate 104db effecient speakers. But thanks for your input. Bill Woodward
  12. As all of my two channel systems seem to be in a state of flux, I am now working towards my version of nervana on my main system. I have a pair of as new birch La Scalas and am looking for a low watt tube amp. or amps. if it's a monoblock set.. I will be using it with a juicy pre amp, (one flavor or another) I listen to a a wide range of music but between Miles Davis and The Buena Vista Social Club I will need it to play "In The City" (The Eagles off "The Long Run.") at almost deafening levels. (My favorite Joe Walsh tune!) To keep the total cost of my purchase in my range I need to limit the cost to about $1500.00 total) Do you believe what I may be able to purchase in a ten watt or below amp. will give me better sound than my competely gone through ST70? I truly appreciate the advice and opinions. Bill Woodward P.S. Right now with a Maple Tree 4A SE (Pre), a ST70, with my La Scalas and a MKII Sunfire sub I get some fairly high quality loud rock and roll. I just wonder if I can get better overall sound with some lower wattage, higher quality power.
  13. ---------------- On 5/22/2005 12:47:08 AM NOSValves wrote: Bill, If your not looking for a Tuner that will yank in weak stations from a distance all the Scotts work pretty darn good. I've been using a LT112B which is a early Scott SS design that works really well and sounds very good of course my tuner tech stuffed it full of Black Gates and I installed some really good coupling caps in the crucial places. If you are in the market for a nice Scott tube tuner I have a really nice LT110B that is freshened up and aligned works great 1 year warranty to boot $275 shipped(alignment and work alone would be around $200). I just scored a 5 ganged IF Fisher that I'm going to go hog wild on so I'm going to sell my Scott tube unit. I really wanted to get a 310E but I bid $650 on the last one and was beat out and its just getting to be more money then I'm willing to spend to listen to the darn radio. Craig ---------------- Hi Craig: I appreciate the advice, I may give you a call Monday or Tuesday to talk about the tuner as well as my Mac C11 pre thats needs it's forty four year service. Thanks again, Bill Woodward
  14. I understand it's not a flagship 310E but how good a tuner are these thought to be. FM Tuner information page doesn't talk about the 370B. Information or your personal impressions would be appreciated. Regards, Bill Woodward
  15. Maybe. Bill Woodward
  16. I've purchased quite a few items from Kirt. Most of them were under $600.00 and that's very low for the audio gear Echo sells. I've only have had one problem with one of the purchases I've made form Kirt, a Sunfire Mark II true sub and Kirt was very good about sending it up to Sunfire for me and working out a deal where he paid for most of ithe cost of repair and I paid the rest. I always try to talk with Kirt bacause I haven't always felt as though the other guy that works with/for Kirt has much time for people who don't want to dump a couple of thousand at a pop. The only reason I mention it is bacause Ive have had more than one customer who's been in the store with me at the same time say they felt the same way. Bill Woodward
  17. No offense intended,...But why offer anything for sale if it's already listed on Ebay? I'm sure they'll sell on Ebay,... Regards, Bill Woodward
  18. Like I said Craig if you're correct, (and you're not the first to say it) I will be selling the Mac on Audiogon. They still command pretty good money and mine is is very good condition, even for a Mac afectionado's taste. Bill Woodward
  19. ---------------- On 4/24/2005 8:38:03 PM NOSValves wrote: Yup the Mapletree is a real steal even at its full retail price been saying it to people for almsot 2 years now. You should hear one that has some more special touches done to it like the one I just broke down and sold to a local customer. Not to toot my own horn but I'm the one the developed the SE version of that preamp and talked him into it! I also built the very first tube rectified power supply for it. Its not up there with the Peach or Blueberry but its a pretty darn nice sounding preamp. Craig ---------------- If you played any part in helping develop this fine little preamp my hat is off to you friend! I don't have the background in the technology to say what the seperate little power supply adds to the total setup but this little preamp and matching power supply go very well together,...I'm very happy with them! My relative pea brain still can't understand why they sound so much better than my C11 McIntosh pre but it's only fair to say the Mac is forty four years old. It will be interesting to hear the difference after the Mac has been gone through by Terry Dewick down in TN.. What a cool hobby this has been for me, to hear the sometimes slight differences in the sound of various components in one of my HiFi sets. If one is willing to look around and learn a little bit from web sites like this one theres a lot of bang for the buck to be had. With as many different systems I have in my house and garage I have a feeling I'll be doing some business with you before it's all over with. Thanks for the input. Regards, Bill Woodward
  20. Well after reading the reviews of the Blueberry and the Peach by Juicy Music I think I'm going to go ahead and pick one of them up,....Just as soon as I can justify about five times as much as I paid for my little Mapletree Pre. My Klipsch KP301 101db speakers ran me $500.00, My as new birch LaScalas were $500.00 (although I agree they were my deal of a lifetime) I have slightly less than $500.00 in my completely redone Dynaco ST70,... My completely redone Scott 299D was less than half of a Juicy Music Peach or Blueberry. You call me cheap I say thank you. I have a strong feeling I won't be owning any of Juicy Music's products in the near future. Perhaps it's my loss but JM's product range are just a bit out of my range. Regards, Bill Woodward
  21. My Mapletree pre has the SE "Special Edition" package with Auricap and Blackgate caps. I may try another pre amp for one of my other systems but right now I can't see getting rid of it knowing it's less than a year old and cost be a pinch over four hundred bucks,.... It's just too good for the money I have in this little pair. Bill Woodward
  22. I'm not made of money and I love my ST70. I have right at $500.00 in it including having all new caps installed. I don't know how much coin a guy would have to spend to get the same performance and sound. Welcome to "Vintage" tube sound. Bill Woodward
  23. I needed something to use when I send my McIntosh C11 all tube Preamp in for it's forty four year service! It as listed on Audiogon and the guy sellig it was local so I went and looked at it and bought it without even listening to it. I'm using it with a Dynaco ST70 that's been redone and my LaScalas,....Wow! I'm no expert but I had no idea this little package could make such a difference. I have a feeling that when I get my Mac back I might just sell it on Audiogon. Has anyone else owned or listented to any of Mapletree's gear? I tried to give you guys a link to their web site but I could not get it to attach. Regards, Bill Woodward
  24. ---------------- On 4/16/2005 2:09:40 PM meuge wrote: What you could do is measure the bass frequency response of your Lascalas... then just run a pre-out wire to the Sunfire like you said, and keep dropping the crossover until it's low enough that the response is flattened, but extended lower. Of course, a better option would be to obtain an external crossover like the Outlaw ICBM I am using now, but if you'd rather not spend money, the above is a workable option. ---------------- Thanks Meuge, but I have a VERY basic understanding of the outlaw crossover. I believe I saw a picture of one of these posted on this site and I have a question or two about wiring it into my system. Will I have to change the small spades on the speaker cablesI just constructed? Is the outlaw crossover a passive system? How much does it cost? Can you vary the crossover frequency easily with the outlaw crossover? Thank you all very much for the input. Bill Woodward
  25. Before i try something I want to ask the group who has given me so much help with my HiFi in the past. I have a Dynaco ST70, and a McIntosh C11 tube preamp. As we all know there is no provision on this Preamp to send signal to a subwoofer which I would like to use with my La Scalas. FIRST, I know I could use a crossover to run a signal to this sub, but I'd rather not buy something new, etc. etc.. SO, since my Sunfire MkII True Sub has it's own crossover WHY can't I just run some wire off one of the output channels of my Dynaco to the Sunfire?? It seems to me that it has to work and I can't see how this could do any harm to my Dynaco,....could it? All educated advice is welcome. Once again, thanks all, Bill Woodward
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